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Genuine Ripper Letters?

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  • Genuine Ripper Letters?

    I'm curious to know which letter's received by either news agencies or the police at the time around the murders you believe were genuine, if any? I'm mainly concerned with the Dear Boss letter, Saucy Jack postcard, and Lusk package/letter.

    To me it seems as thought the Dear Boss letter and Saucy Jack postcard were sent by the same individual. For both the handwriting being similar and the personality of the writer conveyed throughout both. It interested me that the writer mentioned something about cutting of the victim's ears and then it happened. Anymore comments or info on that would be very welcome.

    Whomever wrote the Lusk letter seemed to be somewhat illiterate, which I'm assuming was much more common during this era. Therefore, doesn't seem to me to say that the writer was any less intelligent than the writer of Dear Boss/Saucy Jack, just more illiterate.

  • #2

    Hi, Samuelson!

    I highly recommend the book 'Letters from Hell' by Stewart P. Evans and Keith Skinner.

    I'm quite interested in the Ripper Letters, too, and that book is an absolute goldmine of information. I'm sure all the other members will concur.

    Check it out on It's also written up in the 'Book Review' section here on Casebook.

    Best regards, Archaic


    • #3
      Cool, thanks.

