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After the spree

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  • After the spree

    Hi all!

    Here´s some names, some of them well-known, others not that familiar to most of us:

    1. Arthur Shawcross, killed eleven prostitutes by way of battering and strangling them, and mutilated some of them.
    2. Robert Yates, killed thirteen prostitutes by shooting them, thereafter burying one of them outside the bedroom window of his family home.
    3. Robert Hansen, killed fifteen prostitutes by rifle and hunting-knife, after having let them loose in the wilderness, only to hunt them like animals afterwards.
    4. Paul Runge, killed six women and a small girl of ten, raping and dismembering as he went along.
    5. Darrell Rich, killed four women by battering them with a rock and shooting them with a handgun. He took one of his victims to a murder site to show her a decaying predecessor before he killed her.
    ...and finally...
    6. Ed Gein, the man who was portrayed in Hitchcocks "Psycho". He was a necrophiliac who killed and eviscerated, deer-hunter style, when he did not dig up corpses from the local graveyard to procure whatever body parts that he took a fancy to.

    As nice a bunch of fellow citizens as one is ever likely to run into - but what did they have in common? And what can we learn from it? Anybody?

    The best!

  • #2
    That our understanding of violent crime often ignores natural instincts towards killing. Animals are by definition serial killers after all. Humans are no different.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
      As nice a bunch of fellow citizens as one is ever likely to run into - but what did they have in common? ?
      Hello Fisherman

      A lame guess but was the common denominator that they were all single men ?


      • #4
        This is strange; earlier today I responded to Roy Corduroy on this topic - and now both his and my posts are gone...?

        Anyways, no, it has nothing to do with them being single men. The common denominator I was after is that though they all had perpetrated terrible deeds, showing a complete lack of respect for fellow human beings, they all became model inmates in prison.

        And why do I bring this up? Well, because it seems that as we look through the asylum records for viable suspects, we want our finds to be violent, abusive men, threatening to rip people up. But that need not have been the case with Jack at all! He may have been quite a meek creature behind bars.
        FBI profilers tend to point out the organized serialists as the ones who are lightly to become model inmates, but obviously, a guy like Gein was not a good example of organized killers.

        All the best!


        • #5
          Well seen, Fish!
          Though Fleming "could become very abusive with little or no provocation", according to his medical records...(I'm almost joking, and you're perfectly right: JF wasn't considered dangerous by the same records.)



          • #6

            Stephen did have an announcement up that any messages posted during the actual server conversion process would NOT be carried over. So I presume you and Roy both did so during that period of cyber limbo.

            "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


            • #7
              Yes, Don, that seems to be what happened. Thanks for throwing some light over it!
              Seems suitable, somehow, that not only our killer but also our posts about his activities share the ability to vanish into thin air...

              The best!

