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Unfortunate Pay?

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  • #16
    Hello kensei!

    Originally posted by kensei View Post
    Wasn't Mary supposed to have once worked in a somewhat classier West End brothel, from which a client briefly took her to Paris? (If that story is true of course.) I wonder how much better conditions would have been there.
    Maybe they were at least safer there?!

    But what it comes to Mary Jane Kelly, she built up such a clever cover-up, that maybe she was wondering even herself about the following thing; which is true, which isn't?!

    All the best
    "When I know all about everything, I am old. And it's a very, very long way to go!"


    • #17
      Originally posted by j.r-ahde View Post
      Hello kensei!
      Maybe they were at least safer there?!
      But what it comes to Mary Jane Kelly, she built up such a clever cover-up, that maybe she was wondering even herself about the following thing; which is true, which isn't?!
      All the best

      It's kinda like the people who lie so much, fact and fiction becomes blurred!
      I have a female friend who tells one person one thing, and another a totally different story, when she has been confronted, she makes out the the two who heard her different stories have it mixed up!

      I also had a customer years ago who swore down he was Pierce Brosnans cousin. Funny thing is, when Brosnan was out of the country filming, his "cousin" claimed he was in Hull sharing a beer and cigar! The guy was nuts!
      Anyway, he spun so much fiction, I think he believed his own stories sometimes!
      Regards Mike


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
        It's kinda like the people who lie so much, fact and fiction becomes blurred!
        I have a female friend who tells one person one thing, and another a totally different story, when she has been confronted, she makes out the the two who heard her different stories have it mixed up!

        I also had a customer years ago who swore down he was Pierce Brosnans cousin. Funny thing is, when Brosnan was out of the country filming, his "cousin" claimed he was in Hull sharing a beer and cigar! The guy was nuts!
        Anyway, he spun so much fiction, I think he believed his own stories sometimes!
        Pathological liars. Also known as mytho-mania. I had an extreme case pass through my life a few years ago, a young woman so charming she could make anyone believe anything, but when (long story short) I ended up having to investigate her a bit I found she'd lied about her year and possibly place of birth, that she'd faked having cancer and faked a TRIPLE pregnancy (not with me) and then a miscarriage, and that she was convicted and served two years probation for embezzling thousands of dollars from a lawyer's office she'd worked in, for which she of course swore she was framed. And that's just a short list.

        I have wondered if Liz Stride had this condition with her tales of imaginary children and soforth, but never really considered it about Mary Kelly. I suppose it's possible we actually know nothing about her at all.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
          I know of a police station that is located in Pig Lane!
          Yes!!! The one in St. Ives Cambs is!! Always makes me laugh when we drive by it.
          In order to know virtue, we must first aquaint ourselves with vice!

