Transfering from another post...
Quote: Phil in post to Monty
What I would like to see, obviously not at this conference but a future one, is a debate. The motion being "This house believes that certain areas of Ripperology are limited to a select accepted few, and disdainful of anyone new wanting to feel they are genuine part of the genre" .
(I don't speak for myself, please note)
Quote Monty's reply
You speak for others? Yours is the only voice I hear. Who said those words? What house believes? What accepted few? Give examples of this elitism. I find it very ironic that you gush and support a man who is the epitome of the word distain yet, at the same time, speak for the distained. However as you wish.
Whilst disagreements occur, they always have, there was always a camaraderie that endured. Well, endured until recently. Until the moment when a false cabal was created and some very good people were accused of falsifying documents or altering records with no whatsoever supporting these lies. These very good researchers and contributors have now been lost to the boards, and some also to the field, replaced by the sensationalists who hold more credence to supposition than to evidence.
You have a choice. To carry on this dangerous ‘quipping’, or to quit it and try and restore the damage that has been created with regarding conviviality in Ripperology. And before anyone points out the obvious…..I am trying also.
Time to end it.
Hello Monty,
Thanks for the reply. Here's an attempt to get something constructive going. Calmly. Yes, calmly.
Ok, Let's get the post above out of the way.
I'll do it with openess and respect. I expect that to be the word for EVERY posting on this thread.
AND RESPECT means EVERYONE. So no trying to take the mickey. If you (as a poster reading this, not directly YOU Monty) have something of content to add to it, then keep it on the level without the quips that I, and Monty himself, use. For once, no word games. From anyone. Respect also means no personal comments against any individual. Stick to the meaning of the thread. And that includes you Monty, and no more "youve done this, youve done that"... Right? Let's start in calm mutual respect and see how far we get.
First of all. No. I speak for no-one. I suggested a debate with a title. You can suggest another one if you wish by all means! You ask "What house? Err, the debating forum. Not any particular group.. it's a DEBATING suggestion, that's all, and is how a debate is proposed using those words.."This House..." Even if it is only from one person, when a debate motion is forwarded, that is how it is worded. Hope that is clear now. Not aimed at anyone in particular. Please read on.
You use the word elitism, not I. I said "a limited accepted few"... that doesn't mean they are the elite!!The point, if you care to read again through my entire post which you didn't quote, and is the essential part, is not about you, me, x, y or z arguing on the boards.. it is about WHICH DIRECTION the genre wants to go to ENCOURAGE new followers of the genre. If THEY, newbies, feel, by reading these boards, that they may feel left out of invitation into research, don't know where to start, maybe have suggestions and something to say, then MY opinion is that it can easily be misconstrued that it COULD be limited to a few, who's opinions way heavier than others within the genre. Please do not misinterpret that either.
I just don't want Ripperology to be locked into small groups. If it is to be open, then let's open it further. Encourage, do whatever we can. And before you say, we already do, or suchlike.. my answer is we can always do more. How? I don't know.. suggest things. Everyone. Positivism. Enthusiasm.
When I said (I don't speak for myself) I meant that I talk of MY being accepted isnt a problem, because I don't do anything for myself. Never have and never will. I try to help others. The fact is I like to ask people not to mention my help. I don't have to prove it, and would ask those I have offered help to keep it that way. Enough of me and how I do things in this manner. This thread isn't about that.. So just accept my word for it. End of.
Now, to quote your good self again..
Whilst disagreements occur, they always have, there was always a camaraderie that endured. Well, endured until recently. Until the moment when a false cabal was created and some very good people were accused of falsifying documents or altering records with no whatsoever supporting these lies. These very good researchers and contributors have now been lost to the boards, and some also to the field, replaced by the sensationalists who hold more credence to supposition than to evidence.
A camaraderie that endured? Now Monty my friend, I am sorry. But this is plainly not the case. People have left these boards in anger FAR before any mention of a cabal. Ive been watching these boards for many years before I started posting in 2009. Some of the trash that was thrown about was far worse than what Ive seen since. People have been thrown off these boards for the direct opposite of cameaaderie. Even today there are people who refer to individuals gone by ans STILL hammer their name down. Whatever people have done, I see detrimental comments by limited individuals about certain individuals. And they aren't around anymore. And that is wrong. They can't answer back. As regards what remaining camaraderie there is, THAT will always split into groups anyway as we tend to agree with the TYPE of poster we see posting, the wording, the structure, and yes, the theory. So without any sense of what a camaraderie is, certain people DON'T mix with others because of the difference if ideas, in the main. And that, as I have suggested a long, long time ago, is down to "traditional" Ripperology vs "new approach" Ripperology. I have suggested that you, for example, and I, for example, do things in a different way. Now we could argue until we are blue in the face which methodology is correct, and never agree. However I DON'T NOT accept your methodology. It works for you. Fine. It doesn't for me. Fine. But NEITHER can be classed as being right or wrong.
