The killer killed on the end of the month and the 8th,Aug.31,Sept.8,Sept 30,Nov.8 -9,despite "unfortunates" available more or less everyday.
He was a visitor with a fixed schedule.
From Goulston street after dropping the apron where was the killer going, Middelsex/wentworth to the left,Bell lane/Crispin across or
Wentworth/Commercial St. to the right,it was between 2:20 AM-2:50 AM (Long's discovery and PC Long's first pass).Practically right off the bat,
he was going to Bell Lane,to Crispin then to the market,where there were lots of his "kind",visitors with fixed schedules.At 2-3-4 Am people begun
setting things up and the market was opening.There were no gates and sellers could come in at anytime,along with higglers,buyers,porters,
costermongers,flower sellers and the German/French fruit salesmen from commission houses or farmers/producers.
February 1888 Commission on Market and Tolls.
- Robert Horner: leasee of Spitalfields Market,since 12 years
(Sir Thomas Martineau)
Have you auctions in the market now? Not any.
You are going to use your proposed flower market as an auction room are you not? As an auction room and flower market.
And you either have established or propose to create a flower market? Yes,it will be ready by 1st of March,it is now nearly completed.
So you think that a want is felt for sales by auction? I think so; they seem to be wanting to come there to sell,because they show
samples.The great bulk of the samples of fruit,and so on,come up by the Great Eastern via Harwich from Germany and France,and they
can bring them into Spitalfields and show the samples,and there sell them...The auction is principally of foreign consignments.
There are three market days ...There is a market everyday but the growers come in three days. *(Tues,Thurs,Sat)
The greengrocers come there in the morning in the summer season at 3 or 4 o'clock,and they,some of them,stop for 2 or 3 hours there buying their goods.
Any vegetables that are left at the end of the day are...bought more by higglers and men that stand hanging about;they are not quite costermomgers but
men who hang about the market and buy...puts it in the ground and sells it in the after part of the day and the next day.
..the costermongers are very useful people in clearing the market...: I have endeavoured to make roads through Spitalfields market,which there
were not before,so that a costermonger,at a given time in the morning,can bring his barrow into the market and load from a grower's
van,and so,save 1s or 1s 6d porterage....the costermonger can bring his vehicle to the market at 8 o'clock in the morning..."
The stall keepers get so mamy things stolen at night.There are four small streets belonging to the local authority,and what I have applied for
was to have gates to shut the market up at night,and they refused.
- Mr James Briggs: solicitor on behalf of Mr. Horner.
..the market gardeners attend the market as regular as ever they did.The salesmen deal more in the large fruit and potato business.
As regards foreign supplies,and supplies from a long distance,that is so.There necessarily must be salesmen in those cases.
- Mr. John Denton: costermonger,chiefly,Spitalfields Market
In Spitalfields we can buy cheaper than we can at other places....more people go there...more growers come there.
- Mr James Allen: farmer Dartford,Kent.
We sometime have something like 20 horses a day.
And you have standing rooms for waggons;have you any stall provided? Yes,we have room to pitch the fruit and those sort of
things,as well as standing room for the waggons.
Have you any office? No...we have a desk.
Would it be an advantage to you to have a sale by auction in the afternoon? I do not think so.I like to sell my things and go home.
- Thomas Matthews,market gardener:
I send 12 waggons a week.
Formerly we were obliged to be there in the summer as early as two or three o'clock in the morning; the market used to begin at three
o'clock...Now you can get in at any time,and the buyer can bring his carts and unload the goods off the seller's waggons into his cart.
================================================== =================
Regarding Robert Horner's statement above "The great bulk of the samples of fruit,and so on,come up by the Great Eastern via Harwich from
Germany and France..' the routes from France sort of did not make sense.
* He had 20,000 tons of potatoes,2000 sold to America,the rest to anybody including Spitalfield Market buyers but had lots of competition.
Harwich (Parkeston Quay) to London 6x daily 5:00 am (for steamers arriving from Rotterdam and Antwerp) 7:55 am 9:58 am 1:00 pm
3:10 pm 5:40 pm
- From Germany 3 routes to Harwich then to London:
Rotterdam to Harwich to London, daily except Sunday, depart 6:15 pm to 5:00 am arrive 6:50 am - 12 hrs 35 min
Antwerp to Harwich to London daily except Sunday depart 5:45 pm to 5:00 am arrive 6:50 am - 13 hrs 5 min
Hamburg To Harwich (steamers), Harwich to London, 3x a week depart 10:45 pm - Tue/Wed/Sat - 27 hrs 50 min
(this route from Altes Land near Hamburg)
- From France it did not go to Harwich,Great Eastern did not pass Dover,Littlehampton,Newhaven,Folksetone which were/are across/destinations
on England from France - Calais,Honfleur/Caen,Dieppe,Boulogne/Calais respectively. (French ports,route for Calvados/Nornmandy).There was also a St. Malo to Channel Islands to London route.
But still probably end in Liverpool Street station London and carted to Spitlafields market 4/few blocks away.
Bradshaw COntinental Guide, September 1888
1885 Charles Gillig's London Guide
Harwich (Parkeston Quay) to Rotterdam or Antwerp
HCqG-GliSYUQgweIkCVUW96s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5sqGmkr PfAhVLja0KHft_CIs4FBDoATAGegQIAhAB#v=onepage&q=par keston%20quay%20harwich%20to%20rot
1892 London to Harwich.
A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSwfGc57TfAhUO1qwKHZskD_UQ 6AEwA3oECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=london%20to%20harwich%2 0at%208%20pm&f=false
calais to Dover , Boulougne to Folksetone.
guide+to+London&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ-MDXlrPfAhUEaq0KHYYqCnsQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=parkes ton&f=false
Dieppe to Newhaven.
