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Police Illustrated News 17.11.1988

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  • Police Illustrated News 17.11.1988

    Has anyone ever seen, handled or read transcripts of a copy of this issue with a different front cover to the one scanned in on here?

    I came across an A5 size copy of the (a) cover in a book yesterday- there are quite a few differences and there are a few details that don't quite make sense, but seeing as they're not present on the cover on here I'm hoping some of you can throw some light on them! Not got a scanner I'm afraid so you'll have to make do with my explanations...

    The most notable difference is that the body on the front is not that of MJK (as on the edition on here, and as you'd expect from the date) but Eddowes. I'm assuming there were two editions, one (early) edition- this one- still getting the last mileage out of the Stride/Eddowes killings, hastily replaced once news of MJK's discovery got out? Quick work in the days of antiquated presses and no mobile phones and laptops to submit copy!

    But there are another couple of details I hope people know more than me about. It seems like in the light of MJK these details 'dropped off' the front page (whether they remained inside I don't know)-

    Top line- 'sketches of the seventh east end crime'- now, this line has survived to the 'MJK edition'- surely that would have been number 8 by their reckoning? More than likely that was just a mistake in the hurry, but who else did they count to get to that total? Presumably Tabram/Turner, but who else? We need two more to make Eddowes number 7. Smith and Millwood perhaps? We know that newspapers such as the PIN took a lot of their info from serving officers, does this perhaps suggest there were initially suspicions amongst the investigating officers that JtR's body count was higher than the canonical victims already?

    Another panel, showing a man fitting the generic 'foreign'/ jewish appearance as suggested by Walter etc and the whole Leather Apron furore, is captioned not only 'sketch of supposed murderer' but also, underneath, 'seen haunting house of mr Lusk'- I know Lusk was the subject of some taunting in the (likely fake) letters but I've never read about even any rumours that he felt physically targeted?

    finally, another caption shows officers breaking down a door, and is captioned, predictably enough, 'forcing open the door'- as MJK's death doesn't seem to have been discovered by this point, which door is this and why? I know a few suspects were brought in around this time (Bury, Kosminsky supposedly) but I don't remember reading about any house raids?

    anyone seen this edition or got any thoughts on it?

  • #2
    Any chance of a link to these covers so we can see what you mean, tnb? I think I know the one you refer to, but we usually only see bits of them in books.


    • #3
      The copy I have of the IPN for 17 Nov 1888 has the following illustrations:
      Top Row:
      Three Times Arrested as Jack the Ripper
      Photographing the Body
      Removing the Body to Shoreditch Mortuary
      A Mysterious man with a Black Bag
      Forcing Open the Door
      Seventh Horrible Murder by the Monster of the East End
      Central Section:
      Centre portait of Mary Kelly captioned: The Seventh Vicitim: Picked out for slaughter by the East End fiend from descriptions given by her intimate friends
      To left of Kelly Portait:
      Miller's Court The Murderer's Chosen Spot
      The Scene of the Murder - Miller's Court
      Mrs Prater's Last Leavetaking of the Victim
      A Strange Man tried to induce girls to go up an entry with him
      The Awful Discovery by McCarthy
      Startling Story of a man with a black bag
      To right of Kelly Portrait:
      Awful scene witnessed by the doctors
      Lured to the slaughter
      Another Strange story told of a man with a black bag
      The murderer escaping from the window
      Next Row down:
      Arrested on suspicion
      Locality of the seven undiscovered murders
      Removing the body
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Chris Scott; 01-02-2009, 09:37 PM.


      • #4
        Replies To Your Query

        First off I think you would get more replies to your query if you had put 1888 instead of 1988!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bob Hinton View Post
          First off I think you would get more replies to your query if you had put 1888 instead of 1988!
          Oh dear! guilty as charged...

          will try to scan it in tommorow- watch this space. it definitely appears that most of the panels are the same as the 'MJK edition', but some are definitely different.

          will get it up tommorow- see you then!

