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  • One member of the NVA (mentioned above) wrote a life of Molesworth.

    Life of the Right. Hon. Sir William Molesworth, Bart., M.P., F.R.S. (London: Macmillan, 1901), link
    by Millicent Garrett Fawcett (Dame)

    In 1889, Labouchere in Truth twitted the NVA for not going after a religious publisher and then learned that the publisher was the distributor for the NVA's Vigilance Record.

    Truth, Volume 26, August 15, 1889, Page 292

    Where is the Vigilance Committee? During the last two or three weeks hawkers have been parading London with truckloads of an abominable publication called "The High Church Confessional." From a cursory view of one of the numerous copies with which I have been favoured, I should say that a more obscene work was never publicly offered for sale, and this filthy poison is being sold up and down the streets, under the very noses of the police, at the price of twopence. The publisher is one Kensit, of the “City Protestant Book Depôt,” 18, Paternoster-row, who boasts that he has sold 225,000 copies. It is nothing less than a public scandal that this Kensit and his associates should be at large, while Mr. Vizetelly is in gaol; for if what the latter has done be a crime, the crime is certainly infinitely worse when committed under the cloak of religion and morality.

    August 29, 1889, Pages 381-382


    In TRUTH of the 13th [sic] inst. I referred to the public sale by hawkers in the streets of London of a publication called "The High Church Confessional," issued by Mr. John Kensit of Paternoster-row. Correspondents had sent me copies of this work, and invited an expression of my opinion of it in the public interest, which I gave.

    I have since received the following letter:--

    SIR,—-My attention has been called to a most unwarranted attack, both upon myself as a publisher, and a pamphlet which is having a large sale and most effectually opening the eyes of Englishmen to the truth of the abominations of the Confessional. What the result of your remarks will be I cannot at present estimate; and, pending advice from my legal adviser, I am not in a position to judge. In the meantime, I ask you to give somewhat more than a cursory look at the pamphlet, and I claim in your next issue some further explanation or apology for your error.

    Trusting you will see your way to act in this manner, and save any further action—-Yours, JOHN KENSIT.

    I enclose some others of my pamphlets.

    In fairness to Mr. Kensit, and at some violence to my own taste, I have made a further study of the publication in question. I regret to say that the result is to fully confirm my previous opinion. In addition to that, I have looked into some others of Mr. Kensit's pamphlets, including one which he did not send me, and which, in my judgment, deserves an even stronger censure than that which I passed upon “The High Church Confessional.” I am, therefore, unable to offer Mr. Kensit the apology he suggests.

    As an alternative to an apology, however, I am asked for an “explanation.” Now, Mr. Kensit has consulted, or is about to consult, a legal adviser, who will, no doubt, be able to give him all necessary information respecting the laws against obscene literature and their bearing upon his own publications. I scarcely see, therefore, why I should be asked to explain either Mr. Kensit's position as a publisher, or mine as a public journalist criticising him. In view, however, of any possible “further action,” such as Mr. Kensit hints at, I will explain the situation as it presents itself to me.

    A well-known publisher and literary man has just been sent to prison for publishing translations of the works of an eminent French novelist. They were not, in my judgment, immoral works. They did not, that is to say, set forth vice in an attractive or fascinating light—-quite the contrary, I should say. But they were most unquestionably indecent or obscene—-that is to say, they treated, without reticence or disguise, of subjects which people with healthy minds or cleanly tastes do not discuss or write about publicly. The publisher in question was prosecuted. I do not approve of the prosecution. I recognise the necessity of suppressing public indecency, whether in behaviour, or in language, or in print. But I look on it as a matter of police, not of morals, and I question the expediency of the police assuming a censorship over productions which have a bona-fide claim to be considered works of literature or art, as opposed to publications which cannot pretend to any other than an obscene motive. I do not so much complain of the law, which cannot easily draw delicate distinctions of this kind, as of the indiscretion and inconsistency of the busybodies who set the law in motion in this particular case. However, that is neither here nor there. The publisher was prosecuted, and his publications being unquestionably indecent in the sense I have above indicated, he was sentenced to a heavy term of imprisonment.

    Now, I take Mr. Kensit's publication, “The High Church Confessional." I find in it page after page of the most loathsome indecency and obscenity, that is to say, the detailed discussion of subjects unfit for public discussion—-not merely of subjects which mere conventional delicacy enjoins silence about, but of vice and depravity in their foulest and most disgusting phases. What pleas, then, can Mr. Kensit urge why he and his publication should not be dealt with precisely in the same way as Mr. Vizetelly and his?

    I can see only two, and both are obviously insufficient. Mr. Kensit may say, in the first place, that the passages to which I refer are merely quotation. The most offensive of them are, as a matter of fact, a verbatim reproduction of the foulest portions of a notorious ecclesiastical handbook called “The Priest in Absolution,” which, however, it is only fair to say, was never actually published, but merely printed for private circulation. Now, obviously such reproduction cannot be permitted unless the law is to become a dead letter. A second publisher cannot be allowed to republish in a quotation what the original publisher could be imprisoned for issuing, or any Holywell-street garbage monger might with impunity bring out an account of the Vizetelly case to-morrow, and “quote” all the most objectionable passages from Zola in an appendix. The first plea, then, is worthless. I imagine that Mr. Kensit will take refuge with more confidence in the second defence open to him—-that he publishes the book with a religious purpose and a good motive. But what is this worth? Granted that Mr. Kensit's motives are beyond reproach—-that he has not the remotest thought of the 225,000 twopences which have come in from the sale of his pamphlet—-was anything said about Mr. Vizetelly's motive, or those of M. Zola? I have no doubt that the latter gentleman could show without difficulty that his writings are dictated by no other motive than that of exposing social evils, unmasking vice, and strengthening the hands of the moralist and social reformer. But that would not avail him in a court of law. Looking at the matter from any point of view, it does not alter the police offence--the offence against public decency. And the moralists--the Vigilance Committee, let us say--would have an equally cogent answer. They would reply, "The motive is immaterial. The good which you will do is remote and problematical; the evil, on the other hand, is immediate and certain. Your writings are devoured by hundreds of boys and girls, or young men and young women, on whom they produce no other effect than sensual gratification and demoralisation of mind and body. You ought, therefore, to be suppressed in the interests of public virtue.” That is the argument used against Zola and Vizetelly, and it applies every bit as strongly to Kensit. I may say, indeed, that it applies with tenfold more force, for, while Vizetelly's indecency was offered to the public in the form of a French novel, bearing the significant name of Zola on the cover, and was sold at a substantial price; Kensit's production is hawked about the streets at the price of twopence, and offered to boys and girls, young and old, wise and ignorant, in the specious guise of a religious publication.

