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Does Evil beget Evil?

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  • Does Evil beget Evil?

    I have been following with interest a discussion about the so called 'Crossbow Cannibal' and his possible association with this board.
    The arguements over whether or not media etc breeds violence and whether boarsd such as this actually encourage murder are old ones but there seems to be a slightly new dimension here.
    Do we believe that the people we talk to on this site may, infact, be student serial killers?
    I for one do not believe that movies or books or websites are the sole cause of such murders and I believe that the Whitechapel Murders actually illustrate this well. Who was Jack influenced by? What books did Dr Neil Cream read that influenced him.
    I seek, not to cause and arguement, but to discover the views of people who share an interest with crime with me.
    In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!

  • #2
    I was in Korea for 3 years. In that time there were numerous deaths connected to online games. The connection is valid. Sons killed mothers who tried to stop them playing. A couple allowed their infant to starve to death while they were taking care of a virtual child online. Boys played video games non-stop until they died. We can always connect video games, movies, books, and even websites to such things, but they are peripheral to the root causes which are numerous and seem to always go back to some sort of lack of social value, however you may want to define that. The Crossbow nut certainly had his share of unsavory activities prior to turning his attention to murder, as if by snuffing out women he could cleanse himself of his past indiscretions with prostitutes. That is a guess, of course. I think anything could be a catalyst for some people. They find the spark that makes their tortured mind gain some clarity (misguided as it may be), and they're off.



    • #3
      Thats very interesting, thanks for the response.
      It is interetsing to note though that these deaths seem more to have been through obbession with playing rather than through the content of the game. I wonder if that means anything.
      I am not saying I don't think that people who are already disturbed can't be driven over the edge by such things, but I wonder whether there is really any reason to believe that they are the cause.
      In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


      • #4
        I'd say no, I don't think evil, violence, etc, is caused by media. I think the evidence that the tendencies which lead to anti-social behaviour, on whatever scale; are instigated by experiences in childhood is compelling.

        But, it is obvious that those who entertain fantasies of violence may be led to websites, games, films, books, etc. that appear to them to endorse and affirm their position.

        It is perhaps inevitable that media which explores serial killers will attract the odd person with fantasies or aspirations in that direction.

        Having said that, I honestly think most people attracted by such media have a fairly normal interest - I do think it's normal to be interested in death, its part of the human condition.

