In the East London Advertiser 15th Sept 1888, there's what I take to be a reference to the killer as the "Red Terror", which I can't recall seeing anywhere else. Is this a known, pre "Dear Boss" letter nickname, or their attempt to coin one that didn't stick?
"After two days of such intense excitement as prevailed everywhere in East London on Saturday and Sunday, it was only natural that Monday morning should arrive bringing with it more quietness, that in some degree helped to restore the confidence of the people, which had been so sadly shaken. There were not wanting those who looked for some further manifestation of the presence of the "Red Terror," but happily their fearful anticipations were not justified by any fresh tragedy."
"After two days of such intense excitement as prevailed everywhere in East London on Saturday and Sunday, it was only natural that Monday morning should arrive bringing with it more quietness, that in some degree helped to restore the confidence of the people, which had been so sadly shaken. There were not wanting those who looked for some further manifestation of the presence of the "Red Terror," but happily their fearful anticipations were not justified by any fresh tragedy."