He was a visitor with a fixed schedule.
From Goulston street after dropping the apron where was the killer going, Middelsex/wentworth to the left,Bell lane/Crispin across or
Wentworth/Commercial St. to the right,it was between 2:20 AM-2:50 AM (Long's discovery and PC Long's first pass).Practically right off the bat,
he was going to Bell Lane,to Crispin then to the market,where there were lots of his "kind",visitors with fixed schedules.At 2-3-4 Am people begun
setting things up and the market was opening.There were no gates and sellers could come in at anytime,along with higglers,buyers,porters,
costermongers,flower sellers and the German/French fruit salesmen from commission houses or farmers/producers.
February 1888 Commission on Market and Tolls.
- Robert Horner: leasee of Spitalfields Market,since 12 years
(Sir Thomas Martineau)
Have you auctions in the market now? Not any.
You are going to use your proposed flower market as an auction room are you not? As an auction room and flower market.
And you either have established or propose to create a flower market? Yes,it will be ready by 1st of March,it is now nearly completed.
So you think that a want is felt for sales by auction? I think so; they seem to be wanting to come there to sell,because they show
samples.The great bulk of the samples of fruit,and so on,come up by the Great Eastern via Harwich from Germany and France,and they
can bring them into Spitalfields and show the samples,and there sell them...The auction is principally of foreign consignments.
There are three market days ...There is a market everyday but the growers come in three days. *(Tues,Thurs,Sat)
The greengrocers come there in the morning in the summer season at 3 or 4 o'clock,and they,some of them,stop for 2 or 3 hours there buying their goods.
Any vegetables that are left at the end of the day are...bought more by higglers and men that stand hanging about;they are not quite costermomgers but
men who hang about the market and buy...puts it in the ground and sells it in the after part of the day and the next day.
..the costermongers are very useful people in clearing the market...: I have endeavoured to make roads through Spitalfields market,which there
were not before,so that a costermonger,at a given time in the morning,can bring his barrow into the market and load from a grower's
van,and so,save 1s or 1s 6d porterage....the costermonger can bring his vehicle to the market at 8 o'clock in the morning..."
The stall keepers get so mamy things stolen at night.There are four small streets belonging to the local authority,and what I have applied for
was to have gates to shut the market up at night,and they refused.
- Mr James Briggs: solicitor on behalf of Mr. Horner.
..the market gardeners attend the market as regular as ever they did.The salesmen deal more in the large fruit and potato business.
As regards foreign supplies,and supplies from a long distance,that is so.There necessarily must be salesmen in those cases.
- Mr. John Denton: costermonger,chiefly,Spitalfields Market
In Spitalfields we can buy cheaper than we can at other places....more people go there...more growers come there.
- Mr James Allen: farmer Dartford,Kent.
We sometime have something like 20 horses a day.
And you have standing rooms for waggons;have you any stall provided? Yes,we have room to pitch the fruit and those sort of
things,as well as standing room for the waggons.
Have you any office? No...we have a desk.
Would it be an advantage to you to have a sale by auction in the afternoon? I do not think so.I like to sell my things and go home.
- Thomas Matthews,market gardener:
I send 12 waggons a week.
Formerly we were obliged to be there in the summer as early as two or three o'clock in the morning; the market used to begin at three
o'clock...Now you can get in at any time,and the buyer can bring his carts and unload the goods off the seller's waggons into his cart.
================================================== =================
Regarding Robert Horner's statement above "The great bulk of the samples of fruit,and so on,come up by the Great Eastern via Harwich from
Germany and France..' the routes from France sort of did not make sense.
* He had 20,000 tons of potatoes,2000 sold to America,the rest to anybody including Spitalfield Market buyers but had lots of competition.
Harwich (Parkeston Quay) to London 6x daily 5:00 am (for steamers arriving from Rotterdam and Antwerp) 7:55 am 9:58 am 1:00 pm
3:10 pm 5:40 pm
- From Germany 3 routes to Harwich then to London:
Rotterdam to Harwich to London, daily except Sunday, depart 6:15 pm to 5:00 am arrive 6:50 am - 12 hrs 35 min
Antwerp to Harwich to London daily except Sunday depart 5:45 pm to 5:00 am arrive 6:50 am - 13 hrs 5 min
Hamburg To Harwich (steamers), Harwich to London, 3x a week depart 10:45 pm - Tue/Wed/Sat - 27 hrs 50 min
(this route from Altes Land near Hamburg)
- From France it did not go to Harwich,Great Eastern did not pass Dover,Littlehampton,Newhaven,Folksetone which were/are across/destinations
on England from France - Calais,Honfleur/Caen,Dieppe,Boulogne/Calais respectively. (French ports,route for Calvados/Nornmandy).There was also a St. Malo to Channel Islands to London route.
But still probably end in Liverpool Street station London and carted to Spitlafields market 4/few blocks away.
Bradshaw COntinental Guide, September 1888
1885 Charles Gillig's London Guide
Harwich (Parkeston Quay) to Rotterdam or Antwerp
HCqG-GliSYUQgweIkCVUW96s&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5sqGmkr PfAhVLja0KHft_CIs4FBDoATAGegQIAhAB#v=onepage&q=par keston%20quay%20harwich%20to%20rot
1892 London to Harwich.
A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjSwfGc57TfAhUO1qwKHZskD_UQ 6AEwA3oECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=london%20to%20harwich%2 0at%208%20pm&f=false
calais to Dover , Boulougne to Folksetone.
guide+to+London&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJ-MDXlrPfAhUEaq0KHYYqCnsQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=parkes ton&f=false
Dieppe to Newhaven.