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I walked the streets of old Whitechapel

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  • I walked the streets of old Whitechapel

    No I'm not the reincarnation of Jack! But my late Grandad used to own a Die-Sinking and Engraving business in Turnmill St EC.1 (A C H Huggins)(part of the old Booths Gin building) until the early 70's when he eventually sold it and retired. He also employed my mum as secretary and 2 other men, one of whom lived locally (more on him later). In the late 60's and early 70's he used to frequently take me to work with him especially during the school holidays and some Saturdays.
    Grandad was a bit of a JtR and general crime fanatic (it obviously rubbed off on me!) and pretty soon I was treated to visits to the nearby East End and the scenes of Jack's dirty deeds. Of course this was well before the regeneration of Whitechapel and surrounding areas. I consider myself very fortunate to have walked those streets pretty much as Jack would have seen them, even though I was only 8-12 years old, I still carry the memories. I just wished we'd had a camera with us! My greatest impressions were of the downright griminess of the area, along with just how narrow the streets were and the feeling of being "hemmed in" by some of the larger tenement blocks and warehouses looming above you on either side. It was an atmospheric place still, even 80 years after. It was almost like the very fabric of the place still held those brooding memories. Of course being dilapidated didn't help, but even so those streets were just so dark and menacing.
    Re. the local man that Grandad employed; his name was Henry Abraham and he was a Jew then living in Bow. Grandad had discussed the Whitechapel murders with him on a number of occasions apparently, and I was later told (around the time of a TV series on JtR in the 70's I think), that Abrahams family had always lived in the area since arriving in the East end from eastern Europe well before the murders began. Importantly Abrahams had told Grandad that it was a handed down story within his family from generation to generation, that the culprit was actually one of their own (a Jew) who had been "protected" (that might be too strong a word) by his community until the man had been "removed" from the community and the locale by being admitted to a lunatic asylum. If I remember at the time of this TV series all manner of eccentric characters were being suggested for JtR, including surgeons and Royalty, something that apparently made Abrahams laugh!
    Of course this is not real evidence but just hearsay, however I relate it here as being a tad of information from a time 40 odd years closer to the killings than today. The East end was still a tight-nit community back then and this sort of tit-bit would be very hard to find from the area today.

  • #2
    Originally posted by eighty-eighter View Post
    ......The East end was still a tight-nit community back then and this sort of tit-bit would be very hard to find from the area today.
    Hello eighty-eighter,

    This might sound a tad stupid... but bear with me? :-) If the community was a s tight knit as you say.. (and the point here is simple)... then many many Jewish families..or others, down the years, would have had the secret within their upbringing.

    I can only speak for my own family, non-jewish, but according to them they had no clue at all who it was. Down the generations.

    The East End folk are as proud as punch of one thing.. cleaning up their own mess. Believe me, had it happened, they would have, in later generations, shouted it from the rooftops... "we did it... whilst the coppers ran around chasing their own tails.".. sort of thing. It would have gone into folk-lore..THEY sorted it out. Whether said killer was a Jew or not.
    It is quite clear from an overriding silence, that they didn't do that. As to keeping it schtumm.... no way... wouldn't be East End-like in the generations since.

    Even the Krays and the Richardsons, who have mentioned the JTR thing...didnt name a name. They had ideas...but no names. THAT tells me a lot.

    Merry Xmas to you and yoiur loved ones :-)

    Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

    Justice for the 96 = achieved
    Accountability? ....


    • #3
      Hello Phil, yes tight-knit not tight-nit - my spelling woopsy!

      No name was ever forthcoming from this employee, but then he probably didn't know one. I think the Jewish community was probably the tightest-knit of all. Just a titbit of information from the distant past that may or may not have a true origin. Interesting though, and my Grandad took him for word. Me, I'm not so sure.


      • #4
        What a lucky lad you were, that memory is replayed whenever you want to walk the streets of Whitechapel, as it were.

        The one you describe, if you don't know it, was Kosminski, by all you have said. A Jew, put in an asylum...wonder if it was the common talk only or the known truth.

        I have read somewhere that in the old days they also said after the murders there was a ghost seen, on the street where one of the murdered JTR girls laid dead.

        Supposedly the form of a woman in white, sitting half up on the street in the same spot and then slowly laying down, with the behavior of someone dying.

        Had you heard of this? Or any other things about the murders? Or the description of the man they suspected?


        • #5
          Hi Beo, yes I knew that there were a total of 3 Jewish names in the mix, Kosminski as you say, a Kaminsky (I think, which may or may not have been the same man) and a Cohen. Unfortunately no name was ever forthcoming for this suspect probably because the employee either didn't know and it was just a rumour, or he wanted to protect a family name.
          Yes I've heard of ghost sightings back then. Another one involved 29 Hanbury Street I believe and was reported as a man and a woman in the clothes of the 1880's, they were seen outside the entrance of the house (I'm not sure whether back or front) just talking. The witness looked away for a moment and upon looking back they were gone. I think the description was pretty vague - just long 1880's style clothing which would definitely have clashed with that of the 60's! I think I might have some more info on that one, I'll look it up later.
          That address I found particularly spooky. Of course when I saw it the property was empty and derelict, but there was something about it that just spoke of what had happened in its backyard. It was sooty and grimy and I recall old green paint (similar in shade to what British Rail used to use)peeling off the woodwork. It was locked of course. The whole house just resonated evil for me.


          • #6
            This is fascinating to me. Can there be anything more interesting than a Jack the Ripper ghost story?

            Those stories seem also to be being lost to time and it's good to see it reproduced here by someone who had heard them.

            The area, if any area on the planet, would be likely to produce something like that. I wonder if that couple would be the Ripper in conversation with his prospective victim, or just a couple from the time. I'd love to know the witnesses feelings on that.

            The description you give of Hanbury street is very spooky. Of course the prior knowledge of the crime would give one that feeling but also the locked building, peeling old paint, derelict atmosphere...



            • #7
              There used to be on you tube the James Mason clip from the backyard of Hanbury St, but it seems to have disappeared.


              • #8
                From what I recall the couple were seen on more than one occasion and yes they were only ever seen very close together as if in private conversation. I believe the fact that they both wore "funny hats" and seemed shorter than average first set alarm bells ringing at the time. Pretty soon experts came forward to point out the history of the exact location they were witnessed by, and conclusions were quickly drawn that they could have been the ripper and his victim. Who knows what was replayed inside the house or rear yard?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Robert View Post
                  There used to be on you tube the James Mason clip from the backyard of Hanbury St, but it seems to have disappeared.
                  Looking for it found it has been removed because 'it contains content from Studiocanal who has blocked it on copyright grounds' (I have seen it and it's very well done). However I did find this: Hanbury Street begins at 2:32


                  • #10
                    The only problem with this is that a lot of families have claims of knowing who Jack is, I know my Great-Uncle did and he was born in Australia but had family in England and that was where his info came from.
                    G U T

                    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.

