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Did Jack the Ripper live in London City jurisdiction?

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  • Did Jack the Ripper live in London City jurisdiction?

    Was there an advantage for JTR to live in the London City jurisdiction since all the Whitechapel murders, except Eddowes, was in Metro Jurisdiction ?

    I'm sure this analysis has been presented here before but as I learn more about the Policing of the time and their habits it definitely played a role in the killers ability to just vanish in their midst. An in truth he was likely always in their midst. How could that be? Here are some numbers to consider regarding location..using the origin of the intersection of Middlesex Street and Wentworth Street. The West side is London City and the East Side is Metro. Walking distances:

    Origin to Tabrum murder = 6 minutes
    Origin to Nichols = 18 minutes
    Origin to Chapman = 10 minutes
    Origin to Stride = 16 minutes
    Origin to Eddowes = 7 minutes
    Origin to Kelly = 6 minutes
    Origin to McKenzie = 4 minutes
    Eddowes to Nichols = 25 minutes. East to West maximum
    Chapman to Stride = 26 minutes North to South maximum
    Origin to Thrawl Street = 6 minutes
    Origin to Goulston Street = 3 minutes
    Origin to maximum distance = 18 minutes
    Origin to average = 10 minutes

    This is similar to what an FBI profiler would do. In this case living in London City which starts on the West side of Middlesex Street becomes an advantage.

    All of the Whitechapel murders except Eddowes were in Metro yet London City jurisdiction was in very close walking distance.

    Did Metro and City Police forces cooperate before Eddowes? PC Long and DC Halse never crossed paths at 2:20 am at Wentworth and Goulston Street. This was 35 minutes after Eddowes discovery and 80 minutes after Stride. Yet neither Long nor Halse knew about Stride which was only a 16 minute walk from where the Apron was found.

    Assuming the Apron was not at the Goulston location at 2:20 am, where was the killer from 1:44 to some time between 2:20 and 2:55 am? The real timeframe for the killer appears to be a window of 1:44am to 2:55 am or 1 hour approximately. DC Halse was walking the streets and PC Long was walking a beat oblivious to everything until 2:55 am.

    What did the killer do? Left a clue in Metro along with a message pointing at the Jewish community. If the killer was smart and he clearly was, why not throw the Police off in the opposite direction of where you actually lived? " The killer went off to his hideout in Metro". It was a smart move.

    The double event paints the most vivid picture of law enforcement capability and cooperation in this case. As Metro struggled to capture this killer it was on average a 10 minute walk to leave their jurisdiction.

    The murders and hunting grounds were only a short walk to London City. Could the killer have lived outside the 25 minute bubble described above? Yes they probably could.

    Could the killer have lived in the London City side between mitre square and Middlesex street? Yes and he would have the perfect hideout in my opinion. Possibly never approached by London City police and no jurisdiction by Metro.

    in their midst? Would be the simple answer .

  • #2
    What struck me as quite surprising on my recent visit to London was how close these murder sites really are to each other. I walked all of them and tried to follow the same routes the Ripper took as much as possible. If there is anything to Geological Profiling, the Ripper may well have lived much closer than 25 minutes. I personally think he lived and/or worked in the immediate area, which would enable him to get to know the area more intimately, perhaps, than someone just passing through. Regardless, the Ripper was certainly someone who had a legitimate business to be in that area.
    Last edited by Holmes' Idiot Brother; 02-01-2025, 07:34 AM.


    • #3
      Henry Gawen Sutton - PMC


      • #4
        Click image for larger version

Name:	WEG jack the Ripper.jpg
Views:	240
Size:	282.9 KB
ID:	846642


        • #5

          WILLIAM W.GULL,M.D.,D.C.L., F.R.S.;
          HENRYG. SUTTON,M.B.

          Cases 2 and 7.
          Last edited by DJA; 02-01-2025, 06:05 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
            Was there an advantage for JTR to live in the London City jurisdiction since all the Whitechapel murders, except Eddowes, was in Metro Jurisdiction ?

            Could the killer have lived in the London City side between mitre square and Middlesex street? Yes and he would have the perfect hideout in my opinion. Possibly never approached by London City police and no jurisdiction by Metro.

            in their midst? Would be the simple answer .

            Convinced that he had a bolt hole at 6 Mitre Street.
            The nicks to Eddowes' eyelids were not done with a Liston knife in the darkness of Mitre Square.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DJA View Post

              The nicks to Eddowes' eyelids were not done with a Liston knife in the darkness of Mitre Square.
              Couldn't agree more Dave. Nor with a drunken buffoon with a pen knife.

              Cheers, George


              • #8
                582 × 780


                • #9
                  Or he could have worked in the City of London. A good profiler would not just be limited to living, as high familiarity could come from working in an area, too.
                  Author of 'Jack the Ripper: Threads' out now on Amazon > UK | USA | CA | AUS


                  • #10
                    Very true.

                    The murders initially fanned out from the vicinity of The London Hospital.


                    • #11
                      Hi Erobitha- both Levy and Maybrick were associated with Middlesex Street. I believe Maybrick states in his diary that he boarded there but, someone correct me if I am wrong, but he does not say whether it was on the Metro or London City side of Middlesex. That strikes me as the witness George Hutchinson claimed a second citing of the Man he claims he saw with Kelly just before she was murdered.

                      Levy is a different story. He lived and worked as a licensed Kosher Butcher at #36 Middlesex which was given to him by his Aunt Francis who happened to be the witness ( who inferred he knows something) Joseph Hyam Levy's mother.
                      This was on the London City side.

