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Jack and his 'accomplices'

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  • Jack and his 'accomplices'

    I have read many thoughts etc that Jack may have had an accomplice the obvious sighting (if any) at the Liz Stride murder.
    I keep going over and over this but where was this 'accomplice' at the other murder scenes?

    Ok Polly Nicholls we have no sighting or noise of footsteps at all
    Annie,we have 'sighting' of Jack with Annie minutes before the murder.
    Catherine Eddowes,no sign of accomplice
    Mary Kelly,according to George Hutchinson just the one man.

    Can any of you more clued up people shed any more light

    still learning

  • #2
    Dixon, you're right.

    There really is no basis to assume that JTR had an accomplice in his crimes. With only a few exceptions, serial killers generally tend to work alone.

    By the way, in some books I have ( like Richard Jones' Casebook and Paul Begg's The Facts), it says that there are references that the Police were able to locate Pipeman shortly after the Double Event murder. They questioned him and concluded that he had nothing to do with he crime; he was just another bystander who walked off after the Broad-Shouldered Man yelled at either him or Schwartz from across the street.

    Then again, it has not be definitively proven the Police were able to locate this man, but even if not, I'm at the conclusion that he was jsut a bystander who exited a pub, saw a scene of domestic violence, decided not to get involved, and just walked off

    (Not that it matters, but if that is the case, I've always thought that either one of those 2 men [Schwarts or Pipeman] should have tried to intervene and maybe Stride's life would have been saved)
    I won't make any deals. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed,de-briefed, or numbered!


    • #3

      The only other accomplice theories I've heard are that Hutchison was in cahoots with blotchy face for the MK massacre and the night watchman in the warehouse assisted in the Mitre Square event.........then there's Pipeman......unlikely all methinks with the usual JTR mantra........not a shred of evidence............



      • #4
        Originally posted by GregBaron View Post
        The only other accomplice theories I've heard are that Hutchison was in cahoots with blotchy face for the MK massacre and the night watchman in the warehouse assisted in the Mitre Square event.........then there's Pipeman......unlikely all methinks with the usual JTR mantra........not a shred of evidence............

        The style of the ripper murder almost certainly rules out an accomplice, the reason being, what thrill or benefit would the watcher gain? I suppose it's possible they may have taken it in turns to kill the victims but I seriously doubt it. Killer pairs often hide their victims and gloat over the burial places (Brady/Hindly, The Wests). Having said that, I believe there was a railway rapist/killer in the 1980s who was later found to have worked with an accomplice.

        Summing up, I feel the killings have all the hallmarks of a lone killer.


        • #5
          thanks alot for replys

          still learning


          • #6
            A common mistake made with this accomplice at the Stride murder is that people assume that Israel Schwartz said this was a fact. He did not. Schwartz specifically stated that he followed the semi-intoxicated man down the street where he stopped, spoke to Liz for a moment, then attacked her. The second man was already lurking on the other side of the street. So there is no reason at all to believe that the two of them even knew each other - the insult "Lipski" was directed at Schwartz, not the second man, and Schwartz himself could not state that the two of them were in league in any way.

            Given that this is the most major statement for a second man being involved, plus the age old fact that the more people there are, the more likely the culprit is to get caught - because one of them will eventually get caught and/or rat out their accomplices to the police - we can be fairly safe in assuming that Jack worked alone.

            As for the story about finding "Pipeman".....pretty sure that's nothing more than a dodgy press report (another one).....



            • #7
              Originally posted by Adam Went View Post
              As for the story about finding "Pipeman".....pretty sure that's nothing more than a dodgy press report (another one).....
              Indeed, Adam,

              since there is nothing in official reports...


