Hello, esteemed folks. Having read for quite some time, I thought it was time to jump in. I was hoping to find out from some of y'all this.
What is the one piece of eveidence that simply bothers you? That one little tidbit that doesn't add up? I know that their is quite a few, but I am curious what they are.
Mine is the fact that Mary Kelly was spotted in the morning approx 4 hours AFTER she was killed.
Thanks for all of your contributions and great lunchtime reading.
What is the one piece of eveidence that simply bothers you? That one little tidbit that doesn't add up? I know that their is quite a few, but I am curious what they are.
Mine is the fact that Mary Kelly was spotted in the morning approx 4 hours AFTER she was killed.
Thanks for all of your contributions and great lunchtime reading.