                      I think by now everyone knows the Jacob Levy story and his background and association with Goulston Street and conviction of theft, attempted suicide and stigma of being a convicted criminal lunatic. In contrast to Maybrick the picture for him is a lot less clear. Did he read about Hutchinson?

                      Not sure what is meant by the bolt hole at #6 Mitre but that sounds interesting. I do not believe the murders fanned out from London Hospital. They are primarily off the 3 major thoroughfares of commercial street, road and Whitechapel High Street. Again all except Eddowes in Metro

                      The thoroughfares went dark after the double event but only for a few weeks. It was active and easily navigated as we see from the reaction of the Police forces that night.

                      Whoever JTR was he knew the habits of this area and was why he never got caught. He was familiar with ways of the Whitechapel streets which were dangerous. And if he lived there and worked there and played there, he had an advantage.

                      My 2 cents..Cheers


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
                        Hi Erobitha- both Levy and Maybrick were associated with Middlesex Street. I believe Maybrick states in his diary that he boarded there but, someone correct me if I am wrong, but he does not say whether it was on the Metro or London City side of Middlesex. That strikes me as the witness George Hutchinson claimed a second citing of the Man he claims he saw with Kelly just before she was murdered.

                        Levy is a different story. He lived and worked as a licensed Kosher Butcher at #36 Middlesex which was given to him by his Aunt Francis who happened to be the witness ( who inferred he knows something) Joseph Hyam Levy's mother.
                        This was on the London City side.

                        I think by now everyone knows the Jacob Levy story and his background and association with Goulston Street and conviction of theft, attempted suicide and stigma of being a convicted criminal lunatic. In contrast to Maybrick the picture for him is a lot less clear. Did he read about Hutchinson?

                        Not sure what is meant by the bolt hole at #6 Mitre but that sounds interesting. I do not believe the murders fanned out from London Hospital. They are primarily off the 3 major thoroughfares of commercial street, road and Whitechapel High Street. Again all except Eddowes in Metro

                        The thoroughfares went dark after the double event but only for a few weeks. It was active and easily navigated as we see from the reaction of the Police forces that night.

                        Whoever JTR was he knew the habits of this area and was why he never got caught. He was familiar with ways of the Whitechapel streets which were dangerous. And if he lived there and worked there and played there, he had an advantage.

                        My 2 cents..Cheers
                        Hi Patrick,

                        Maybrick would be my specialist area of interest, and I would not profess knowing too much about Levy beyond the superficial facts.

                        Regardless of the diary, James Maybrick strongly associated with that part of London. We know he worked at 46 Lime Street in 1866. We know he was involved in acquiring a business at 45 Lime Street. We know his "wife" Sarah Ann Robertson lived in the census district of Whitechapel for many years. We know he knows the general geography of the City of London / Whitechapel census district based on these records. Research unearthed post-diary discovery.

                        Now, some argue that was twenty years prior to the murders, and much can change in an area. Indeed. The diarist interestingly knew they had to familiarise the streets once again. It's just good guesswork by the forger, probably.
                        Author of 'Jack the Ripper: Threads' out now on Amazon > UK | USA | CA | AUS


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Patrick Differ View Post
                          Hi Erobitha- both Levy and Maybrick were associated with Middlesex Street. I believe Maybrick states in his diary that he boarded there but, someone correct me if I am wrong, but he does not say whether it was on the Metro or London City side of Middlesex. That strikes me as the witness George Hutchinson claimed a second citing of the Man he claims he saw with Kelly just before she was murdered.

                          Levy is a different story. He lived and worked as a licensed Kosher Butcher at #36 Middlesex which was given to him by his Aunt Francis who happened to be the witness ( who inferred he knows something) Joseph Hyam Levy's mother.
                          This was on the London City side.

                          I think by now everyone knows the Jacob Levy story and his background and association with Goulston Street and conviction of theft, attempted suicide and stigma of being a convicted criminal lunatic. In contrast to Maybrick the picture for him is a lot less clear. Did he read about Hutchinson?

                          Not sure what is meant by the bolt hole at #6 Mitre but that sounds interesting. I do not believe the murders fanned out from London Hospital. They are primarily off the 3 major thoroughfares of commercial street, road and Whitechapel High Street. Again all except Eddowes in Metro

                          The thoroughfares went dark after the double event but only for a few weeks. It was active and easily navigated as we see from the reaction of the Police forces that night.

                          Whoever JTR was he knew the habits of this area and was why he never got caught. He was familiar with ways of the Whitechapel streets which were dangerous. And if he lived there and worked there and played there, he had an advantage.

                          My 2 cents..Cheers
                          Hi Patrick,

                          Jacob Levy is, IMO, a strong person of interest. The reference to the bolt hole at #6 Mitre St is part of Dave's theory regarding Henry Sutton. It attempts to explain the delicate incisions to Eddowes eyelids.

                          While I do not discount the "Jack was a butcher" theories, I have difficulty discarding the dissecting room procedures exhibited at the Eddowes crime scene.

                          Keep up the good work Patrick.

                          Cheers, George


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DJA View Post
                            Click image for larger version  Name:	WEG jack the Ripper.jpg Views:	68 Size:	282.9 KB ID:	846642
                            Gladstone was a politician, not an expert in medicine.

                            Coroner S. F. Langham - Would the parts removed be of any use for professional purposes?
                            Dr. Frederick Gordon Brown - None whatever.
                            "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

                            "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


                            • #15
                              He was obviously wrong.