    I have granted, so far, the blamelessness of Mr. Kensit's motive. But were it worth while, I should be disposed to offer one or two strong reflections upon that point. As it is, I cannot forbear pointing out that in a preface to what he very candidly calls “this dreadful book,” the publisher himself avows his object to be that of defeating “the Ritualistic traitors in the Protestant Church.” His entire catalogue of “Protestant Works” shows no higher object. This Protestant publisher, therefore, comes before the public far less as a religious teacher with a great moral lesson to enforce than as one whose first object is to vilify fellow Christians of a different persuasion, or to frighten away the sheep from an opposition flock. And it must be borne in mind that the licence which he claims in the pursuit of this amiable object must be equally conceded to the party whom he assails, and who will doubtless have as little difficulty in finding the right sort of dirt to fling back. The question, then, is not one of religion or of morals, but simply whether we are to allow rival divines to descend into the streets, there to bandy filthy epithets or pelt one another with garbage, to the annoyance and defilement of every decent bystander.

    For these reasons I adhere to all that I have previously said about Mr. Kensit, and I once more call upon the Vigilance Committee to exercise against him the same vigilance which they displayed with so little reason or judgment against Mr. Vizetelly. Should they be disposed to do so, I should recommend them not to confine their attention to “The High Church Confessional,” but to make a study of Mr. Kensit's publications generally, and particularly of one, the name of which I shall be happy to furnish for that, but for no other, purpose. I know nothing of Mr. Kensit apart from these books. Neither have I any ill-will to the religious sect which he represents, nor any sympathy with the practices which he is desirous of suppressing. I simply assert that the public sale of certain of his books is unquestionably an outrage on public decency, and that the indiscriminate dissemination of such literature in the guise of religion must necessarily be injurious to public morals. And it is on these grounds that I contend that the law should be put in force against Mr. Kensit in the same way as against any other purveyor of obscene and pernicious publications.

    September 5, 1889, Pages 421-422


    I have received, with mingled surprise and gratification, the following letter respecting Mr. Kensit, of Paternoster-row, and his publications:—-

    National Vigilance Association, 267, Strand, London, W.C. (Near the Law Courts), August 31st, 1889.

    To the Editor of TRUTH,

    DEAR SIR,—-Our attention has been called to the article in this week's TRUTH entitled "Religious Obscenity." In one part of the article you call upon us to exercise the same vigilance towards Mr. Kensit as we have done towards Mr. Vizetelly. I shall be glad, therefore, if you will kindly forward me the title of the book you refer to as being even more obscene and pernicious in its character than the “High Church Confessional.”—-I am, yours very truly,

    I have, as I intimated my willingness to do, forwarded to Mr. Coote the title of the work to which he refers in his last sentence. At the same time, I hope that this request is not to be taken as implying that “The High Church Confessional” itself does not afford sufficient materials for the exercise of the Vigialnces Association's vigilance. But now for the cause of my surprise at Mr. Coote's letter. I had previously, among numerous other communications on this subject, received the following:--

    SIR,--I am glad that you have called attention to the class of publication issued by Mr. John Kensit. As a member of the National Vigilance Association I should like to inform you that the Secretary's attention was called, some time since, to one of these works and his opinion asked, but no answer has yet been received.

    It may interest you to know that Mr. Kensit is , as the enclosed will show, the wholesale agent for the "Vigilance Record," the organ of the N. V. A.! Can this account for the Society's inaction in the matter--Your obedient servant, VIGILANS.

    This is the enclosure which my correspondent referes to:--


    Price One Penny, or 1s. 6d. per annum, post free.

    Published by W.A. COOTE, at the Office of the National Vigilance Association, 267, Strand, W.C.

    May be had wholesale of JOHN KENSIT, Publisher,18,Paternoster-row, E.C.

    An edifying disclosure, certainly! Mr. John Kensit, the purveyor of obscene religious literature, is, it appears from this, himself the wholesale agent for the official organ of the National Vigilance Association. The Protestant publishing depôt in Paternoster-row seems, in short, to be a sort of literary chemist's shop, where the poison is kept on one shelf and the antidote on the next. The attention of Mr. William Alexander Coote, in his official capacity, was “some time ago.” directed to one of Kensit's publications, without, up to the present time, any result whatever. It certainly seems to me an incomprehensible state of things that the officers of a body with the pretentious title of the National Vigilance Association should require a stimulus from without to open their vigilant eyes to the character of the business carried on by their own publisher. It is, too, equally incomprehensible that, when their eyes have been opened, their “vigilance” should fail to translate itself into action. And, finally, it is not a little surprising that, after all this, the Secretary should write to me as if he had been all this time entirely in the dark. However, Vigilance is now, let us hope, wide awake, and fully equipped. Let us see whether she is ready to cast the beam out of her own eye.

    September 12, 1889, Pages 454-455

    I rejoice to find that the Bishop of Chichester has fallen into line with me in my recent attack on “Religious Obscenity.” One Dr. Fulton—-an American divine, if I mistake not—-has delivered a lecture at Brighton which would appear, from the Bishop of Chichester's rebuke to one of his clergy who was present, to have been not only obscene but blasphemous. Now this Fulton is (unless there are two professors of religious obscenity answering to this name) the author of one of the most filthy and disgusting works in Mr. John Kensit's abominable collection. The Bishop of Chichester appears surprised that the Rev. J. G. Gregory should have allowed Fulton's observations to pass without protest. To my mind it is even more astonishing that a clergyman of the English Church, knowing, as he must have known, something of Fulton's character and writings, should have appeared at the same meeting with him.


    But now another word about the National Vigilance Association. Will it be believed that it was actually this very book of Dr. Fulton's—-the filthy publication to which I have referred above—-to which the attention of this association was ineffectually called some time ago by one of their own subscribers, as mentioned in my article on this subject last week? It is now a fortnight since I called their attention to the subject, and a week since Mr. Coote wrote to me for information which it seems that he had already had for a long time in his possession. In the meantime, I am told that barrow-loads of one of the most obscene of Kensit's publications are still on sale in Fleet-street, and I see the statement in a journal calling itself The Christian that my attack “is giving a strong impetus to the sale of the pamphlet.” Had the Vigilance Association chosen, this trade could have been stopped for good a week ago. Why do they not choose?


    Just as I am going to press I have received the following interesting letter:-—

    SIR,--Your personal attack upon me and my business is assuming such a position that I feel convinced you must be led on by some other influence than the one you are so loud in proclaiming, viz., the suppression of vice. You are certainly carrying out the old adage “No case, abuse the client.” By this time most of your readers have secured copies of my exposure of the abominable and dreadful High Church Confessional, and many have written thanking me for my noble effort and sympathising with me in the abuse, or worse, I have sustained at your hands. Your mentioning some other book, in fact all my books, has led to a most delightful inquiry by many, who never before took any interest in the subject of Priestism, which is once again trying to subjugate the minds and consciences of Englishmen. The title of your paper is TRUTH, I would that you carried out that title, and published the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the ruth. Sir, if the statements abominable and filthy, as you say they are, be true, why not apply your pen to an awakening of our fellow countrymen to the danger they are in by allowing their wives and daughters—-yes, and empty-headed sons—-to be bamboozled by this cursed system? As a well-informed Englishman, you must know that this is no question of sectarianism, but a matter of liberty of conscience and freedom unknown whenever Popery or its bastard child get the upper hand. If the Priest in Absolution had the power, your organ of TRUTH would soon be gagged, and the press generally muzzled. May I ask if you are aware that the Priest in Absolution is still in possession of the so-called Holy Cross Society, and that it is the manuel (sic) used for training our dear curates to hear confessions? Trusting you will insert this in your next issue,—Yours, JOHN KENSIT.


