Yesterday, a situation arose on the boards that we feel requires an announcement and a new change in policy. Even though it is stated several times and in several ways that if you believe there is a problem with a post, you should either a) hit Report Post, b) PM the admin or c) send an email to administrator (at) because we do not and cannot read every post on the board, there appears to be a mindset that we must somehow be able to psychically divine a trouble spot and that posters can send us a message like "How dare you let him get away with that" without giving the slightest clue what the "that" is we are letting "them" get away with.
People on these forums are for some reason loathe to hit the report post button and then blow up about situations that they feel the administration should have divined on their own, even though it is repeatedly stated that we rely on our posters to alert us when there is a problem.
In addition, a two hour window from "offending post" to "nuclear meltdown" is not a sufficient window of time to handle all situations. As inconceivable as it might seem, an immediate response to every situation that arises is not possible because they are not glued to their computers, 24 hours a day waiting for the opportunity to spring into action. In short, they have jobs, paying ones that put food on the table and so forth, and lives, and family, and kitchens to clean and toilets to scrub. So your patience is appreciated.
However, because of recent incidents (not referring to yesterday, just in general, we've had several new registration issues lately); a new level of contact has been added. If you believe you need additional attention or do not wish to go through official channels, or you wish to complain about Admin action you can email ally (at ) . She is now overseeing all administrative action on the Casebook boards.
People on these forums are for some reason loathe to hit the report post button and then blow up about situations that they feel the administration should have divined on their own, even though it is repeatedly stated that we rely on our posters to alert us when there is a problem.
In addition, a two hour window from "offending post" to "nuclear meltdown" is not a sufficient window of time to handle all situations. As inconceivable as it might seem, an immediate response to every situation that arises is not possible because they are not glued to their computers, 24 hours a day waiting for the opportunity to spring into action. In short, they have jobs, paying ones that put food on the table and so forth, and lives, and family, and kitchens to clean and toilets to scrub. So your patience is appreciated.
However, because of recent incidents (not referring to yesterday, just in general, we've had several new registration issues lately); a new level of contact has been added. If you believe you need additional attention or do not wish to go through official channels, or you wish to complain about Admin action you can email ally (at ) . She is now overseeing all administrative action on the Casebook boards.