Originally posted by MrBarnett
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If he owned 39 houses in Berwick Street with an income of about £135 a year each, I make that an income of about £5265 per annum. Even if he pays a £60 rent for each to a free-holder, that'd still leave an income of £2965 per annum. And we know he had other income streams the lodging houses in Spitalfields and the barrow letting business. So, even if he didn't own the homes, I find the ~£500 figure somewhat surprising, unless he was extremely spend-thrift with his money.
The term 'crime lord' or more exact wording 'some sort of crime lord' is the impression one of his own descendents has about him, which seems to come down through the generations as the story told by the family. As to whether he really was a 'crime lord' or not is one of the things I'd be interested in establishing.
It does look like his father also Frederick Adam Geringher, the landlord of the City of Norwich, and his mother (or possibly step-mother) Emma Gehringer do appear as though they may have been involved in a criminal enterprise distributing stolen goods in 1872. Then he himself is accused of the slightly less than savoury sounding practice of house farming. There's a definite suggestion of crime around his and his family's business practices in the years leading up to his death in 1909. As to whether this was dodgy business practices or if it ever crossed the line into serious crime, I don't know.