    Mr. Kensit's previous letter to me took the form of a request for an explanation or an apology, pending the result of a reference to his solicitor, which he had either made or was about to make. I gave him my explanation, and refused an apology. He now changes his tone, and favours me with the above mixture of abuse and cant. I presume that he has thought better of his application to his solicitor, or that the result of his application has been to satisfy him of what I told him before—-viz., that his filthy publications are an offence against the law and against public decency, and that if he had his deserts he would now be serving a term of imprisonment.


    That the sale of his books has increased owing to my notice of them is a misfortune which cannot be helped. I am aware that to publicly describe a certain book as obscene or immoral must have the immediate result of sending hundreds of degraded individuals in quest of it—-whether the book is to be found in Paternoster-row or Holywell-street. But that a publisher should have the audacity to boast, as Kensit does, of this result having actually followed, is a greater stretch of impudence than I was prepared for, and affords, I think, a striking indication of the true value of the religious pretext which is put forward in justification of the offence. However, the Vigilance Association have now Kensit's own admission that he is doing a roaring trade solely as the result of his having been publicly denounced as a purveyor of obscenity. They can have, after that, no excuse for doubt as to the nature of this trade, nor for hesitation in discharging the duty for which they profess to have associated themselves.

    September 26, 1889, Pages 552-553


    The time has come when the ladies and gentlemen calling themselves the National Vigilance Association may be peremptorily called upon for some answer to the challenge addressed to them in TRUTH of the 29th ultimo and the two weeks following. I am entitled to say, in view of the communications on the subject which have reached me from all parts of the kingdom and all sorts and conditions of men, that the article on “Religious Obscenity,” which I published on the first of those dates, has awakened a very widespread interest. The Vigilance Association have officially acknowledged that the subject concerns them by writing to me through their secretary for further information. I have given them that information (though it was already in their possession); but, although three weeks have since elapsed, no action of any kind has been taken. In the meantime the scandal has continued unabated. More than that, the offender--himself, be it remembered, officially connected with the Vigilance Association—-has written an impudent letter publicly congratulating himself on the fact that, by denouncing him as a purveyor of obscenity, I have given a. profitable stimulus to his abominable trade. I say, without hesitation, that the attitude of the Vigilance Association under these circumstances is one for which the public has some right to an explanation from a body arrogating to itself the high-sounding title of a “National” Association “for the Repression of Criminal Vice and Public Immorality.”

    The question which immediately suggests itself to anyone searching for such an explanation is, Who are or what is the National Vigilance Association? One of the first letters which I received on the subject was something to the following effect:--

    You may as well spare yourself the trouble of invoking the National Vigilance Association against this nuisance. That body is a purely sectarian organisation, composed of rabid Evangelicals and demented No Popery fanatics. Their sympathies are sure to be with the man Kensit; in fact, I shall be surprised if you do not find that some of them are actively instigating him in what they doubtless consider a sort of Holy War upon the “Scarlet Lady.”

    I am, however, rejoiced to find that, so far as the personnel of the Vigilance Association is concerned, there is not a shadow of foundation for this suggestion. In order to test it, I have procured a prospectus of the Association; and the following selection of a few of the more conspicuous names, out of the 120 or so on the General Council, will, I think, satisfy the most sceptical as to the catholicity of the society's constitution and the bona fides of its motives. Certainly, if these names represent a “sectarian organisation,” I have had the good luck to discover the most comprehensive sect in all history:—-

    The Bishop of Durham, Rev. Dr. Adler,
    The Bishop of Southwell, Mr. Bramwell Booth,
    Cardinal Manning, Mrs. Josephine Butler,
    The Earl of Meath, Mr. B. F. C. Costelloe,
    Sir Arthur Blackwood, Mrs. Henry Fawcett,
    Right Hon. J. Stansfeld, M.P., Mr. Mark Knowles,
    Professor Stuart, M.P., Mr. George Russell,
    Mr. W. T. Stead.

    Now let me ask these ladies and gentlemen, jointly and severally, on what ground they are prepared to justify their conduct in not merely conniving at Mr. John Kensit's trade, but in taking the man himself under their corporate patronage? Here we have a select quorum of moralists who have taken upon themselves to say what literature is or is not fit for their fellow-citizens to read. In pursuance of that laudable mission they have stopped the public sale of the works of the most popular French writer of the day, and they have succeeded in sending the publisher of those works to gaol for three months. They boast, further, of having attempted to prohibit the circulation of an acknowledged classic like the “Decameron” of Boccaccio, and they are (it must be presumed) equally prepared to set the law in motion against such native writers as the poet Chaucer or the Restoration dramatists. I ask, then, these ladies and gentlemen what apology they can offer for the fact that from the premises of their own official publisher there are now being issued some of the most filthy and demoralising productions that ever left the press—-and that long after the officials of the Association have had their attention called to the fact by some of their own subscribers?

    Do the Vigilance Association doubt the accuracy of my description of the works in question? I am reluctant to give Kensit a further advertisement by discussing his publications in detail, but this is a matter in which plain-speaking is the first consideration. Conspicuous among the material of which Kensit's wares are compounded is the notorious “Maria Monk.” The work of Dr. Fulton's to which I referred a fortnight ago is simply a réchauffé of the most tasty passages in that filthy production, thinly disguised at the most outrageous points by a suggestive use of asterisks and “turned metal-rules,” a concession to decency worth about as much as the occasional use of drapery upon his subjects by the artist in obscene photography. But more than this; Kensit is also selling, at the price of one shilling, an unexpurgated edition of the same delectable work, either under its original name or under an improved title, which can only have been adopted for the purpose of attracting the connoisseur in pornography. To the clerical portion of the Vigilance Association the character of this book must be perfectly familiar. I offer no opinion on the authenticity of its pretended revelations, the truth or falsity of which is absolutely immaterial. I simply appeal to the Council of the Vigilance Association, as experts upon this question, to say whether in their judgment the promiscuous dissemination of a book of this nature in a cheap form must not be necessarily and wholly pernicious. Let me ask Cardinal Manning whether he regards “Maria Monk” as entitled to the character and privileges of a religious publication? Let me put the same question to the Bishop of Durham a man of broad and independent views; to the Bishop of Southwell, a schoolmaster of wide experience; to Canon Scott-Holland, whose name figures conspicuously among the subscribers to the Vigilance Association; or to Dr. Adler, whose opinion on this question all parties must accept as free from even the suspicion of theological animus. Or again, let me ask the opinion of any of these divines upon another work of Kensit's, to which I have already referred. What moral purpose do they consider can be served by extracting from the “Priest in Absolution” passage after passage of descriptive writing full of the foulest suggestion, and hawking them about the streets at the price of twopence? By Kensit's own confession, hundreds of thousands of this abomination have been sold at this price. I ask the professed guardians of public morality to look at the clerks and errand-boys and shop-girls who are devouring this filth in the guise of religion, and to say from whom they are in most danger—-from the Scarlet Lady of Rome or “the Protestant Publisher ” of Paternoster-row.

