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Vote of thanks and working on an indie mixed media graphic novel

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  • Vote of thanks and working on an indie mixed media graphic novel

    Hi All.
    Joined in to say this resource has been a great help in so many areas. Although the graphic novel I'm working is not my own script/story, and based partly on imagination (MJK's / Jack's internal monologues) I felt background research, the geography of the streets... would help, and this site has proven invaluable.

    I have a few questions that I could not get a clear answer on that touch on the use of photos of the original crime scene of MJK

    - Am I allowed to use the original two (gruesome) photos? Specifically are they public domain?
    - The members who've done work on restoring photos and especially the 3D models of 13 miller's square - If you are open to sharing these, with due credit given, I'd be grateful, or if it falls within my limited budget would love to have a talk over direct message.

    As work progresses, I'll post updates here if it might be of interest.
    Hoping to stay a subscribed member in appreciation of the effort that's gone into this knowledgebase.

    Kind Regards

  • #2
    The photos of MJK are in the public domain.

    Why a four-year-old child could understand this report! Run out and find me a four-year-old child, I can't make head or tail of it.


    • #3
      Thank you Enigma! (didn't get an email notification of your post). This helps a lot. Still at the early stages of building the 'sets' to flesh out the story for the mixed media graphic novel. Might go for a film-noir look, considering the event(s) are mostly foggy-night. here's an initial look. Click image for larger version

Name:	jtr_1.jpg
Views:	180
Size:	157.9 KB
ID:	782757

      ...though the buildings might change to more loosely resemble Dorset street. I'm interpreting things off a script given to me that's more imaginary, but as I'm reading more, it's undeniable the fascination it's building in me and compelling me to suggest including actual events of that night. Even thinking of incorporating some of the original "brickwork" of Millers court facade photo into the artwork somehow.


      • #4
        Chris you are welcome. Strange you didn't see a notification there had been a post made in your thread. Your graphics are impressive.

        Make sure the 'Subscribed' icon is ticked so you receive a notif if there is activity in any thread you are watching.
        Last edited by Enigma; 03-10-2022, 06:25 AM.
        Why a four-year-old child could understand this report! Run out and find me a four-year-old child, I can't make head or tail of it.


        • #5
          An update. So i'm leaning more towards a stylized doss-house meets west end feel, to better fit in with the underlying theme of the story.
          Some screenshots off the monitor, and my interpretation of the facade of Miller's court.

          The final image will be hand painted over and I'm looking at including some of the brickwork around the arch from the original b/w 1928 photo.

          The facade's base model is the one from Sketchfab. So grateful to have access to it and will certainly credit richardh.

          Click image for larger version  Name:	miller_shot_off_monitor.jpg Views:	0 Size:	181.8 KB ID:	783090
          Last edited by Guest; 03-17-2022, 07:47 AM.


          • #6
            I've replied to your PM. Just in case you don't see it.
            I often get PMs that I don't see until weeks later.
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