Someone posted on another thread here a short time ago that the tried and tested way of researching has brought us no nearer to the case being solved.
Therefore a new approach could and should be tried. That means taking speculation and running with it. Researching it. Now if you don't feel that you want to.. fine! But it isn't right to not help and encourage those who do.
Me? I like to ask questions. I try to get people a different way. I try to engage the grey cells to say.. hey, that' a good point, what if.....? And I will speculate in order to come to that point. It may not be the historically tried and tested way, it may not lead to a very long alley... but I do it that way. Like it or ignore it... but it's MY way. Like it or not. And others have differing ways to get ME thinking too. That includes YOU. And it includes all who research as you do.
There is no RIGHT way or WRONG way here Monty. The plain fact is that Ripperology has been resting on it's laurels of staid methodology for too long, and expansion is now being tested.
If THAT frightens off researchers, well more fool them, imho. Because the fact is that we are all in this to try and find answers to a case that fascinates, whatever path we choose to tread to get there. There are those who stay, those who leave, those who never say a word except in books and those who never say a word but are still interested. Embrace them all I say. Whatever floats their boat! But the leavers are NOT just limited to the ones you are one about..oh no. I know of some who leave because of the attitude of certain individuals on here and how they post in utter disrespect, or wind up people on purpose, or belittle continually. You may not be aware of that too much, I bet. But believe you me, Ive been emailed and told why. Ive no reason to lie.
I re quote you again..
You have a choice. To carry on this dangerous ‘quipping’, or to quit it and try and restore the damage that has been created with regarding conviviality in Ripperology. And before anyone points out the obvious…..I am trying also.
Time to end it.
This is put to me, not a group. I have a choice of staying the way I am. Thank you very much. I will respond to the mickey taking, I will respond to the ganging up, and yes, you know full well it happens, and I will keep qupping and making funnies because the dog is biting back, which is against my nature. So you want it to end? Have a word with one or two or three people around here that you KNOW do exactly that, and get THEM to rein themselves in, in the same way YOU are admirably attempting to do with yourself. THEN, the dogs (yes, there are more than just little ol me that feel this way Monty) will stop snapping back. In other words, get the dog kickers to stop. And don't say we started it. I honestly believe that the influx of new approach thinkers has nudged the balance of Ripperology. It's just because those people do things and say things in a contrary way to how it has always been done. I can understand if that rankles. Yes!
THAT is what goes against the grain. That is the connection with a "grouping" that can be defined as caballistic. Yes, they bite back to the group that can't stand the methodology and conjecture. . Yes, they have their say. I personally have only just recently started biting back harder. And NOT at you, in the main, as you know. But I will do it if the p*ss taking doesn't stop. QUOTE YOU. Time to end it.
Personally, I have s*d all to lose. And I'll keep making funny little quips addressed to nobody if it doesn't end. It's a two way stretch Monty. I will bite anyone who carries on trying it on, disguised, on occasion, as very well phrased text. No, I'm no fool either Monty. Some think I am. They is wrong.
The games must stop.
OK.. I'll try to restore the conviviality with you. But can you get the people you know of to get off individual's backs? Cos it happens. And it is obvious who. There is a tendency to gang up in here. And you know it as well as I do.
Now this is as open as I can get it. That was by your request. It names no individual, and is aimed at no individual. I will happily take my responsibility for whatever I have done, but I insist that if, as you quote, it IS time to mend it, then ALL must stop. That means all of us. Period.
Now I am NOT expecting a tirade of attack against me here. I expect conviviality from ALL who wish to post. Their very response will tell you, Monty, just what can and cannot be done to stop this nonsense once and for all.
And yes, I believe that the yearly Ripper conferences SHOULD have a debating section put in. It would help an awful lot, imho.
Now this is written with total and utter respect and in calmness. Dont question it. Accept it. Dont read a tone that isn't there eh?
Just pick up the baton and try to get a convivial approach going. That way the whole genre, as you say, and as I have written often, will benefit. Want to try to end the non conviviality? I bet you some wont go for it. That is a problem the genre has then. And I dont know the answer to that. Because it is ultimately down to individual choice of how they act.
best regards
Quote: Phil in post to Monty
What I would like to see, obviously not at this conference but a future one, is a debate. The motion being "This house believes that certain areas of Ripperology are limited to a select accepted few, and disdainful of anyone new wanting to feel they are genuine part of the genre" .
