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Acts of Terrorism

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  • Acts of Terrorism

    Hello all,

    I believe its fairly obvious that the only real usable evidence that we have to assess anything about the killer known as Jack The Ripper are the acts he performs and the clues that are left behind.

    In the second case, we have little or nothing to use. In the first case, we have inconclusive evidence that has allowed many to suggest murders and acts that are not in fact provably linked to the Ripper series, and are far astray from the data we do have on some Canonical deaths that formed the premise in the first place.

    So,...heres another angle that may be considered.



    "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons."

    I would think that it could be construed that the Ripper acts fit the above definition.

    Does that imply there may be a potential political motivation for the murders by the murderer?

    For fodder...the Fenians were in the final stages of a planned political assassination at that very moment in time, a man linked with Fenian funds in America is in London at that time, there is enormous poverty and repression in existence in Londons East End at that time,...Charles Warren initiated a violent end to a Peace March in Trafalgar Square the previous year organized by the poverty stricken locals in the Ripper district,... there was some power struggle ongoing between Parliament and a Monarchy...and a pending public hearing on Fenian matters scheduled to start that winter. Thats a bit of the potential fuel sources.

    Cheers all.

  • #2
    Hi Michael,

    Well, if that's the case, it will be well nigh impossible for us to ever find out anything about it. Unlike the existing police reports we have in easy-to-read format, thanks to Stewart Evans, we know (also thanks to Stewart) that the Special files dealing with such things as you suggest are locked up tighter than a jug.

    Sink the Bismark


    • #3
      Originally posted by Roy Corduroy View Post
      Hi Michael,

      Well, if that's the case, it will be well nigh impossible for us to ever find out anything about it. Unlike the existing police reports we have in easy-to-read format, thanks to Stewart Evans, we know (also thanks to Stewart) that the Special files dealing with such things as you suggest are locked up tighter than a jug.

      Might that bold part be a potential explanation for missing data about some Ripper murders as well I wonder?

      Cross-over crimes or evidence? Crimes that threaten public safety and perhaps the government itself? Would they be "public knowledge"?

      Stewart is an excellent source for things we do know about the crimes, and as an ex-officer of London himself for decades, he might also have knowledge of where these crimes may have crossed into "highly confidential" matters of state.

      Best regards Roy


      • #4
        As a reformed fenian conspiracy theorist I couldn't resist this thread. Usually British Archives have 3 areas that are sealed: Ireland, Royalty and Homosexuality. However since 1998 they have relaxed this in the case of Irish matters (I don't know about the other two).

        Chris Lowe


        • #5
          I'm far from a psychologist but i'd have thought the attacks were far too frenzied to have been perpetrated by what is after all a sort of ideaologist...I suppose you could put forward the theory the Irish employed a homicidal maniac to do the work, but in the days when you did hang for treason , i doubt it would have been comfortable having a knife weilding nutter on the payroll.
          Interesting theory though, ferment trouble against the authorities with the masses


          • #6
            Hi Andy
            Back when I supported the theory I used to point out that Northern Irish terrorists on both sides had members whose actions had earned them the reputation of being at the very least psuedo serial killers, the Shankill Butchers on the loyalist side and Jim Lynagh on the provo side.
            Chris Lowe


            • #7
              Originally posted by truebluedub View Post
              Hi Andy
              Back when I supported the theory I used to point out that Northern Irish terrorists on both sides had members whose actions had earned them the reputation of being at the very least psuedo serial killers, the Shankill Butchers on the loyalist side and Jim Lynagh on the provo side.
              Chris Lowe
              Interesting trueblue,

              Heres my premise.....I wonder what the planned and foiled-by-the-authorities assassination of Lord Balfour by Fenians that Fall, the presence of a visible Fenian supporter and alleged Fenian money launderer from America, the pending Parnell Commission hearings, and the location of an alledged Ripper victim to a known Fenian activity site.....meant to someone like Fred Abberline?

              He is re-assigned to Whitechapel to investigate the Ripper murders, based on his past successes in that area locating and arresting Fenians, and in the most Irish influenced scenario surrounding a Ripper murder ...the suspected last one....he is looking for evidence in the ashes Saturday morning with some officers assigned to him...after they have been sieved Im sure meticulously the previous afternoon. The Royal Irish Constabulary sends some men round that room at the beginning of the week, along with Parlimentary and a Senior Post Office official.

              What does Parliament...which just re-convened the week of Marys death....The Post Office, and The Royal Irish Constabulary have to do with investigating Ripper murders?

              There was an Irish suspect arrested in Belfast in early October on suspicion of being involved in the Ripper murders in London, who subsequently disappeared after his release.

              What if any or all of the Fenian related investigations that must have been ongoing at that time, due to their ability to thwart a planned assassination, were being investigated by men also assigned to The Ripper cases? What if one or more murders showed a possible connection of a victim or their friends and associates to such activities?

              All the best

