Oh for crying out loud, Fisherman.
This poll was set us to establish what people thought about the proposal that Lewis lied. No sane human being, let alone an intelligent one, could possibly have misunderstood this. Are you seriously suggesting that there are posters out there who read Sally’s opening post and thought: “Uh-oh, she’s clearly demanding absolute proof here. I don’t believe Lewis lied at all, but since I can’t prove it, I won’t vote”…?
If you confirm that you are suggesting this, I’ll have trouble believing you, in all honesty. Here is what Sally said in her opening post:
“The poll is specifically to vote on whether you think Sarah Lewis lied to the police/at the inquest; or not.”
There is no possibility of confusion as to what the contributors were supposed to vote on. Your accusation that Sally “botched” the poll is totally without foundation. Of course nobody “knows” the answer. If certain knowledge had been established, there wouldn’t be any need for a poll. You are simply lashing out with irrational accusations and illogical criticisms because you are dissatisfied with the results. I’m not “stepping in and interpreting” the intention of the poll because that would be unnecessary – there is no possibility of misinterpretation, and I distrust the honesty and intentions of anyone who claims otherwise.
Anyone who thinks that Sarah Lewis must be lying because of the details “not tall, but stout” and wore a wideawake is advancing not only an illogical fringe-endorsed idea, but a heartless and unimaginative one. It doesn’t take into account the fact that she was detained within the court on the morning afterwards. It doesn’t take into account considerable sleep deprivation. It doesn’t take into account the fact that she became unwittingly associated with a brutal murder committed a few feet away from where she slept. Fortunately, these aren't points lost of everyone else, including Garry Wroe, whose background is in psychology.
If she wished to gain attention, “not tall, but stout with a wideawake” are hardly the sort of sensational detailed that might have achieved this. So out goes that silly idea. Moreover, she would have "gained attention" anyway on account of where she slept on the night in question. It is very clear that her evidence was taken seriously at least a week after it was divulged at the inquest – thus reassuring everyone else that what you irrationally describe as “faith” in Sara Lewis is merely a recognition of the police’s view of her evidence at the time, and the total absence of any reason to think that she lied. The “Lying Lewis” proposal was bad enough, but to claim that discredited Hutchinson is more reliable that Lewis as a witness borders on an obscene crime against thought. You make whatever “calls” you want, but best not to keep ramming them down people's throats when it's clear they're not swallowing it. Long-winded repetition and omnipresence on any thread involving Lewis/Hutchinson just isn’t going to lend weight to your thoroughly rejected proposals.
It seems obvious to me that you’ve only recently latched onto to this Lying Lewis nonsense because you think it might come to the rescue of Walter’s “different day”.
This poll was set us to establish what people thought about the proposal that Lewis lied. No sane human being, let alone an intelligent one, could possibly have misunderstood this. Are you seriously suggesting that there are posters out there who read Sally’s opening post and thought: “Uh-oh, she’s clearly demanding absolute proof here. I don’t believe Lewis lied at all, but since I can’t prove it, I won’t vote”…?
If you confirm that you are suggesting this, I’ll have trouble believing you, in all honesty. Here is what Sally said in her opening post:
“The poll is specifically to vote on whether you think Sarah Lewis lied to the police/at the inquest; or not.”
There is no possibility of confusion as to what the contributors were supposed to vote on. Your accusation that Sally “botched” the poll is totally without foundation. Of course nobody “knows” the answer. If certain knowledge had been established, there wouldn’t be any need for a poll. You are simply lashing out with irrational accusations and illogical criticisms because you are dissatisfied with the results. I’m not “stepping in and interpreting” the intention of the poll because that would be unnecessary – there is no possibility of misinterpretation, and I distrust the honesty and intentions of anyone who claims otherwise.
Anyone who thinks that Sarah Lewis must be lying because of the details “not tall, but stout” and wore a wideawake is advancing not only an illogical fringe-endorsed idea, but a heartless and unimaginative one. It doesn’t take into account the fact that she was detained within the court on the morning afterwards. It doesn’t take into account considerable sleep deprivation. It doesn’t take into account the fact that she became unwittingly associated with a brutal murder committed a few feet away from where she slept. Fortunately, these aren't points lost of everyone else, including Garry Wroe, whose background is in psychology.
If she wished to gain attention, “not tall, but stout with a wideawake” are hardly the sort of sensational detailed that might have achieved this. So out goes that silly idea. Moreover, she would have "gained attention" anyway on account of where she slept on the night in question. It is very clear that her evidence was taken seriously at least a week after it was divulged at the inquest – thus reassuring everyone else that what you irrationally describe as “faith” in Sara Lewis is merely a recognition of the police’s view of her evidence at the time, and the total absence of any reason to think that she lied. The “Lying Lewis” proposal was bad enough, but to claim that discredited Hutchinson is more reliable that Lewis as a witness borders on an obscene crime against thought. You make whatever “calls” you want, but best not to keep ramming them down people's throats when it's clear they're not swallowing it. Long-winded repetition and omnipresence on any thread involving Lewis/Hutchinson just isn’t going to lend weight to your thoroughly rejected proposals.
It seems obvious to me that you’ve only recently latched onto to this Lying Lewis nonsense because you think it might come to the rescue of Walter’s “different day”.