Hi Mitch,
I don't think it will, though. Without knowing the biography of every man alive in the UK (or overseas) at the time, how can one possibly do a "bottom-up" search to find a man with the right antecedents to fit any proposed model? Apart from the sillier "celebrity suspects", the biographies of known suspects are sketchy at best, and even for those we have tangible reasons why one suspect has a greater or lesser claim than another. These reasons generally boil down to geography, timing, evidence of generally violent behaviour, etc - all of which have little to do with whether or not we choose to label him a "sexual killer" or not.
Were we to find a suspect who satisfied all the temporal, geographical and behavioural criteria - heck, even if we found a verifiable confession! - we would still be in a position where people would argue about labels. "Yes he was/No he wasn't" - I don't think it matters. He killed women, cut them open and mutilated them, period. Whether we call him a sexual murderer, a necrophile, a "deconstructionist" or an "expressionist" doesn't alter the facts about what he did, nor indeed who he was, in the least.
Originally posted by Mitch Rowe
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Were we to find a suspect who satisfied all the temporal, geographical and behavioural criteria - heck, even if we found a verifiable confession! - we would still be in a position where people would argue about labels. "Yes he was/No he wasn't" - I don't think it matters. He killed women, cut them open and mutilated them, period. Whether we call him a sexual murderer, a necrophile, a "deconstructionist" or an "expressionist" doesn't alter the facts about what he did, nor indeed who he was, in the least.