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A plea for help

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  • A plea for help

    I became interested in JtR in the early 1970’s. At that time a general statement on the subject would be that he killed between 5 and 11 victims, and it was accepted that the authors had access to information that the general public didn’t have, and therefore it must be correct. It was also generally accepted that the killer was probably poor old Montague Druitt, because he killed himself shortly after Millers Court.
    Since that time we have seen a growth in forensic medicine and investigation, a growth in the information available on the case, on the victims and an exponential growth in the number of suspects. Added to that, ‘lost’ files have been found, known files have been ‘lost’, but information in general has become easier to access. At the same time there has been a phenomenal growth in ‘Ripperology’.
    Now, instead of three or four suspects, we are presented with 150 plus. Now instead of Jack having killed up to 11 victims, in some people’s eyes, he barely qualifies as a serial killer!
    But it now seems to me that the more information we have, the less we seem to know. Has it become a case of we can’t see the woods for the trees? Have we become lost in the ephemera?
    For any newcomer to the case, it must be a complete nightmare at times. I know how this feels, as a few years ago I decided to have a complete break from Jack and his ‘little games’. Coming back to it after about 5 years I am finding myself rapidly becoming bewildered, by the many well researched and erudite theories that are and have been floated on these boards, each with its own merits, and the amount of new info that has accumulated since I took my sabbatical.
    I was wondering therefore if it would be possible for members to start a summation thread for us newbies, returnee’s etc? I presume that most people know the basic facts, but some could be unaware of e.g., Michael Kidney being proposed as Liz Stride’s killer, making it a ‘domestic’, what information that was once held as ‘gospel’ but now through research has been proved to be false etc.
    I know that there is a wealth of info on this site, but at times it is hard to find, and I, at least, also find it easy to be distracted by another interesting thread that links to some half forgotten area that I know about.
    If this is a stupid idea, please say so or if anyone has ideas how this could be achieved, again please say so.
    I look forward to all comments.
    All the best,
    When you talk to god it's praying; when god talks to you its schizophrenia! - X-Files

  • #2
    An impossible task. It's like trying to summarise a country, what do you leave in and what do you leave out? I would suggest that anyone wishing to read such a summary could do worse than to read Sugdens excellent book on the crimes. I mean you could end up with:
    "Jack the Ripper is the name given to a person who committed several murders in the East End of London in the Autumn of 1888"


    • #3
      Hi Dave and welcome.

      If you click on Ripper Wiki on the left of your screen you'll see some interesting information presented in an orderly form. This is still in the process of being compiled.

      I wouldn't worry too much about being totally up to speed with everything. Hardly anyone is. If some aspect of the case interests you, then pursue that. If something doesn't interest you, then put it aside.

      The boards are for everyone from total beginner to expert. The only thing that annoys us is when someone comes on and says "ive heard jtr killed someone called kelly. u no anything about her?"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Robert View Post
        The only thing that annoys us is when someone comes on and says "ive heard jtr killed someone called kelly. u no anything about her?"

        Oh putain, comme c'est bon!


        • #5
          Hello Dave!

          And welcome indeed to these boards!

          No reason to be confused;

          Since they lost the tracks of JtR already in 1888, obviously we are not any nearer!

          All the best
          "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


          • #6
            Hi Jukka,

            we are nearer, imo, but we lack proofs.
            The greater mystery is that of the victims. It can't even be cleared by JtR identity.



            • #7
              Welcome Dave,

              Have a hunt around. Plenty of nice people about. And if you have a wierd and wacky idea, don't worry, because the sane ideas dont give the answers either!


              best wishes

              Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

              Justice for the 96 = achieved
              Accountability? ....


              • #8
                Proper Context and Inconsistencies are very often set aside while trying to search for some truth in these crimes and wonder many people are so confused.

                I would suggest that as a start consider only the testimonies and accounts from witnesses that have no obvious motive for fabricating some details as a means of self preservation or to lessen suspicions on themselves or others....and go from there.

                Its clear some witnesses lied or did not tell the entire truth. Some on the stand at the Inquests.

                All the best with your own voyage through the "Abyss".

                Best regards


                • #9
                  Hello perrymason!

                  The "Abyss" made me wonder once again;

                  Did Jack London hear any JtR folk stories, while living in the East End?!

                  All the best
                  "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by j.r-ahde View Post
                    Hello perrymason!

                    The "Abyss" made me wonder once again;

                    Did Jack London hear any JtR folk stories, while living in the East End?!

                    All the best
                    Hi Jukka,

                    Nice to see you mate....belated Happy Holidays!!

                    I would imagine that he may have heard some tales, like the lady journalist from Toronto did when she visited London and the murder scenes a few years after the events. She even entered room 13 in Millers Court.

                    My bet is that there are lots of family legends still kicking around.

                    All the best mate


                    • #11
                      A plea

                      Thanks to everyone who has replied so far.
                      I may be able to help on your enquiry re folk tales as I recently downloaded Jack London's book from Guttenberg. As soon as I have reformatted it I will read it and reply.
                      All the best
                      When you talk to god it's praying; when god talks to you its schizophrenia! - X-Files


                      • #12
                        The People of the Abyss

                        Did a word search on the above, but nothing came up about Jtr.
                        Chapter 2 is called 'Johnny Upright'
                        "A detective of thirty-odd years’ continuous service in the East End, known far and wide by a name given him by a convicted felon in the dock."
                        Could this be Sgt Thicke?
                        All the best
                        When you talk to god it's praying; when god talks to you its schizophrenia! - X-Files


                        • #13

                          Hello Dave. Yes, that was his nickname.

                          The best.