    If it were necessary to discuss the motive, I have already said, in dealing with this subject, that even at the best the religious pretext for such offences is worthless. The motives under which Kensit shelters himself are not religious, but solely sectarian. These books make no pretence to a higher purpose than that of defaming the professors of a rival religious persuasion; and if unrestricted licence in the use of such weapons is allowed to one sect, it must be equally allowed to all. All the records of criminal vice and all the resources of prurient imagination must be left at the service of the author and publisher who merely profess to libel a particular form of religion. A new charter must be granted to Holywell-street. In my judgment, however, it is utterly unnecessary to use this argument. The religious pretext for these publications is a flimsy and untenable pretence—-or, at least, the motive is as much commercial as religious; and I appeal to the candid judgment of the Vigilance Association, or any decent minded person, in support of that view.

    Only one word more. I disclaim most emphatically any feeling of hostility towards the National Vigilance Association. I have their annual report before me; and though I consider that in certain of their proceedings they have shown a lamentable excess of zeal and deficiency of discretion, I cordially recognize the invaluable character of much of the work which they are doing. I not only recognise it, but, as regards a very great deal of it, I humbly desire to avow myself a fellow-labourer in the same field. Again and again, in the pages of TRUTH, attention has been drawn to immoral traffic in pretended works of literature and art by the professional corrupters of youth; and, wherever the columns of this journal can be of any service in “the repression of criminal vice and public immorality” they have always been open for that purpose. It is for that reason that I have drawn public attention to Kensit and his works; and it is for this reason that I again call on the Vigilance Association to perform their obvious duty towards him.


    A capusle review of one of Kensit's publications.

    The Literary World, Volume 37, January 6, 1887, Page 19

    Scylla or Charybdis. Which? Gladstone or Salisbury? By Lord R. Montagu. This pamphlet cannot be taken seriously. It is written from the ultra-Protestant point of view, and propounds the astonishing theory that both Mr. Gladstone and Lord Salisbury—-the latter of whom is incidentally described as a topsy-turvy Balaam—-are conspiring with Romanists to separate Ireland, and make it an autonomous Roman Catholic State, and a snug home for an expelled and expatriated Pope. (John Kensit, City Protestant Book Depot. 1s.)


    Scylla Or Charybdis; Which? Gladstone Or Salisbury? (London: John Kensit, 1887), link
    by Lord Robert Montagu

    A Vizetelly edition of Zola.

    Piping Hot!: (Pot-bouille.) A Realistic Novel (London: Vizetelly & Co., 1887), link
    by Émile Zola, George Moore


    • Kensit and Ritualism

      The following come from Wikipedia.

      John Kensit was originally a Roman Catholic and supporter of "Ritualism" but he converted to Protestantism and became a foe to the "Oxford Movement" of John Henry, Cardinal Newman, and how it seemed to affect the Church of England. He was not alone in this fanatical opposition to "Ritualism" (which he felt was pulling England and Scotland towards Catholicism). Gladstone's second-in-command in the Liberal Party in the House of Commons was Sir William Henry Harcourt (d. 1904), who also felt there was an extreme danger to the safety of British Anglicanism and Protestantism in general. Kensit took it a step further, by insisting that Gladstone's support of Parnell's Home Rule was the first step in making the British Isles over as a Catholic enclave.

      The Wikipedia article on Harcourt mentions that after Gladstone's final retirement from politics in 1894, Harcourt remained leader in the House of Commons (and got a major reform in death duties on large landed estates and million-pound estates in Britain). But the Prime Minister was Lord Rosebery, who was leader in the House of Lords. Rosebery and Harcourt did not get along because Harcourt thought Gladstone should have made him the Prime Minister. Reading between the lines, Gladstone probably did not want Harcourt to have the post because of his fanaticism on the religious question (which Rosebery did not share).

      Ironically Harcourt, when he retired from politics in 1904 (the year of his own death) had inherited title to his own family estate, and found he had the very expensive problems his own tax reforms of 1894 created.

      Kensit was dead by then. He was outspoken in his dislike of Irish Catholics and Home Rulers. In October 1902 he was giving a bigoted speech in Manchester, when at the conclusion an Irish laborer hit him in the head with a weapon. Kensit was rushed to a hospital, and the wound was dressed, but blood poisoning developed. He died in November 1902, and the laborer was prosecuted for homicide - but I believe he was acquitted.

      Harcourt's son Louis happened to be a highly regarded Liberal politician too. Louis "Lou-Lou" Harcourt actually was Colonial Secretary from 1910 to 1915. However, he had a reputation of sexual predatory actions against young women and young men (one of the young women was the daughter of Lord Esher). In 1923 one of the young men decided to press charges against "Lou-Lou". He committed suicide. A scandalously bad end for the son of such a moralist.



      • Thanks, Jeff. Robert Anderson worked for Harcourt at the Home Office, but I don't know that they ever collaborated on religious issues.

        A picture of Kensit at a 1898 protest.

        The Review of Reviews, Volume 29, June, 1904, Pages 636-637

        A Great Protestant Society

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        An item about Zola's visit to London in 1893 mentions that he visited the scene of the JtR murders.

        The Spectator, Volume 71, October 7, 1893, Page 450

        M. Zola left England on Monday. The newspaper reporters, of course, swarmed round him like flies to get his impressions of London. Apparently, the chief thing that struck him was that there exists in London a magnificent field for the realistic novelist,—-a virgin dunghill into which no one has yet taken the trouble to put a pitchfork. "From what I know of your literature," said M. Zola, "it seems to me that a gigantic human document has been willingly neglected in neglecting London in the novel;" and he went on to regret the English unwillingness "to touch social cancers." M. Zola, however, tried to set a good example, and visited with interest the scene of the "Jack the Ripper" murders. M. Zola showed real discernment in fixing upon the Thames as the true genius loci,-—or, as he characteristically preferred to call it, "the stomach of London." Unquestionably, that great "street of ships," with its "Cyclopean" bridges, to which M. Zola was always harking back, is one of the most impressive things the world has to show. Though M. Zola hardly feels sufficiently documentè as yet to write about London, he may possibly return and live in a quiet hotel, and take notes at leisure. When Paris hears of M. Zola's reception, it will be more convinced than ever that we are the strangest and least logical people on earth. We imprison the translator of "Nana," and treat the author as if he were one of the benefactors of the human species.


