Originally posted by JeffHamm
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You are by now accustomed to my annoying tendency to be on the fence, verging on opposition to commonly adopted opinions. While I agree that at the inquest it is reported that her uterus and kidney were missing, my reservation is the amount of time that Eddowes body lay untended in the morgue prior to the post mortem. The security chain in the Chapman case is tenuous at best, but we don't know how secure was the body of Eddowes from the time of transportation to the morgue to the time of post mortem. The terrible ifs accumulate.
The hard to escape fact is that it was not a function of the on site assessment to determine the state of the organs in the body, unless it was externally discernible, as if the case of Kelly. That was the function of the post mortem.
While I lean towards an opinion that the organs were removed by Jack due to the preparatory procedures, I cannot discard the modern expert medical opinions that it was not possible in the circumstances and in the time available.
Where would this forum be without such conundrums.
Best regards, George