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List of all doctors

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  • List of all doctors

    Here is a provisional list of doctors and those mentioned one time or another during the period of the Whitechapel murders. I have tried to put some sort of reference or relevance next to the name in each case. In alphabetical order.I am sure that the list is not complete by any means, so any additions would be welcomed. Any reference errors and dpelling mistakes are of my own making. As I said..A little rushed perhaps, but provisional. Hope this is of interest to some.

    Anderson, Dr. (Later Sir Robert) .. (Ass. Com.)
    Baxter, Wynne (Coroner) ..(various).
    Blackwell, Dr. William Frederick.. (Stride)
    Bond, Dr. Thomas.. (Kelly, various)
    Brooks, Dr. ..(Cutbush)
    Brown, Dr. ..(Stride)
    Brownfield, Dr. Matthew..(Mylett)
    Cowan, Dr. ..(Chapman)
    Crabb, Dr. ..(Chapman)
    Cream, Dr. Thomas Neil.. (Suspect)
    Davies, Dr. Morgan..(Stephenson)
    Diplock, Dr.(Coroner).. (Druitt)
    Farr, Dr. Frederick William.. (Chapman)
    Feldman, Dr. .."Mary" (suspect)
    Gabe, Dr J. R. ..(Kelly)
    Gordon-Brown, Dr. Frederick ..(Eddowes, McKenzie)
    Grant, Dr. (Ostrog).. (Suspect)
    Harris, Dr. .. (Mylett)
    Hebbert, Dr. Charles A. .. (Museum of Westminster Hosp.)
    Hibbert, Dr. .. (Kelly, Mylett)
    Hillier/Hillier, Dr. G. H. ..(Smith)
    Kay, Dr. ..(Stride)
    Killeen, Dr. T. R. ..(Tabram)
    Llewellyn, Dr. Henry ..(Nichols)
    Llewellyn, Dr. Rees .. (various)
    Macdonald, Dr. Roderick ..(Coroner), (Kelly)
    McKeller, Dr. .. (McKenzie)
    McKenna, Dr. ..(Mylett)
    Mickle, Dr. ..(Chapman)
    Openshaw, Dr. .. (Eddowes)
    Oxley, Dr. ..(Coles)
    Phillips, Dr. George Bagster. .(various)
    Rygate, Dr. ..(Stride)
    Sedgwick Saunders, Dr. William ..(Eddowes)
    Sequeira, Dr. George William ..(Eddowes)
    Smith, Dr. Gilbart .. ( Harley Street, re. Anderson)
    Stephenson, Dr. Roslyn D'O .. (Suspect)
    Thomas, Dr. .. (Coroner), (Rainham mystery, Mylett)
    Tumbelty, Dr. Francis .. (Suspect)
    Winslow, Dr. Forbes.. (informant)

    Last edited by Phil Carter; 02-20-2016, 07:29 AM.
    Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

    Justice for the 96 = achieved
    Accountability? ....

  • #2

    Hello Phil. Well done.




    • #3
      You've missed Gull Phil ;-)
      You can lead a horse to water.....


      • #4
        William Thomas from Anglesey...
        You can lead a horse to water.....


        • #5
          Hi Phil

          There are 3 or 4 under the 'doctors and coroners' section. The most important is Houchin (Kosminski).


          • #6
            Thanks to Lynn..PS, Robert,

            Neither Gull nor Thomas were mentioned at the time in newspapers, police quotes nor Home Office records..U believe?

            Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

            Justice for the 96 = achieved
            Accountability? ....


            • #7
              Originally posted by Phil Carter View Post
              Thanks to Lynn..PS, Robert,

              Neither Gull nor Thomas were mentioned at the time in newspapers, police quotes nor Home Office records..U believe?

              Of course not Phil, I should have read the first paragraph properly. My apologies :-)
              You can lead a horse to water.....


              • #8
                No problem Packers Stem

                Chelsea FC. TRUE BLUE. 💙

                Justice for the 96 = achieved
                Accountability? ....


                • #9

                  Dr. Dukes is not on your list. (Kelly and Coles [Charles Guiver's death])


                  • #10
                    I'm guessing that Anderson's doctorate wasn't medical. Theology?
                    I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


                    • #11
                      Hi Phil
                      Hibbert of Kelly and Mylett was the Hebbert of Westminster Hopsital. Charles Alfred.
                      Also, in the same vein- McKenna and McKellar of Mylett and MCKenzie and chief medical officer were the same man.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Debra A View Post
                        Hi Phil
                        Hibbert of Kelly and Mylett was the Hebbert of Westminster Hopsital. Charles Alfred.
                        Also, in the same vein- McKenna and McKellar of Mylett and MCKenzie and chief medical officer were the same man.
                        The press weren't overly fussed about how names were spelt.
                        G U T

                        There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by GUT View Post
                          The press weren't overly fussed about how names were spelt.
                          Yes. No need to continue the trend though ;P


                          • #14
                            Henry Gawen Sutton,MB,FRCP.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Debra A View Post
                              Yes. No need to continue the trend though ;P
                              Oh I agree.

                              I've Ben searching for an ancestor's arrival in Aus. been looking for years.

                              May have found him, just in sme spots the nam is spelt with a t others with a d.

                              If jus the press had bothered to confirm the spelling.

                              Then you look at all the names in the JtR case that are reported wrong.
                              G U T

                              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.

