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Strange Occurence

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  • Strange Occurence

    Hi everyone,

    After a lot of consideration I've decided to post this because I personally think it means something and could maybe even help in some ways.
    I had something very odd happen to me about five years ago. Like many of you I would spend time researching the JTR case online. I was sitting in my room doing just this with my laptop. I had been researching the case online for about four-five hours when I got tired and decided it was time for bed. I sat my laptop on the floor and laid in my bed on my back. However, instead of falling asleep I went into sleep paralysis. For those of you who don't know, it is a state where you are aware of where you are, but you cannot move or speak or really do anything. Only thing is there was someone there, standing next to my bed across from where my feet were. I know this sounds weird but whoever this entity was then told me something telepathically. He basically said "you want to know who I am, well here I am." It only lasted about 5-10 seconds and then I came out of the sleep paralysis. I remember the negative feeling coming from this entity. It was the most evil, negative thing I have ever felt before or since. I keep trying to tell myself it wasn't him and it was just my subconcious mind or something, but I know deep down it wasn't. I would really like your comments on this and if you have any idea what else this could have possibly been, besides the real thing. Thanks

  • #2
    Originally posted by Samuelson1982 View Post
    Hi everyone,

    After a lot of consideration I've decided to post this because I personally think it means something and could maybe even help in some ways.
    I had something very odd happen to me about five years ago. Like many of you I would spend time researching the JTR case online. I was sitting in my room doing just this with my laptop. I had been researching the case online for about four-five hours when I got tired and decided it was time for bed. I sat my laptop on the floor and laid in my bed on my back. However, instead of falling asleep I went into sleep paralysis. For those of you who don't know, it is a state where you are aware of where you are, but you cannot move or speak or really do anything. Only thing is there was someone there, standing next to my bed across from where my feet were. I know this sounds weird but whoever this entity was then told me something telepathically. He basically said "you want to know who I am, well here I am." It only lasted about 5-10 seconds and then I came out of the sleep paralysis. I remember the negative feeling coming from this entity. It was the most evil, negative thing I have ever felt before or since. I keep trying to tell myself it wasn't him and it was just my subconcious mind or something, but I know deep down it wasn't. I would really like your comments on this and if you have any idea what else this could have possibly been, besides the real thing. Thanks
    I can't remember the exact name for it, but apparently the chemical in your brain that prevents you from moving during sleep (so that you can't injure yourself acting out your dreams) stays in your system as you are coming awake and prevents you from moving despite being conscious. Apparently this accounts for many recovered memories of abuse - the image of being powerless and/or in someone else's control is very common.

    I remember the last time it happened to me, a few years back, all I wanted to do was scream but couldn't until it wore off!