(I don't speak for myself, please note)
Quote Monty's reply
You speak for others? Yours is the only voice I hear. Who said those words? What house believes? What accepted few? Give examples of this elitism. I find it very ironic that you gush and support a man who is the epitome of the word distain yet, at the same time, speak for the distained. However as you wish.
Whilst disagreements occur, they always have, there was always a camaraderie that endured. Well, endured until recently. Until the moment when a false cabal was created and some very good people were accused of falsifying documents or altering records with no whatsoever supporting these lies. These very good researchers and contributors have now been lost to the boards, and some also to the field, replaced by the sensationalists who hold more credence to supposition than to evidence.
You have a choice. To carry on this dangerous ‘quipping’, or to quit it and try and restore the damage that has been created with regarding conviviality in Ripperology. And before anyone points out the obvious…..I am trying also.
Time to end it.
Hello Monty,
Thanks for the reply. Here's an attempt to get something constructive going. Calmly. Yes, calmly.
Ok, Let's get the post above out of the way.
I'll do it with openess and respect. I expect that to be the word for EVERY posting on this thread.
AND RESPECT means EVERYONE. So no trying to take the mickey. If you (as a poster reading this, not directly YOU Monty) have something of content to add to it, then keep it on the level without the quips that I, and Monty himself, use. For once, no word games. From anyone. Respect also means no personal comments against any individual. Stick to the meaning of the thread. And that includes you Monty, and no more "youve done this, youve done that"... Right? Let's start in calm mutual respect and see how far we get.
First of all. No. I speak for no-one. I suggested a debate with a title. You can suggest another one if you wish by all means! You ask "What house? Err, the debating forum. Not any particular group.. it's a DEBATING suggestion, that's all, and is how a debate is proposed using those words.."This House..." Even if it is only from one person, when a debate motion is forwarded, that is how it is worded. Hope that is clear now. Not aimed at anyone in particular. Please read on.
You use the word elitism, not I. I said "a limited accepted few"... that doesn't mean they are the elite!!The point, if you care to read again through my entire post which you didn't quote, and is the essential part, is not about you, me, x, y or z arguing on the boards.. it is about WHICH DIRECTION the genre wants to go to ENCOURAGE new followers of the genre. If THEY, newbies, feel, by reading these boards, that they may feel left out of invitation into research, don't know where to start, maybe have suggestions and something to say, then MY opinion is that it can easily be misconstrued that it COULD be limited to a few, who's opinions way heavier than others within the genre. Please do not misinterpret that either.
I just don't want Ripperology to be locked into small groups. If it is to be open, then let's open it further. Encourage, do whatever we can. And before you say, we already do, or suchlike.. my answer is we can always do more. How? I don't know.. suggest things. Everyone. Positivism. Enthusiasm.
When I said (I don't speak for myself) I meant that I talk of MY being accepted isnt a problem, because I don't do anything for myself. Never have and never will. I try to help others. The fact is I like to ask people not to mention my help. I don't have to prove it, and would ask those I have offered help to keep it that way. Enough of me and how I do things in this manner. This thread isn't about that.. So just accept my word for it. End of.
Now, to quote your good self again..
Whilst disagreements occur, they always have, there was always a camaraderie that endured. Well, endured until recently. Until the moment when a false cabal was created and some very good people were accused of falsifying documents or altering records with no whatsoever supporting these lies. These very good researchers and contributors have now been lost to the boards, and some also to the field, replaced by the sensationalists who hold more credence to supposition than to evidence.
A camaraderie that endured? Now Monty my friend, I am sorry. But this is plainly not the case. People have left these boards in anger FAR before any mention of a cabal. Ive been watching these boards for many years before I started posting in 2009. Some of the trash that was thrown about was far worse than what Ive seen since. People have been thrown off these boards for the direct opposite of cameaaderie. Even today there are people who refer to individuals gone by ans STILL hammer their name down. Whatever people have done, I see detrimental comments by limited individuals about certain individuals. And they aren't around anymore. And that is wrong. They can't answer back. As regards what remaining camaraderie there is, THAT will always split into groups anyway as we tend to agree with the TYPE of poster we see posting, the wording, the structure, and yes, the theory. So without any sense of what a camaraderie is, certain people DON'T mix with others because of the difference if ideas, in the main. And that, as I have suggested a long, long time ago, is down to "traditional" Ripperology vs "new approach" Ripperology. I have suggested that you, for example, and I, for example, do things in a different way. Now we could argue until we are blue in the face which methodology is correct, and never agree. However I DON'T NOT accept your methodology. It works for you. Fine. It doesn't for me. Fine. But NEITHER can be classed as being right or wrong.