        Émile Zola, Novelist and Reformer: An Account of His Life & Work (London: Bodley Head, 1904), Pages 304-305
        by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly

        [...] Meantime Zola had written his novel, "La Bête Humaine," which was suggested in part, undoubtedly, by "Jack the Ripper" and the theory of "homicidal mania," and in part by the mysterious death of a certain French prefect, named Barrême, who had been found assassinated in a railway carriage. We know that Zola had contemplated a book on the railway world for several years, but had been at a loss how to utilize such a subject in fiction. The Barrême affair extricated him from his difficulty, and was clearly indicated as one of his sources of inspiration in the "puff preliminary" which "La Vie Populaire" printed before beginning to publish the story in November, 1889: "The principal episode of "La Bête Humaine,'"said this announcement, "is a murder in a railway train; and there are so many points of similarity between the terrible scene depicted by Zola and the mysterious death of Prefect Barrême, that one may well inquire if the novelist, with an intuition superior to that of the police, has not supplied the most probable explanation of that dark affair."


        The Monomaniac (La Bête Humaine) (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1901), link
        by Émile Zola, translated by Edward Vizetelly

        The Spectator, Volume 59, January 16, 1886, Page 71

        Paris is in a panic. M. Barreme, Prefect of the Eure, has been found murdered ou a railway, ten miles from Paris. He had evidently been stunned by a blow from a life-preserver, then shot in the head with a small revolver, the bullet being found in the brain, and then flung out on the line. The murderer is believed to have got out of the train at Mantes, where a man, known to have spoken to M. Barreme on the Paris platform, was seen to descend from the wrong side. He has not, however, been found. The police fancy that the murder was committed by a member of a gang of card-sharpers whom M. Barreme had hunted down; but that is not antecedentally probable. Card-sharpers look for gain, and there is no gain in murder. It is more probable that the crime was instigated by a private revenge, or by a determination to seize incriminating papers. There is evidence of a struggle, and a statement, not yet quite verified, as to the disappearance of a pocket-book. The affair has created just alarm; but it should be remembered that murders on railways have usually been punished. The scene selected greatly limits the area of inquiry, and therefore concentrates the attention of inquirers.

        January 23, 1886, Pages 111-112



        It is evident that M. Barreme's murder was premeditated. His assailant was doubly armed, with a life-preserver and small revolver intended to make no noise, an equipment most unlikely to be carried for any purpose of self-defence. People, however nervous, hate to be loaded with heavy weapons. It is evident, too, that the murderer knew the line, had studied where to throw the body, and had made up his mind fully before he entered the carriage, his attack having commenced almost the moment after the train had thoroughly cleared the Paris station. Six minutes did not elapse between the clearing of the station and the next stoppage of the train; and in that interval the murderer had struck his blow, fired his shot, and effected the throwing-out of the dead body,—-the latter, if, as appears, the door was not opened, a great effort of physical strength. The leaving of the money behind points to the same conclusion. No murderer for gain would leave twenty-five pounds upon his victim, even if he were afraid of taking the watch,—-which, however, as no one could see it till he pawned it, he would not have been afraid of. The crime was premeditated, and was not committed for money; and if not committed for that end, what was its motive? We should say, with the French police, almost certainly revenge, and probably revenge of a particular kind. Jealousy, though a constant cause of murder, usually requires provocation, and is seldom the origin of such a crime committed in cold blood, more especially in a country and in a class of society in which a man who had given cause for jealousy conld not avoid a duel. M. Barreme, moreover, seems to have been a respectable man, an official of mark, wholly absorbed in his duties and his ambitions, in furtherance of which his short visit to Paris had been made. He could hardly, from the position of his Department, have discovered a Secret Society, and his friends have no idea that his "removal" could be advantageous to any one, though the police are said to have a notion that some of his wife's family may, for pecuniary reasons, have desired his death. That is possible, but most unlikely; men hunting for family heritages rarely taking such risky steps. They poison, but do not use bludgeons. There remains revenge, which, though an uncommon motive in England, where hatred stops short of murder, and men do not fight duels-—that practice always helps to exaggerate the evil but instinctive notion that revenge may be a duty--is by no means so uncommon on the Continent. A considerable proportion of the murders reported thence are murders of revenge, and an active Prefect may have given, in the course of his business, the most deadly offence. We do not mean to criminals. Colonel Chesterton, after an experience of thirty years, declares, in his book on prisons, that convicts, unless perchance innocent, are rarely malignant against the agents of the law, whom they regard as men doing, and doing fairly, the busiaess they live by, and whom they do not, therefore, expect to favour them. The murderer, moreover, in this ca&e was no convict, but a rather impressive person of late middle age, who struck the porter who stopped him when he got out at Mantes on the wrong side of the carriage as quite above suspicion. The deadly offence given by the Prefect—-who, it must be added, has little to do with criminals—-was probably the dismissal, or report which had caused the dismissal, of some minor official. Such a dismissal in France is considered a deadly blow, destructive at once of character, income, and prospects; and its subject might very well be a brooding man, who imagined, as so many people do, that he was the victim of a personal dislike, and in his rage and disappointment, and, perhaps, suffering, would decide on a full revenge. He would know the line, would know the Prefect's habits, would be able to enter the carriage without exciting his suspicions, and would act with the half-insane decision and fearlessness of the actual murderer, who, though he obviously wished not to be caught, and laid down the only relic of the Prefect not thrown out—-a railway rug—-in a by-street of Mantes, still used his return ticket to go back to Paris. He took no money, of course,—-that would have spoiled his reveuge; and if the anonymous letter published in Paris was really received, and was not a hoax, we should say he wrote it. It would be just like a man fired with revenge, for wrong he was powerless to redress—-the wrong, of course, need not have been real-—to be dissatisfied until he had told the world why his victim died. His animosity would be stimulated to that by the public pity for the man he hated. If we controlled the police of the Eure, and wished to vindicate justice we should search first of all among such older officials of the Department as had been dismissed during M. Barreme's regime, and might have attributed to him the termination of their careers, with any subsequent misfortunes.


        Martin Kanes wrote in his book, Zola's La Bête Humaine: A Study in Literary Creation (University of California, 1962), that in addition to the Barreme case Zola was also inspired by the similar 1860 murder of M. Poinsot.

