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Its difficult as we know

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  • Its difficult as we know

    I just wondered if there was any tips on finding hard facts about this case, Ive read books but that, in effect is someone elses research and interpritation. Even though there is a lot of truth there its all mixed up with red herrings and misinterpritations. I look at the letters but not be sure what was sent by the ripper, I can read the medical reports but as we know Surgeons get things wrong even today. You can read the police reports but even some of them seem to be very sloppy. The witnesses cant even be relied apon and to top it all off we cant even double check any info because there is no one to cross check with. What should I be examining and what should I be staying away from?

  • #2
    Hi Chud,

    It pretty much comes down to the police and official reports, press reports, and memoirs. Lots of info there to study, and more being found all the time. As for the books published, I recommend looking at their sources, bibliography, etc. Researchers read books from back to front, because a look at the index and sources can give you a pretty good idea what you're in for.

    Yours truly,

    Tom Wescott


    • #3
      This thread posted twice for some reason and on the other thread it was posted that I should start with the geography. I am finding that suspects are like a honey pot and I am a bee but unfortuantly the honey pot contains no honey, this is an area I am going to avoid. Thanks for the reply, I think I will go down the geographical road first before sifting through any reports. Phew, at the moment I feel like I am watching a movie that is a dramatised version of a true event. Thanks.


      • #4
        What do you mean by 'geography'? I hope you don't mean geographical profiling. That road has already led to the wrong Mann.

        Yours truly,

        Tom Wescott


        • #5
          No, I mean geography as getting to know the area as it was before and after 1888.


          • #6
            Yeah, that's a an area I have a much harder time grasping than others, but really, there's nothing wrong with just reading all the books you can and along the way, you'll find the area or areas you want to make your special focus.

            Yours truly,

            Tom Wescott

