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Journal Article 1888 The Medical Standard

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  • Journal Article 1888 The Medical Standard

    J G Kiernan, "Sexual Perversion and the Whitechapel Murders", The Medical Standard, Vol IV, no 5, Nov 1888

    Journal article published November 1888 , a very timely article, that would provide an interesting view of the medical profession toward the Whitechapel Murderer


    Wellcome Library; GB.
    Last edited by wolfie1; 04-03-2016, 03:58 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by wolfie1 View Post
    J G Kiernan, "Sexual Perversion and the Whitechapel Murders", The Medical Standard, Vol IV, no 5, Nov 1888

    Interesting journal article published 1888 that would provide an interesting view of the medical profession toward the Whitechapel Murderer


    Wellcome Library; GB.
    Sounds interesting Wolfie, but no hyperlink shows up.
    G U T

    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


    • #3
      Originally posted by GUT View Post
      Sounds interesting Wolfie, but no hyperlink shows up.

      of course there may not be one.



      • #4
        sadly, the article is not digitized.

        "Aberrations of the Sexual Instinct", Medical Times and Gazette, 9 Feb 1867 "'Gynomania' - a curious case of masturbation", The Medical Record (New York), Vol XIX, 1881 J C Shaw and G N Ferris, "Perverted Sexual Instinct", Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol X no 2, 1883 George H Savage, "Case of Sexual Perversion in a Man", Journal of Mental Science, Vol XXX, 1884/5 J G Kiernan, "Sexual Perversion and the Whitechapel Murders", The Medical Standard, Vol IV, no 5, Nov 1888 Case of Capri transvestite in Friedreich's Blatter fur gerichtliche Medicin und Sanitatspolizei, Nuremberg, 1892 Letters to the Editor, The Lancet about James Barry, Oct-Nov 1895 "The Mollies Club", E Ward, Secret History of the London Clubs Part 2, 1896 reprint of 1709 original W Lee Howard, "Psychical Hermaphroditism", The Alienist and Neurologist (St Louis), Vol XVIII no 2, 1897 Andrew Lang, "The Chevalier d'Eon", Historical Mysteries, 1904 R Krafft-Ebing, "Case 129 Autobiography", Psychopathia Sexualis, London 1906, translation of 12th edition Edward Carpenter, "The Intermediate Sex", Chapter II, The Intermediate Sex, 1909 Extracts from Bram Stoker, Famous Imposters, 1910 A Flint, "A Case of Sexual Inversion, probably with complete sexual anaesthesia", New York Medical Journal, Vol 94, 1911 G Balfour Marshall, "Artifical Vagina: A review of the various operative procedures for correcting Atresia Vaginae", Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, Vol XXIII no 4, 1913 B S Talmey, "Transvestism", New York Medical Journal, Vol 99, 1914 A Hamilton Peacock, "Self Amputation of the Male Sexual Organs", The Urologic and Cutaneous Review, Vol 19, 1915


        • #5
          Sorry I thought


          Wellcome Library; GB.

          Was a link gone wrong.
          G U T

          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


          • #6
            The article would also throw light on the mindset of the police and medical practitioners at that time who may have been informed by the author's professional opinions expressed in this journal.


            • #8
              Hi Howard,

              Thanks for the thread from your JTR Forum on the article. Quite interesting.

              Dr. E. C. Spitzka already had played a role (in 1881) in another big murder case trial. He was called for the defense as their expert on insanity in the U.S. v. Charles Guiteau, on trial for killing President Garfield. He was ignored, though most now believe Guiteau was insane. Check out Charles Rosenberg's "The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau" published in 1968.



              • #9
                And might I throw Henry Wellcome into the hodge podge of suspects at this time. A very silly theory on pure supposition I know but he was an enthusiastic Egyptologist with a particular interest in Anubine mummification techniques. And he was out of London during October 1888.


                • #10
                  He did marry the daughter of another suspect and was known to give out free tablets (cachous)

                  And here is his business partner.....

                  Last edited by DJA; 07-10-2016, 03:39 PM. Reason: Burroughs

