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  • the eyes have it

    Hello Maria. Actually, I was counting on your superior eyesight and mental acumen to decipher the entries. I might give it another go later on. Debs seems to have found a Fenian bloke listed there--I'll look more closely (poor eyesight and all).

    Actually, I wasn't being ironic about Le Grand, but I WAS trying to be objective. Although it seems obvious to me that he was busy gerrymandering the evidence, we cannot completely overlook the faint possibility of thorough craftsmanship here--remote though the chance be.

    Repercussions? Indeed. But can you imagine the repercussions if it turned out that a rogue copper were involved--even in a very small way? The good chaps at SY would be horrified, as well they might be. So would I.



    • Hello Lynn,
      as it happens, the file I had cleaned-up at PhotoShop is quite a bit clearer than the initial thing (but it's become digitally too massive to send you over as an email, plus it'd probably come over to you all blurred anyway), so I might have a look at it later tonight and try to transcribe the names as my eyes read them – WITHOUT claiming in any sense whatsoever that my reading would be the correct one. What's the name of the Fenian chap listed in there? (Because I won't recognize him to save my life.)
      (Right now I'm trying to get up, and make phone calls, and see if I can move around with this stupid fever.)
      Lynn, please believe me, Le Grand had no honest intentions in the Berner Street investigation. Don't try to approach this as a question/progression in logic, this is a criminal investigation, so you need to stay “streetwise“.
      With repercussions pertaining to his dad I meant, if the alleged “Danish diplomat“ was politically involved himself, and if he kept helping out Le Grand financially, and such.
      Best regards,


      • Autumn of Terror

        Hello Maria. I refer to Michael Kerwin.

        "Le Grand had no honest intentions in the Berner Street investigation."

        I fully believe that, but my habit is to make assurance doubly sure. (But for the purposes of investigation and research, a good hunch will do.)

        "With repercussions pertaining to his dad I meant, if the alleged “Danish diplomat“ was politically involved himself, and if he kept helping out Le Grand financially, and such."

        I know what you mean. But, I can see all sorts of ramifications, given that what happened in the "Autumn of Terror" coincides with what I THINK happened.

        Get well soon.



        • Lynn, thank you so much for Michael Kerwin. I'll try to look at the cleaned-up file later tonight (if not with fever, otherwise a bit later).
          I still haven't managed to get up, got entangled in a discussion of American health care in the Palin thread (of all threads).
          Best regards,


          • Tanner

            Hello Maria. Here is a description of the incident inspiring the next to last entry. Year is 1887, I believe.

            Snippet provided by Simon Wood.

            Attached Files


            • news from Kracow

              Hello Maria. I have just received excellent news from Kracow! Kracow is the Polish town (in the Tsar's back pocket) whence came Boleslaw Melankiewicz, Rachkovski's East London penetration agent. I sent an email a couple of weeks ago to their police archive for information.

              Here is the text of the reply.

              Szanowna Pani,

              Archiwum Państwowe w Krakowie uprzejmie informuje, że w posiadanym przez Archiwum zespole akt C. k. Dyrekcja Policji w Krakowie z lat 1849-1919 [1926] odnaleziono akta dochodzenia dotyczącego nadzoru policyjnego nad Bolesławem Malankiewiczem - działaczem socjalistycznym, z lat 1889-1894 (sygn. akt 29/247/1122). Akta sprawy liczą 102 strony.

              Z wyżej wymienionymi aktami można zapoznać się w pracowni naukowej oddziału II Archiwum, położonej przy ul. Grodzkiej 52 (brama II) w Krakowie, czynnej od poniedziałku do czwartku w godz. 9.00-15.00. Istnieje również możliwość zlecenia Archiwum wykonania kopii akt. Regulamin i cennik usług świadczonych w Archiwum Państwowym w Krakowie znaleźć można na stronie Archiwum Państwowego w Krakowie .

              Jednocześnie informujemy, że w wyniku kwerendy przeprowadzonej w zespole akt C. k. Dyrekcji Policji w Krakowie z lat 1849-1919 [1926] nie odnaleziono akt dotyczących Bolesława Malankiewicza z 1883 roku.

              Z wyrazami szacunku
              Natalia Hajduga




              • translation

                Hello Maria. Joking aside, here is the result of the online translation (minus the farewell).