        Annual Register, Volume 102 (London: J & F.H. Rivington, 1861), Pages 181-184
        edited by Edmund Burke

        EXTRAORDINARY MURDER IN a RAILWAY CARRIAGE IN FRANCE.--Since the introduction of railways into France, more than one person has been found by the guards dead in a carriage, under circumstances which left it doubtful whether the deceased had perished by his own hand, or was the victim of violence. These affairs, however, made very little sensation, until—-according to the recipe of the rev. canon Smith, for bringing railway directors to their senses, that a bishop should be killed or burnt alive—-a judge of high distinction was found in a first-class carriage murdered and plundered. The circumstances were such as to deserve the attention of railway officials, even on this side of the channel. M. Poinsot, a magistrate of high reputation, and President of one of the Chambers of the Imperial Court, left Paris on Saturday, the 1st of this month, for his estate at Chaource, about twenty miles from Troyes. On the Wednesday evening following, he desired to return to Paris, and took a first-class ticket by the night-train of the Strasburg Railway at the Troyes station. From Troyes to Paris the distance is a little over 100 miles, and the train was due at the metropolitan terminus at about 5 A.M. It arrived there in its ordinary course, but when the ticket-collector opened the door of the carriage in which M. Poinsot had been seated he found only a corpse, stretched on the floor between the seats, and weltering in its blood.

        An examination of the body showed that it had been pierced by two pistol-shots, both in the head; and that a third shot also had been fired at the heart, but repelled by the clothing. The skull, again, had been terribly fractured; and with such violence had the instrument of attack, whether hammer or life-preserver, been wielded, that the brains of the victim were scattered all around. It was a most cruel and bloody murder, yet not a trace of the assassin beyond his dreadful work remained in the carriage. The ticket which M. Poinsot had taken at Troyes was found torn up and scattered in fragments about the compartment. A snuffbox and a neck wrapper were also found in the carriage; but the former of these articles certainly, and the latter probably, belonged to the deceased himself. The murderer had decamped with his weapons and his plunder, leaving no clue, unless it might be in the neckerchief, for the guidance of the police. Among the articles which M. Poinsot probably had with him, were a travelling rug and bag, a gardening book, a gold watch and chain, and a portmonnaie. These were missing, and their re-appearance will probably prove the only clue to the detection of the murderer.

        The manner and time at which the assassin escaped have been discovered more exactly than could have been anticipated. The last station on the line before reaching Paris is Noisy-le-Sec, distant about five miles from the capital, and about as many miles before Noisy comes Nogent-sur-Marne. The train did not stop at either of those stations, but slackened speed in order to take in mail-bags. Between these two stations, a man was seen, both by some third-class passengers and by the wife of one of the linedkeepers, to jump from the train, and footmarks have been since discovered on the side of the rails and down the slope of the embankment at the spot described. Here, therefore, beyond doubt— that is to say, within ten miles of Paris—-the murderer made his cscape; and as a lady in the train heard cries near Noisy, it is probable that the crime was perpetrated near that place.

        Some of M. Poinsot’s friends suspect that he may have made an enemy by some judicial decision, and that vengeance was thus taken for the offence. On the other hand, the watch and purse of the deceased were carried away, as also a railway rug. This might have been done for the purpose of giving the case the aspect of a robbery. Nevertheless, there were circumstances which would have attracted the attention of a thief towards M. Poinsot. He had gone into the country to receive his rents, and might be supposed to be bringing money back with him. He had a large leathern bag strapped over his shoulder, as Frenchmen carry such appendages, and it was apparently well filled. As it happened, indeed, the contents were not valuable. They were simply such records as a man would naturally carry to and fro between his residence in town and his house in the country. The unfortunate gentleman had got with him, besides his Parfait Jardinier—-his Loudon, as we should say,—-plans of his buildings, sketches of improvements in prospect, and receipts for moneys.

        The circumstances surrounding the deed were exceptional, but nevertheless, such as are possible at any time. It seems that when the deceased took his seat at Troyes the compartment was empty, and the train left that station with M. Poinsot alone in the carriage. Afterwards other passengers, including perhaps the murderer, got in; but it appears to have been observed that at the last station where the train stopped before Noisy there were two passengers in the compartment, and two only--M. Poinsot and his murderer.

        It was the weariest hour of the morning, and most of the passengers would be asleep; and it is a remarkable circumstance, that although the cries of the victim were heard the pistol-shots escaped notice. In order to escape, the assassin had to leap from a carrigae-door on to the line, though the train was moving at a good pace, and though he had encumbered himself with a heavy rug. He did hurt himself by the jump, but not so seriously as to be prevented from limping away and carrying with him all clue to his track.

        The police appear to have had a suspicion of the murderer, recognizing in the description an escaped forcat named Judd, who, about two months before was suspected of having committed a somewhat similar crime. A Russian gentleman was found lying on the line between Paris and Mulhausen, mortally injured. It could not be ascertained whether he had fallen from the train through accident or violence; but a bag, containing Russian and French notes and coin, his property, was missing. In a carriage one of the cushions was found turned upside down and stained with blood, and a broken knife beneath it. Some time afterwards, Judd being arrested for another crime, there was found on him Russian coins and notes, and French money, to a large value. He made his escape from his cell, and had not since been heard of.

        M. Poinsot commenced life as simple clerk to an avoué at Barsur-Aube. He afterwards became advocate, and pleaded before the Civil Tribunal of Troyes. Among his clients at that place were the family of M. Casimir Périer. M. Poinsot was 30 years in the magistracy. After having been Procureur du Roi at Troyes, he was appointed, in 1833, substitute at the Civil Tribunal of the Seine. He was afterwards named substitute of the Procurenr-General of Paris, and, on the 14th of April, 1847. was nominated Advocate-General of the same court. He was dismissed on the 29th of February, 1848 (after the Revolution), but on the 2nd of May of that year was appointed a judge of the Court of Appeal of Paris. On the 6th of April, 1857, he was named President of one of the Chambers of the Imperial Court. The funeral of the late M. Poinsot took place at the Church of St. Louis d'Antin.


        The Law Times, January 12, 1861, Pages 120-121

        THE MURDER of M. POINSOT.-—The Union Bourguignonne gives the following details of the presumed murder of M. Poinsot:—-“Jud, who has lately acquired a celebrity equal to that of the most renowned malefactors, passed through Dijon in the early part of last month. When, on the 12th Sept. last, he murdered in a carriage on the railway from Befort to Mulhausen the Russian doctor Heppi, he was under sentence to twenty years' hard labour. On the 3rd Nov. he travelled in a second-class carriage on the line from Marseilles to Paris with a young civil engineer named Montalti, who was returning from Constantina, and on the following day they stopped together at Dijon, at the Hôtel du Cote-d'Or, kept by M. Gillet. “Beware of your fellow-traveller,” said M. Gillet to M. Montalti, “for he is without money; I have lent him 20f.” In the evening, when the engineer came in, he found that his double-barrelled gun, his shooting licence, a pistol mounted with ivory, and a powder flask had been carried off. His travelling companion, Jud, had disappeared. The police were informed of the theft, and his description was forwarded to Paris. On the 28th Nov. this dangerous malefactor was arrested and locked up, but he succeeded in making his escape, and fled across the country, as has been already stated, after knocking down three gendarmes who attempted to stop him. At the moment of his arrest he had in his possession some Russian bank-notes and a double-barrelled gun, which was doubtless that which he had stolen at Dijon. It was a week after this escape that the murder of M. Poinsot took place.”


