Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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Personally, I suspect that if ALL of the police/ asylum/ etc. records had survived and were available to researchers, the Ripper's NAME would be there someplace, probably in some unrelated incident (dog-muzzling incident for Koz, assault for several others). If he was a British citizen, it's likely he's in the Census records. But WHERE? (Remember that no one has found a reliable record in the Census for the woman we call "Mary Kelly" by that name.) If he/his family were immigrants, it's likely that there's some sort of record there. But WHERE? It's even quite likely that he was caught up in the police sweeps for the Ripper. But all were cleared, with only some suspicion left lingering on a few, such as Tumblety, Kosminsky, etc. (I suspect that Ostrog probably WAS suspected for a time, but eventually he couldn't be connected to the killings. However Bureaucratic Inertia kept him on the lists. McNaughton may have never known that he was in a French prison at the time.) And all of the contemporary suspects suffer the Saddler problem- no matter how good of a suspect they might be for a PARTICULAR killing, NOT ONE of them could be linked to any TWO or more of the killings. Which is the attraction of most of the modern suspects- it's a "Government Conspiracy, so They are lying about the whereabouts of Prince Eddy/Dr. Gull/the Prime Minister/ Darwin/ JWB/Tom Sawyer/Tarzan/Prof. Moriarty/ etc".
Druitt is a more likely than many that have been suggested, but to go ANY further than that is only speculation- we do not know why his family suspected him (if they actually DID), or what any police investigation revealed, or even if there WAS one. I do believe that the information came to the Police AFTER his suicide and there probably was some sort of follow-up, which must have been inconclusive.
J. Maybrick- all questions about the history of the diary itself aside, without the diary how likely is he as a suspect?