I know I will be shot down in flames by the much more informed residents of the board, and probably by the less informed like me too but another thing I mused on way back whenever my interest was first piqued concerning JTR and especially MJK – was MJK really on the bed when she was discovered?
To my eyes looking at the photograph of her lying there the ‘sheet’ which can be seen at shoulder, between elbow and knee and then draping over edge of bed near foot looks as though it has been used as a means of ‘lifting’ obviously the body. I would then assume that there would be corresponding ‘hand holds’ on the other side too.
I wonder if it is possible she was actually on the floor under the window with her head towards the door.
This could be why they did not enter via the door straight away. They then entered eventually via the larger window area. Took a photograph (or two) of her in position and then moved the carcass onto the bed for better access to photographs. The doctor then made his notes on the body once it was on the bed. The whole scene/murder was so horrific that at the time the fact she was on the floor originally was just never mentioned or felt important.
Apart from ‘seeing’ the ‘handholds’ in the sheet I also think this is a possibility because it is hard to imagine anyone cutting someone up on what may have been a reasonably ‘springy’ (though I am sure not luxurious) mattress. With the body on the floor it would be easier and anyone making a quick, cursory glance through a gap in the curtains would be less likely to notice anything if the whole thing was happening under the window.
So in my ‘movie’ of events the victim is lying with her back to the window, the murderer comes at her from behind and slashes her throat perhaps cutting her hand a little as she in the last split second realizes what is happening (the hand cut was before death I believe). The blood spurts onto the partition wall and floor. The murderer then drags, by means of the sheet, the body onto the floor and begins the task.
The ‘posing’ of the body could just be the natural way it fell after being lifted onto the bed? It may also explain missing photographs as they were taken on the floor and or perhaps some of the floor after the body was moved, blood puddles perhaps a footprint?
As there had never been any mention of the body being on the floor the photographs were ‘removed’.
I will now try to avoid the ack ack…………..
To my eyes looking at the photograph of her lying there the ‘sheet’ which can be seen at shoulder, between elbow and knee and then draping over edge of bed near foot looks as though it has been used as a means of ‘lifting’ obviously the body. I would then assume that there would be corresponding ‘hand holds’ on the other side too.
I wonder if it is possible she was actually on the floor under the window with her head towards the door.
This could be why they did not enter via the door straight away. They then entered eventually via the larger window area. Took a photograph (or two) of her in position and then moved the carcass onto the bed for better access to photographs. The doctor then made his notes on the body once it was on the bed. The whole scene/murder was so horrific that at the time the fact she was on the floor originally was just never mentioned or felt important.
Apart from ‘seeing’ the ‘handholds’ in the sheet I also think this is a possibility because it is hard to imagine anyone cutting someone up on what may have been a reasonably ‘springy’ (though I am sure not luxurious) mattress. With the body on the floor it would be easier and anyone making a quick, cursory glance through a gap in the curtains would be less likely to notice anything if the whole thing was happening under the window.
So in my ‘movie’ of events the victim is lying with her back to the window, the murderer comes at her from behind and slashes her throat perhaps cutting her hand a little as she in the last split second realizes what is happening (the hand cut was before death I believe). The blood spurts onto the partition wall and floor. The murderer then drags, by means of the sheet, the body onto the floor and begins the task.
The ‘posing’ of the body could just be the natural way it fell after being lifted onto the bed? It may also explain missing photographs as they were taken on the floor and or perhaps some of the floor after the body was moved, blood puddles perhaps a footprint?
As there had never been any mention of the body being on the floor the photographs were ‘removed’.
I will now try to avoid the ack ack…………..