i will post the 10 Chinese 'cannots' regarding opium, sourced from Ed Glinerts' East End Chronicles;
He cannot give it up
He cannot enjoy sleep
He cannot wait his turn while sharing his pipe with his friends
He cannot rise early
He cannot be cured when he becomes ill
He cannot help relatives who are in need
He cannot enjoy wealth
He cannot plan anything
He cannot get credit even when he is an old customer
He cannot walk any distance
All the best.
i will post the 10 Chinese 'cannots' regarding opium, sourced from Ed Glinerts' East End Chronicles;
He cannot give it up
He cannot enjoy sleep
He cannot wait his turn while sharing his pipe with his friends
He cannot rise early
He cannot be cured when he becomes ill
He cannot help relatives who are in need
He cannot enjoy wealth
He cannot plan anything
He cannot get credit even when he is an old customer
He cannot walk any distance
All the best.