Someone posted on another thread here a short time ago that the tried and tested way of researching has brought us no nearer to the case being solved.
Therefore a new approach could and should be tried. That means taking speculation and running with it. Researching it. Now if you don't feel that you want to.. fine! But it isn't right to not help and encourage those who do.
Me? I like to ask questions. I try to get people a different way. I try to engage the grey cells to say.. hey, that' a good point, what if.....? And I will speculate in order to come to that point. It may not be the historically tried and tested way, it may not lead to a very long alley... but I do it that way. Like it or ignore it... but it's MY way. Like it or not. And others have differing ways to get ME thinking too. That includes YOU. And it includes all who research as you do.
There is no RIGHT way or WRONG way here Monty. The plain fact is that Ripperology has been resting on it's laurels of staid methodology for too long, and expansion is now being tested.
If THAT frightens off researchers, well more fool them, imho. Because the fact is that we are all in this to try and find answers to a case that fascinates, whatever path we choose to tread to get there. There are those who stay, those who leave, those who never say a word except in books and those who never say a word but are still interested. Embrace them all I say. Whatever floats their boat! But the leavers are NOT just limited to the ones you are one about..oh no. I know of some who leave because of the attitude of certain individuals on here and how they post in utter disrespect, or wind up people on purpose, or belittle continually. You may not be aware of that too much, I bet. But believe you me, Ive been emailed and told why. Ive no reason to lie.
I re quote you again..
You have a choice. To carry on this dangerous ‘quipping’, or to quit it and try and restore the damage that has been created with regarding conviviality in Ripperology. And before anyone points out the obvious…..I am trying also.
Time to end it.
This is put to me, not a group. I have a choice of staying the way I am. Thank you very much. I will respond to the mickey taking, I will respond to the ganging up, and yes, you know full well it happens, and I will keep qupping and making funnies because the dog is biting back, which is against my nature. So you want it to end? Have a word with one or two or three people around here that you KNOW do exactly that, and get THEM to rein themselves in, in the same way YOU are admirably attempting to do with yourself. THEN, the dogs (yes, there are more than just little ol me that feel this way Monty) will stop snapping back. In other words, get the dog kickers to stop. And don't say we started it. I honestly believe that the influx of new approach thinkers has nudged the balance of Ripperology. It's just because those people do things and say things in a contrary way to how it has always been done. I can understand if that rankles. Yes!
THAT is what goes against the grain. That is the connection with a "grouping" that can be defined as caballistic. Yes, they bite back to the group that can't stand the methodology and conjecture. . Yes, they have their say. I personally have only just recently started biting back harder. And NOT at you, in the main, as you know. But I will do it if the p*ss taking doesn't stop. QUOTE YOU. Time to end it.
Personally, I have s*d all to lose. And I'll keep making funny little quips addressed to nobody if it doesn't end. It's a two way stretch Monty. I will bite anyone who carries on trying it on, disguised, on occasion, as very well phrased text. No, I'm no fool either Monty. Some think I am. They is wrong.
The games must stop.
OK.. I'll try to restore the conviviality with you. But can you get the people you know of to get off individual's backs? Cos it happens. And it is obvious who. There is a tendency to gang up in here. And you know it as well as I do.
Now this is as open as I can get it. That was by your request. It names no individual, and is aimed at no individual. I will happily take my responsibility for whatever I have done, but I insist that if, as you quote, it IS time to mend it, then ALL must stop. That means all of us. Period.
Now I am NOT expecting a tirade of attack against me here. I expect conviviality from ALL who wish to post. Their very response will tell you, Monty, just what can and cannot be done to stop this nonsense once and for all.
And yes, I believe that the yearly Ripper conferences SHOULD have a debating section put in. It would help an awful lot, imho.
Now this is written with total and utter respect and in calmness. Dont question it. Accept it. Dont read a tone that isn't there eh?
Just pick up the baton and try to get a convivial approach going. That way the whole genre, as you say, and as I have written often, will benefit. Want to try to end the non conviviality? I bet you some wont go for it. That is a problem the genre has then. And I dont know the answer to that. Because it is ultimately down to individual choice of how they act.
best regards