                You honorable, record office inform in crakow kindly, that act in owned by archive group C. k. Board of management of police recover records of (acts of) investigation in crakow from summer (year) over boleslaw 1849-1919 [ 1926 ] concerning oversight police Malankiewiczem - operator socialist, from summer (year) 1889-1894 ( sygn. Act 29/247/1122 ). Records of (acts of) cases count part 102. It is possible to be acquainted (to be familiarized) with highly mentioned records (acts) in scientific studio of department (squad) II archive, gate at in crakow put street II 52 ( ) Grodzkiej, from monday for thursday in (to) effective hour 9.00-15.00. Capability of order of archive of execution of copy exists act also. Instruction book (order) and it is possible to find price list of favor (services) showed (testified) in record office in crakow on part of record office in crakow We inform simultaneously, that act in result in group carried kwerendy C. k. Act recover board of management of police in crakow from summer (year) from 1883 year 1849-1919 [ 1926 ] concerning boleslaw Malankiewicza. With words of (expressions of) estimates.



                • better

                  Hello Maria. Here is a better translation, kindly provided by Simon Wood.


                  State Archive in Cracow is pleased to announce that a team owned by the Archives Act C. k. Police Directorate in Cracow in the years 1849-1919 [1926] found records of the investigation concerning the policing of Boleslaw Malankiewiczem - socialist activist, from the years 1889 to 1894 (ref . 29/247/1122 act). The case file counts 102 pages.

                  With the above-mentioned acts, you can read in a scientific laboratory division II Archives, located on ul. Grodzka 52 (gate II) in Krakow, which is open from Monday to Thursday in the hours. 9.00-15.00. You can also order a copy of the file archive performance. Terms and prices of services in the State Archives in Krakow can be found at the National Archives in Krakow

                  Please note that, as a result of the query performed in the team act k. C. Directorate of Police in Kraków in the years 1849-1919 [1926] not found the file on Boleslaw Malankiewicza from 1883.

                  Yours sincerely
                  Natalia Hajduga



                  • Hello Lynn.
                    I'll look it up in a little while, as I have to deal with some phone calls.
                    By the way, did you know I once spent several months in Krakow, examining the Meyerbeer autograph scores (which ended up there after War World II) as a doctoral candidate?
                    I know a few Polish words, but most of them not quotable. ;-)
                    Best regards,


                    • Originally posted by mariab View Post
                      Debra Arif knows everything about this, and I think that she and Rob have already checked the names listed in the entry, or intend to check them. Perhaps if you asked her, since you know her much better than I do?
                      Maria, I know barely anything about it, just have an interest is all, same as quite a few wonder I feel knackered all the time, all this research you have me doing, it must be in my sleep.

                      If someone does do a list from the pages though, can we have it on a seperate thread? I don't think it would be a bad idea to try and discover what some of these entries might actually be about.


                      • Originally posted by Debra A View Post
                        no wonder I feel knackered all the time, all this research you have me doing, it must be in my sleep.
                        Still, after SPE, it's you and Rob (and Monty) who know almost everything about Ripperological sources.

                        Originally posted by Debra A View Post
                        If someone does do a list from the pages though, can we have it on a seperate thread? I don't think it would be a bad idea to try and discover what some of these entries might actually be about.
                        I'll try to write down a list of what I see in the file I've had cleaned up at the Photoshop, but tonight's not a good idea, as I almost see double from the fever. I'll do it ASAP, email it to Lynn, and he can start a thread.
                        Debs, can you explain in the Le Grand conspiracy thread which crime it was that he took 2 years planning?
                        Thank you all so much.
                        PS.: I seem to recall a historic (;-)) Photoshop dispute with accusations about a source allegedly not having been authentic involving AP Wolf. I hope this doesn't happen to me for having cleaned up the file at the Photoshop.
                        Best regards,


                        • Originally posted by mariab
                          Debs, can you explain in the Le Grand conspiracy thread which crime it was that he took 2 years planning?
                          Maria, hmm, had I been drinking when I said it?
                          Maybe I meant a year, the time between the death of Hester and the blackmail of Dr Morris. Maybe he didn't plan it for a year, he might have just taken that long to think it up!
                          He was credited with having brains though, in many sources.

                          Good luck with the list. I seem to have one entry that relates to the
                          1920s...can that be right?


                          • Hello Lynn.
                            The translation's pretty nifty!

                            Please note that, as a result of the query performed in the team act k. C. Directorate of Police in Kraków in the years 1849-1919 [1926] not found the file on Boleslaw Malankiewicza from 1883.
                            Does this mean that they found it, or not found it?
                            I assume that you've already ordered the 102 p. long case file. If you don't have a Polish translator, I can possibly arrange with someone in Berlin, I used to know a Polish girl who was in college with me and now is a music school teacher in Berlin.
                            Last edited by mariab; 01-13-2011, 11:41 PM.
                            Best regards,


                            • To Debra Arif:
                              I remember the blackmail of Dr Morris, but, out of the top of my head, no clue who this Hester character was.
                              I'll try to do the list soon, during the weekend.
                              Best regards,


                              • files

                                Hello Maria. I presume it is NOT found.

                                I have sent an inquiry for price. Hope to get a reply tomorrow.

                                A Polish translator? Thanks, that will be very helpful.