        Cincinnati Daily Press, January 02, 1861, Page 1

        Mysterious Assassinations Analogous to the Late Railway Murder in France.

        Some months back, a strange case having
        some analogy to the murder of M. Poinsot,
        occurred on the Paris Mulhausen Railway. A
        gentleman was found lying senseless on the
        ine between Zillisheim and Illfurth, near
        Belfort, and he turned out to be a Russian
        military doctor, named Heppi. Whether he
        attempted suicide, or whether an attempt
        was made to murder him, or whether, when
        half asleep, he had stepped out of the carriage
        in the belief that the train had reached a
        station, has never been satisfactorily ascertained,
        and as he could not speak French, no
        explanation was got from him.

        On the one band, the injuries he had
        received were such. as might have been
        occasioned by his jumping or falling from the
        carriage; and, on the other hand, in the
        vehicle, one of the cushions, stained with blood,
        was turned upside down, and a broken knife
        was found beneath It. But, whatever were
        the facts of the case, it was said that a bag,
        in which were a number of Russian bank
        notes and Russian and French coin, was
        stolen from the gentleman. In spite of all
        inquiries made, the affair continued enveloped
        in mystery.

        A few days back, however, an event occurred
        which seems likely to throw light on
        it. The gendarmes of Forette, in the Haut-Rhin,
        arrested one Jud, a deserter from the
        Third Squadron of tha Baggage-train, who
        is under sentence of twenty years' hard labor
        for some crime, and on searching the man,
        thirteen Russian bank-notes, the value of
        which was not known by the officers, were
        found ; also, some Russian coin, and upward
        of £350 in French money; also a sporting
        license in the name of Jud, of Paris.

        This man was placed in the lockup and
        chained ; but in the night he succeeded in
        removing his fetters. Two turnkeys, hearing
        a noise, went to his cell, but he knocked
        them both down, and, rushing out, fastened
        the door on them. Another turnkey seized
        him, but after a desperate struggle he broke
        from him, got away, and has not since been
        found. To this strange story, the Gazette
        des Tribunaux adds, that in addition to the
        Russian notes and money, the man was
        in possession of papers belonging to Dr.

        As a singular pendant to the melancholy
        affair of M. Poinsot, the Piedmontese journals
        mention that in a railway carriage, on
        the line from Turin to Genoa, a man was a
        few days ago found dead from a pistol-shot,
        but whether fired by himself or by a
        murderer is not known. None of the passengers
        by the train had heard the report.


        Cincinnati Daily Press, February 05, 1861, Page 1

        The late Railway Murder in France—-Arrest of the Supposed Assassin of Judge Poinsot.

        A Paris correspondent writes as follows;
        One of the German journals, the Elberfield
        Gazette. states that the military deserter,
        Charles Jud, the supposed assassin of the
        unfortunate Judge Poinsot, has been arrested,
        at the town of Ludwigsshafen, and is now in
        prison, awaiting the claim of the French
        government. A Paris police functionary
        has gone to Germany, armed with a
        photograph of Jud, to aid in identifying the
        prisoner. A minute description of Jud's person
        was published, throughout France, immediately
        after the judicial inquest had established
        (as it did thoroughly) that he is the
        author of M. Poinsot's murder, as also of a
        previous attempt to assassinate a surgeon of
        the Russian army, under the same circumstances,
        and on the same line of railway.

        Among other items of his description, is
        the existence of a scar over one of Jud's
        eyes, and this mark has already led to the
        arrest of half a dozen innocent persons, in
        different parts of France. In the interest of
        justice, it Is to be hoped that the real culprit
        is this time in custody. If so, we shall soon
        witness one of the most remarkable criminal
        trials of modern times. Enough evidence
        has already been accumulated against Jud
        to hang (or rather guillotine) half a dozen
        men, and the fellow is known to be one of
        the most dangerous miscreants wno ever
        disgraced humanity.

        In America, it is a common practice for
        the illustrated papers to publish portraits of
        notorious scoundrels; but in France this
        mode in catering to a morbid and degrading
        taste is strictly prohibited by law. it is,
        however, suggested that if the man arrested
        in Germany sbould not he the veritable Jud,
        the illustrated journals, five in number, with
        a united weekly circulation of nearly 200,000
        copies, shall be exceptionably authorized
        to psblish an engraving of the outlaw, as a
        means ot aiding in bis apprehension.


        Martin Kanes says that Jud was never captured, and that "[m]uch later, in 1883, the historian Nauroy maintained that Poinsot had seduced the daughter of one of his tenants and had been murdered by his victim's brother."

        OTOH, a British journalist, R. H. Sherard, who knew Zola, wrote in 1903 that Jud was responsible for both the Poinsot and Barreme murders.

        The Indianapolis Journal, August 16, 1903, Part 3, Page 4

        by R. H. SHERARD


        One would like to have the pleasure of
        reading a similar book with the man Jud
        for its hero. Jud had a specialty of murdering
        people in trains. His first crime was
        committed in 1860, when he murdered a
        judge named Poinsot in a first-class
        carriage. Many mysterious railway murders
        have since been attributed to him. down to
        that of M. Barreme, prefect of the Eure
        department, which was committed in 1886.
        But he always managed to keep out of the
        hands of the police.



        Some of Sherard's works:

        Emile Zola: A Biographical and Critical Study (London: Chatto & Windus, 1893), link
        by Robert Harborough Sherard

        Twenty Years in Paris: Being Some Recollections of a Literary Life (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1905), link
        by Robert Harborough Sherard

        Oscar Wilde: The Story of an Unhappy Friendship (London: Greening & Co., 1905), link
        by Robert Harborough Sherard

        The Life of Oscar Wilde (New York: Mitchell Kennerley, 1906), link
        by Robert Harborough Sherard, Lady Wilde


        • The murder of M. Poinsot in 1860 in the railway carriage had incredible widespread affects mostly due to accident or rumor.

          In England, William Thackeray wrote in his "Roundabout Papers" an essay alluding to the murder of Poinsot (without mentioning the name) in 1862, suggesting that such a murder could happen in England. In 1864 Mr. Thomas Briggs, a bank manager, was killed in a robbery on a railway train, most likely by a German named Franz Muller, who left his hat in the carriage of the train that the killing occurred in, and took Briggs' hat. Muller, a tailor, later altered Briggs' hat to fit himself, but it was a clue in his eventual arrest. He fled by boat to the U.S. but was extradited back and stood trial in London, and was convicted and hanged. The hat he redesigned became popular as a "Muller Cut-Down", and Winston Churchill used to wear one.

          When the killer was being sought by the police, there was interest in the possibility that Jud, the Alsatian German sought in the Poinsot mystery was the killer of Briggs. But this turned out to be a false trail.

