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Update to the Personal Attacks Policy

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  • Admin

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  • Admin
    started a topic Update to the Personal Attacks Policy

    Update to the Personal Attacks Policy

    Please be advised that we are in the process of updating the Personal Attacks policy. In the past, we have allowed multiple offenses before a poster received a ban. That will no longer be the case. Our leniency has allowed a handful of posters to derail and drag off multiple threads and subjects into personal squabbles and bickering and turned the boards into a clash of personalities instead of ideas.

    This is going to end. The full change of rules/penalties and what all, still needs to be drafted but the general gist will be this: Don't. From this moment on, though the rules have NOT YET been updated and will not be for some time, post on-topic and with value to the boards. Discuss ideas, not other posters.

    Don't comment on other posters. Period. Don't comment on their comprehension problems, their stubborn refusal to accept you're right, their fundamental lack of basic common sense or any of the other personal BS that clutters up threads.

    Warnings are now a thing of the past. Leniency, is now a thing of the past.

    As always: This policy does not apply to any Published Work/Content Creator/or any person making/selling or profiting off of the case when discussing their published works. As long as the criticisms are VALID. If a product is poorly crafted, sloppy, etc and published to the general public, fair criticism of the work and the creator are allowed.

    We intend to draft an extremely, EXTREMELY comprehensive outline of what will get you booted, but in the meantime, don't try your luck. Bans used to be a week, the minimum ban will now be a month, maybe more. We're drafting it now, it is not settled. One thing that is certain: If you've had prior bans, the ban will increase exponentially.

    Note: Admin is the undisputed MASTER of the vague insult, that can be taken two ways. The south patented passive-aggressive sideways slighting. Do not think you'll slip it past if you find the right couching. You won't.

    We have been doing this for twenty years, and frankly, we're tired. We apologize to the majority of you who this does not apply to, and who we have absolutely no problem with and who have never caused a spot of bother. To the rest....Bless your hearts.
    Last edited by Admin; 11-14-2023, 01:06 PM.