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Current Best Ripper Documentary?

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  • Current Best Ripper Documentary?

    I know this changes quite often but am i to assume that the overall opinion re. the best Ripper documentary is still 'Unmasking Jack The Ripper'? No additions?

  • #2
    Hi Ken. Nope, I think you'll find that that is the agreement on the documentary you can actually easily buy. Most people (including me) usually say the 2001 Channel Four documentary TO KILL AND KILL AGAIN (why do so many docs go by that name?) is the best one.

    Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


    • #3
      Thanks George

      Annoyingly "To Kill And Kill Again' is one of the only documentaries that 4OD have chosen not to include amongst their archive of hundreds including 'Jade: A Life'


      • #4
        To Kill and Kill again ITV

        I think that the 'To Kill and Kill Again' series was on ITV. Channel 4 did the one on Tumblety which I show to my Year 9s. That was also availiable with a fornightly part work on murders which I seem to remember getting in the mid 90s.
        The 'to Kill and Kill Again' series also covered Christie and the Wests as well as others and was on in the early 00s.
        In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


        • #5
          Just Googled and it does say ITV.
          In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!


          • #6
            indeed itv


            • #7
              To Kill And Kill Again

              Ken, I uploaded my copy of To Kil And Kill Again to my veoh site The Jack The Ripper Vaults,
              You can view it online or download it if you join the veoh community.
              The link to my upload of the documentary is
              If you have any problems let me know and I will try to help you.
              Enjoy the documentary


              • #8
                Thanks so much for doing that Derann. It's brilliant. It's got Frayling, Evans and everyone delivers sober accounts and opinions without getting too excited.


                • #9

                  Nice one. I've heard much about it, never seen it. Thanks for putting it up.


                  PS Have you got 'JTR:The Final Solution'? Haven't seen it since the early 1990s.


                  • #10

                    thank you for that link,great viewing


                    • #11
                      John - I've got THE FINAL SOLUTION and TO KILL AND KILL AGAIN - you only have to ask. It'll be a while, though; I'm away from home and my bad week got considerably worse today with the probable theft of my wallet, all my cards, and £200 cash.

                      Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


                      • #12

                        Thanks so much. I heard about that documentary for yonks, but I'd never seen it.


                        We're all sorry to hear of your troubles.


                        • #13
                          Sorry to hear about your wallet Phil. I hope the little blighter who took it overdoses.
                          Im so far behind, I havent seen any of those documentaries. Someone should have a party and show them all!
                          I remember Timewatch Shadow Of The Ripper from 1988 was rather good.


                          • #14
                            After years of wanting to view these documentaries, finally I have a computer that will handle Veoh's player and can view these documentaries that only seem to have made it up there. Thanks for the hints on where to search and for the link.


                            • #15
                              Did anyone catch the episode of "Mystery Files" devoted to JTR? I saw the preview not so long ago but missed the actual episode, was wondering if that was any good or not....

                              Another good docco, although far from being specifically about JTR, is "London: The Greatest City", which obviously encompasses most of the important events in the city's history.....definitely worth checking out for the history buff.


