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'Couple seen nearby'

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  • #16

    Hello Curious. There is a story that he spotted Aaron Kosminski. Perhaps so. We can only speculate.

    The best.


    • #17
      Something alerted him Lynn. It's worth bearing in mind that the nearby St Botolphs lay a stones throw away, apparently a haunt of prostitutes. Levy lived in Hutchison Street a short walk from St Bolophs church, surely he must have known of it's reputation. In short, in his perambulations between his house and the Imperial Club it's possible he encountered prostitutes prior to his sighting on 30th September 1888. What I'm saying is it's possible he realised what he was observing on the morning in question due to prior experience.

      all the best



      • #18

        Hello Observer. You mean a prostitute soliciting? I think he was clearly aware of that. But would that, in itself, appear sinister?

        Are you supposing he was alerted to other possibilities given the earlier killings?

        The best.


        • #19
          It 's even possible that (on his way to the Imperial Club) he saw Catherine Eddowes being dragged along Houndsditch on her way to the clink earlier in the evening, highly unlikely I'll admit but possible.

          all the best



          • #20
            Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
            Hello Observer. You mean a prostitute soliciting? I think he was clearly aware of that. But would that, in itself, appear sinister?

            Are you supposing he was alerted to other possibilities given the earlier killings?

            The best.
            Hi Lynn

            It's possible I suppose. It could have crossed his mind. On 9 October the Evening News reported an interview with Levy and Harris. Describing Levy as a "butcher, of 1 Middlesex street, Aldgate", it said "Mr. Joseph Levy is absolutely obstinate and refuses to give us the slightest information. He leaves one to infer that he knows something, but that he is afraid to be called on the inquest. Hence he assumes a knowing air.

            all the best



            • #21

              Hello Observer. Would it not be ironic if he turned out to be Anderson's man?

              The best.


              • #22
                Ive read a few times recently theories that suggest victims were "dragged" here or reality not one of the Canonical Murders shows a definite struggle let alone traces of any "dragging" at all...oh, other than the only Indoor assumed Ripper kill. She struggled...but with whom?

                All were assumed to have been attacked and killed where they were found by the authorities.

                Best regards all


                • #23
                  Originally posted by lynn cates View Post
                  Hello Observer. Would it not be ironic if he turned out to be Anderson's man?

                  The best.
                  It would indeed Lynn. He is on record as saying that he took no notice of the couple, and could not give a description, but conceded that the man was about three inches taller than the woman.

                  Hi Mike, when I mentioned the dragging of Eddowes I was in fact reffering to the two policemen who escorted her to Bishopgate Police Station, not the killer dragging her to her death. It's all there in the original post.

                  all the best



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Observer View Post
                    It would indeed Lynn. He is on record as saying that he took no notice of the couple, and could not give a description, but conceded that the man was about three inches taller than the woman.

                    Hi Mike, when I mentioned the dragging of Eddowes I was in fact reffering to the two policemen who escorted her to Bishopgate Police Station, not the killer dragging her to her death. It's all there in the original post.

                    all the best

                    Sorry if I was hasty and misunderstood Observer, and I hadnt intended for you to be the sole focus of the comments.

                    My best as always


                    • #25
                      No problem Mike, and I realise that the question of dragging has cropped up in other posts by posters other than myself.

                      all the best



                      • #26
                        Bump up
                        "Great minds, don't think alike"


                        • #27
                          Bumping up the bump up.

                          That's far too much bumping for this time of the day!

                          Great thread!
                          "Great minds, don't think alike"


                          • #28
                            It is an interesting idea of a couple being involved. Highly unlikely but interesting. Have been some examples with serial killers.
                            Best wishes,



                            • #29
                              There have been cases before of couples. But they usually turn on each other at some point. I remember reading that one of a
                              duo actually killed his serial killing partner (their names elude me).
                              They would really have to trust each other, especially in a crime as notorious as this one.

