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Anderson's suspect

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  • Anderson's suspect

    Hello all

    I just wanted to say that I believe I may have found Anderson's suspect as eluded to in his 1910 memoirs.

    I have identified a new person of interest that I feel could make a positive impact on driving the case forward.

    I cannot say any more at this time, except that I am taking a beat to consider my options.

    i am gathering new information on a daily basis and in the process of collating some interesting data.

    When the time comes, I would like to share my findings accordingly, but for the time being I am seeking advice from those who know a lot more about the etiquette of this case than I do.

    i have also taken measures to ensure that my data is accredited to me if and/or when this data takes off; with the intent of progressing the case forwards with integrity and truth.

    No talk of random shawls or uncorroborated dna i can assure you.

    I only wish to express to you all, that my intentions are honest and sincere and I extend my thanks and gratitude to those of you who inspire me to move forwards in search of the truth.

    I also want to thank those involved behind the scenes on this site for giving us humble folk a platform to express our thoughts and share our findings on the case.

    Without integrity and mutual respect and kindness, what's the point?

    But i digress

    The suspect I have identified... i have already accumulated the following data as evidence to submit at a later date...

    A death certificate
    A burial record
    Workhouse records
    Asylum records
    Census data
    An address
    A sibling
    An occupation
    Extended family

    And crucially a name for the man that Anderson didn't name...for a very good reason.

    I also have a marriage certificate for his sibling, and a potential birth certificate that is pending arrival as we speak.

    As i am sure you can appreciate, I am caught between being desperate to share all I have, with wanting to remain cautious.

    Not because i am scared of being wrong...but because, I am scared of being right.

    imagine if you believed you had just found Anderson's suspect, and that individual has the potential to totally; yet indirectly, obliterate the case for Aaron Kosminski having been the Ripper.

    That chair throwing maniac that he was.

    For now i will take my leave, but before posting again on this thread, I will be seeking advice from the learned council of wise elders, (okay, forget the "elder" part, sorry!) for advice on the best way forward.

    Warmest regards to you all

    The Rookie Detective

    Last edited by The Rookie Detective; 03-11-2025, 01:05 PM.
    "Great minds, don't think alike"

  • #2
    Hi Chris,

    I saw that in the other forum, you were advised to correspond privately with Steve Blomer and Chris Phillips. I think that's good advice, and I don't have anything to add.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Lewis C View Post
      Hi Chris,

      I saw that in the other forum, you were advised to correspond privately with Steve Blomer and Chris Phillips. I think that's good advice, and I don't have anything to add.
      Yes indeed, just to add 'our' best wishes on this. Good luck. (Unless the name you have found starts with an 'L' and would make me cross. Then I'll hunt you down like a dog haha )


      • #4
        Good luck with your suspect, Chris.

        I don't want specifics, but I'd like to inquire about the process you used to discover something new. That is, what databases were most useful to you? What advice would you give to those new to researching this case (presuming you haven't solved the case and ruined it for everyone!)

        I have always wondered what I would do if I discovered something of importance to this case. On one hand, I would want to immediately share it on Casebook. But I would also like to protect my intellectual property for the riches, fame, glory, and groupies associated with Ripperology. So, I am most interested in the advice the experts give you and would appreciate it if you could share it generally without giving away anything sensitive.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Barnaby View Post
          Good luck with your suspect, Chris.

          I don't want specifics, but I'd like to inquire about the process you used to discover something new. That is, what databases were most useful to you? What advice would you give to those new to researching this case (presuming you haven't solved the case and ruined it for everyone!)

          I have always wondered what I would do if I discovered something of importance to this case. On one hand, I would want to immediately share it on Casebook. But I would also like to protect my intellectual property for the riches, fame, glory, and groupies associated with Ripperology. So, I am most interested in the advice the experts give you and would appreciate it if you could share it generally without giving away anything sensitive.
          Hi Barnaby

          For me it's all about trying to think outside the box; but also knowing to work to your strengths.

          It's also important to distinguish between fact and theory based research.

          Some researchers focus on suspects, others on the victims, others on the social and communal aspect, others on the geopolitical angle etc... it all really depends on where your interests lie.

          I absolutely love to theorise and try and think of an angle that nobody else may have done, but that's not really my strength as I often tend to go way off piste; but it's still fun all the same.

          But I feel my strength lies more in analysing actual data; for example, census records, B,M, or D certificates etc... I have some experience as a family historian and so I particularly love looking at the family aspect.

          As an example; I have currently sent off for the birth certificate for a child who was born close to the time of the murders; whom I believe was the nephew of the suspect I have identified. I am hoping that the data from the birth certificate will give me an address, the parents (which shouid be the suspect's sibling) and various other bits and pieces that I will look to add to the data i have.

          For me the concept of geoprofiling is very beneficial if applied correctly, and can be an asset in a this sort of unsolved cold case.

          My weaknesses are absolutely to do with the fact I have never written a book; not that I don't have the capacity, but more that i simply don't have the time.

          i also tend to focus on multiple theories at the same time and I am not the most organised person when it comes to note keeping.

          It's also a disadvantage that I am not close enough to London to be able to visit certain establishments to view documents first hand; ergo, I have to rely on the awful postal service if i can't access the data online.

          Above all though; it's the brilliance of other researchers who help to build up my own knowledge; i have learned so much about this case from others, and I wouldn't know half the stuff I know without the wonderful minds of others who have been working on this case for decades.

          "Great minds, don't think alike"

