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Ripper Film in the works

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  • Ripper Film in the works

    back in '06 I had posted a thread about an upcoming idea for a jack the ripper film and all. Well its nearly been two years since then and the original thread on the old boards got buried under other threads and so on so I'd figure maybe I could give it a new start here. As of now the film has moved on from just being an idea (Or as I call it, a "pitch") and is now in the beginning stages of Pre-Production, which is basically the screenplay drafts, preparation,etc,etc. As of right now I can already tell you a couple things about the film thus far....

    1.Jack The Ripper will not be revealed. You may see his back in a scene or a quick head shot but most of the Ripper films we have come to known such as From Hell and the Michael Caine mini-series have basically built the whole plot and characters around a suspect, or suspects and that itself takes away most of the view point from the many other facts that are out there. In the end the audience will be left to make a conclusion as to whom "he" really was.

    2. There will be suspects in the plot and story itself but they will not be favored in any way nor will the plot revolve around them. The only "suspect" that would be majorally introduced in the beginnig would be John Pizer. In the very first draft of the script the suspects Tumblety, Chapman, Cohen, and Druitt were featured.

    3. The Crime scenes. Now of course filming in London would be out of the question since almost 75% of the original buildings of Whitechapel are since demolished and replaced by modern structures. So I have therefore instituted a newer technique. Any interior shots that would be filmed would be filmed on sets,etc. But any exterior shots such as Buck's Row, Mitre Square and others will use 1/25 scale models which will be incredibly detailed. And from there the actors/actresses will be incorporated into the models digitally then from there any lighting process and adjustments will be made.

    4. And finally I would like to enlist the help of everyone here. Any comments and suggestions are surely welcome at any time. If there is anything anyone would like to see (Unfortunately not everything can be considered) then please drop me a PM.

    5. A release date has been picked for August 31st 2010. This is a temporary date as of now.

    Other than that this is a quick pacing project that is moving faster than I thought. If anybody does have any questions about anything I would be free to answer them in a PM or other means of communication. However at this time I am currently in talks with Johnathon from RipperCast to do a little show that would be about Jack The Ripper and the movies and would feature me as a guest and you can visit the website for RipperCast here:

    Stay tuned for more information!

    They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. - Edgar Allan Poe

  • #2
    Good luck with the project Justin, it should be a good show and I look forward to discussing your ideas.

    I write screenplays so I know how difficult it is getting projects off the ground.

    I look forward to the show.

    Regards Mike
    Regards Mike


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rigby
      I know Masonry and Ripperology can cause a miasma on these boards, ever since the misinformation in Knight's book, but does anyone know if Fred Abberline was a Freemason?
      Not sure if thats really pertinant??
      Regards Mike


      • #4

        Abberline was not a mason.


        Thanks. I am looking forward to the show too. Should be a real treat.

        They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. - Edgar Allan Poe


        • #5
          Both Jonathan and Howard are really nice guys and it is more fun than anything else.

          Last week we nattered for hours but it was nice to finally put voices to names!

          Good luck with the project.

          Regards Mike


          • #6
            Book Being Planned

            That Ripper film can only sell a book on the Ripper that I was planning to write. This has solidified my desire to write a Ripper novel. I'll let you know when it's published.


            • #7
              Good luck with the Ripper Novel, Ripper related Fiction is becoming a big business and there are some good works out there at the moment.

              I love writing and spend hours sat at my screen daily typing!

              Good luck

              Regards Mike


              • #8
                Hey ya know you may have a look at any Jack movies that went straight to the ol movie vault ( might be able to gather something interesting or insightful there)Most are in the vault or long gone, because they had to stop filming - ran out of money among other things. I know the one I was involved with, is locked away in a vault for all times now.

                GOOD LUCK with it!
                "Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas. ~Shoseki

                When one has one's hand full of truth it is not always wise to open it. ~French Proverb

                Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident. ~Arthur Schopenhauer


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
                  Good luck with the Ripper Novel, Ripper related Fiction is becoming a big business and there are some good works out there at the moment.

                  I love writing and spend hours sat at my screen daily typing!

                  Good luck

                  I appreciate the encouragement.


                  • #10
                    Good Idea

                    Originally posted by Blackkat View Post
                    Hey ya know you may have a look at any Jack movies that went straight to the ol movie vault ( might be able to gather something interesting or insightful there)Most are in the vault or long gone, because they had to stop filming - ran out of money among other things. I know the one I was involved with, is locked away in a vault for all times now.

                    GOOD LUCK with it!
                    There are Ripper movies at movie rental places and libraries as well. I've yet to see a Ripper movie that I agreed with but, I did enjoy them, especially the Murder By Design(?) one involving Sherlock Holmes.
                    Last edited by denn034; 02-17-2008, 01:23 AM. Reason: Add Italics


                    • #11
                      I posted some links on the ripper moves and docs thread you might wish to look at to gain insperation.

                      I enjoyed From Hell as a murder mystery but hated it as a ripper film.

                      Regards Mike


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by denn034 View Post
                        There are Ripper movies at movie rental places and libraries as well. I've yet to see a Ripper movie that I agreed with but, I did enjoy them, especially the Murder By Design(?) one involving Sherlock Holmes.

                        I do believe your talking about Murder By Decree staring Christopher Plummer as The Ripper. Thanks for the encouragement guys. Helps me out and all.

                        They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. - Edgar Allan Poe


                        • #13
                          Expect some animation walkthroughs for the Bucks Row Model tonight. Before each model is started they will be digitally created in Google Sketch-Up so thiss way the dimensions are able to be tested as well as this way we are able to parts of the area where we can get our camera shots. With these models we can also tell what parts of the models really need built without doing the entire East End.

                          In lighter news a working title has been given to the film as well as the Official Site (Temporary site as of now) has gone live at Http://

                          Enjoy. More to follow

                          They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. - Edgar Allan Poe


                          • #14
                            Hi Justin,

                            Have you put it on IMDb yet?
                            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                            Stan Reid


                            • #15

                              No, not yet actually although I do plan on having it up soon. And for all of you wanting to see a tidbit about the film here is a walkthrough of the 3-D Model of Buck's Row. There's not any real detail on the buildings because this is just really somewhat of a reference shot and also something I can show to the producers,actors to give them a feel of what it would be like and also show this to the men and women making the models for a reference point.

                              You can view the video here:

                              Here's a description:

                              The video goes down Buck's Row until it hits Brady Street. We take a right on Brady and go until Winthrop Street. We then go right on Winthrop street until we take a left into the Woods Buildings. Going through the arch we come out onto Whitechapel Road and just in view of the London Hospital and then taking a stroll past where the Working Lads Institute would be (On the left) we go past the residence of Dr. Llewellyn and take a left on Brady street. We then continue straight on Brady street until we take a left on Buck's Row, going past the murder site on the left and we end with an overview show of the Buck's Row site.


                              They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. - Edgar Allan Poe

