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Louisiana Blood - Hollywood Blockbuster.

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  • Louisiana Blood - Hollywood Blockbuster.

    Hi there,

    This website and many many books and DVD's were the inspiration for me to write a Hollywood blockbuster screenplay re-envisaging the Ripper as a Victorian 911...I have looked at all of the facts, sources and myths surrounding the Ripper murders and come up with what I believe to be a larger and more wide ranging angle. This is of course a work of fiction, but I believe it encompasses pretty much all of the known facts and mythology that is out there. Obviously I had to draw the line at any suggestions that the Ripper was an Alien! But pretty much everything else is touched upon. The screenplay has won awards and reached the finals of 12 competitions so far, and is being read by a Hollywood production company.

    However, life being what it is I would welcome any contact from anyone who knows someone, who knows someone etc, that would enable me to breech the gatekeepers of an LA agent, manager or Studio development exec. I believe this film needs to get to a screen as soon as possible. Budgeted at above $30m it needs some big players involved, and though I'm making some noise the more noise the better. Please visit my website and email me your comments if any, or any suggestions for contacts. All communications will be treated in confidence. There is some blurb on the site and the latest news of it's progress, so please enjoy your visit!
    Yes I do.
    No I don't.
    Bring it on!
    I'd love to see it!

  • #2
    I'll say what I think a lot of us feel on the subject of Ripper movies: The movie that desperately needs to be made is one that is completely faithful to all the known facts as they were recorded and goes no further, with the necessary improvised dialogue between the various characters (which, granted, there would be a lot of) being the only fictionalization. It would have just a few well known actors and a lot of unknowns. The victims would not be "glammed up" but shown as they really were. The murders would be shown, but without showing the Ripper's face, as was done very well recently with "Zodiac." If a suspect is presented then there should be several of them- not all of them of course since that would be impossible, but a good cross section, and without settling on any of them at the end. The movie would not have a true resolution, since there wasn't one in real life.

    No movie has EVER shown these events in the way they really happened. It is high time one did. So Paleface, not knowing what kind of approach you have taken, that would be my input. Good luck with your project.


    • #3
      Louisiana Blood

      Hi kensei,

      Thanks for your post. Yes, I try and remain faithful to the general facts, though I obviously have to focus on the American suspects for the plot to be believable, if you were trying to do a Hollywood pitch I guess it would be All the kings men, meets Mission Impossible, Murder By Decree and with a lot of twists along the way! I've been told there are enough plot lines in it for ten films! So by the time it gets on screen I guess it might be whittled down a bit!

      My overview was that Jack the Ripper was a minor character in a vast conspiracy which was high jacked by a lot of different factions for their own ends, Police, Press, developers and government.

      I know I won't be able to please every Ripperologist out there, but I want to at least be more entertaining and thought provoking than FROM HELL which didn't work for me. Cheers.