          However in France it led to a series of events that some called (probably erroneously) "the Thunderhead Murders". Poinsot's probable murder by Jud was considered due to German (read Prussian) espionage activity in Alsace Lorraine and France that Poinsot may have been involved in investigating. Now this was in 1860. But for most of the early 1860s the Second Empire of Napoleon III was involved in Italian politics, Mexican Politics (supporting the ill-fated Emperor Maximillian and his tragic wife Carlotta against Mexican President Benito Juarez) and trying to get Britain to jointly force the U.S. government of Abraham Lincoln to recognize the Confederacy. After 1866 these were no longer that important - the South had been defeated, the French had pulled out of Mexico and Italy. But in 1867 Maximillian was executed by Juarez, and Carlotta had gone insane. Napoleon III's reputation was collapsing, and his ham-handed involvement in trying to blackmail Bismarck into helping him annex Luxemburg for not getting involved in assisting Austria in the Seven Weeks War of 1866 blew up in his face. He began trying to recoup by a series of reforms of the regime's government under Liberal French statesman Emile Oliver in 1869.

          That year a massive homicide case hit France when a family (the Kincks) from Alsace Lorraine were exterminated bit by bit by a killer named Jean Baptiste Troppman. Troppman, also from Alsace Lorraine, planned to kill them and assume through forged and real documents title to Jean Kinck's extensive property and wealth in Alsace. However, he was captured after the discovery of the bodies of Madame Kinck and her six younger children in a clover field in Pantin outside Paris, followed by the discovery of the bodies of Jean Kinck and his eldest son a few weeks later. Troppman was put on trial - it was the major trial of 1869. His defense was to vaguely hint that he was involved with other unknown men in the crimes, but it was not for financial gain but for "noble motives". Many believed this - feeling he was part of the same espionage network that Jud had been involved in within Alsace-Lorraine, probably spying for Bismarck. Troppman was convicted and went to his execution never elaborating beyond vague generalities what he meant (most people, like William Bolitho in "Murder For Profit" and Roger L. Williams believe Troppman was simply lying). But earlier that year another murder case, that of Pierre Voirbo, involved a police spy agent of the Bonapartist regime killing an acquaintance for his money, and skillfully deflecting the Surete for weeks into looking the wrong way - so that the public felt a lack of trust in Napoleon III's regime. It did not help matters that while awaiting his trial, somebody sent Voibo some bread that contained a knife, that he used to cut his own throat. Many felt the police had been responsible for this, although the police made considerable efforts to find who sent the bread. Troppman's case became the second "Thunderhead Murder". Voirbo's was linked in the public mind.

          Just before the beginning of the Franco - Prussian War of 1870-71, Pierre Bonaparte (a raffish cousin of the Emperor) shot and killed a man named Victor Noir, supposedly a news reporter, but actually a muscle man for the anti-regime newsman Henri Rochefort. Rochefort had written a nasty article about Pierre Bonaparte, and was at the latter's house with Noir when Bonaparte shot Noir - there is a strong possibility that Noir (something of a physical bully) may have caused the situation by slapping Bonaparte. Bonaparte got a prison sentence, and the public felt that the Emperor's influence protected his cousin. The poor showing in the war against the Germans led to the final collapse of the Second Empire, but for many the events of the three criminal cases (four if you include Voirbo) led to a general feeling of dissatisfaction with the regime and helped in the collapse.


          Richard Altick, Victorian Studies in Scarlet (Norton, 1970) - "The Murder Thackeray Foretold"

          Kate Colquhoun, Murder in the First-Class Carriage: The First Victorian Railway Killing" (New York: Overlook Press, 2011) [A thorough account of the Muller Case, and it mentions the brief investigation by Scotland Yard into Jud's possible connection.]

          Roger L. Williams, Manners and Murders in the World of Louis-Napoleon (Seattle and London, University of Washington Press, 1975) - Chapter 4: "The Thunderhead Murders", p. 102-150. Williams debunks the connection, like Bolitho before him, feeling that Troppman was simply lying for effect. I should add that other writers on the Troppman case do feel he may have had some help in killing Madame Kinck and her younger children, but this does not translate to an espionage background.

          Last edited by Mayerling; 09-25-2015, 12:01 AM.


          • Thanks, Jeff.

            Here's part of an article by Vance Thompson listing a "prefect Barreme" among those with connections to Dreyfus case who died under suspicious circumstances. I can't find anything about the prefect Laurenceau said to have survived a railway journey only to die a hotel.

            Success Magazine, March, 1907, Pages 157-159, 209-210

            The Dreyfus Affair Part 3
            by Vance Thompson

            Page 158


            “Always the dead!" [Joseph ] Reinach cried bitterly; “whenever we find a forgery, a crime, always it is set to the account of a dead man!"

            And he drew up a list, horrible in its eloquence, of the dead who strewed the dark path of this monstrous case of crime and cruelty and infamy. Yet there had fallen so many of the enemies of truth and justice, that he might have called them the Expiatory Dead.

            Three I have told you of——that poor wretch, Lemercier-Picard, “found dead” in his room in the Rue de Sevres; Henry “found dead,” with a closed razor near by; Félix Faure “found dead,” and smuggled into his palace.

            There were many others. Captain d'Attel, who claimed to have heard Dreyfus avow his guilt to Lebrun-Renault the day of his degradation, was “found dead” in a railway train, his corpse blue and already on the way to decomposition, though his journey had lasted but an hour. This pretended confession, which Dreyfus never made, D'Attel confided to his friend Chaulin-Serviniere, a member of the Chamber of Deputies; now the deputy took train one day to visit his home; an hour later he was “found dead" on the railway tracks between two stations. And Rocher, of the prison guards, who also claimed to have heard Dreyfus say; "I am guilty, but I am not the only one!” died, and to this day no one knows where or how. It was as though Eternal Truth had reached down and slain this lie wherever it lifted its evil head.

            The prefect Barreme was summoned to Paris by his governmental chief; he was “found dead” in his compartment when the train arrived at the Gare St. Lazare. Laurenceau, prefect of the North, was called to Paris to give evidence regarding the spy system on the German frontier; there was no accident on the journey; the next day he was “found dead” in his room at the Hotel Terminus.

            And so I might continue this lugubrious list. Lorimier, one of Henry's most tireless agents of forgery and crime, was “found dead”—hanged in a lonely barn; another, Guenée, was “found dead” on the floor of his room in Paris.



            There's a thread here discussing another article by Vance Thompson: Leather Apron - an account of his invention. Here's another bit from the article discussed in that thread.

            Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, Volume 62, August, 1898, Pages 283-288

            The Police Reporter
            by Vance Thompson

            Page 287

            There is one other incident of the police reporter's work that might find a place here, but it is not easy to write out,—-at all events, for one who knew well the reporter who figured in it.

            He was a slight, lissome chap of six feet, with a soft brown beard and moustache. He had a gentle, slow smile that touched one like the bubbling laugh of a baby. And yet he was iron-muscled and steel-nerved, and withal one of the shrewdest reporters who ever set out to dog down crime or villany. The newspaper for which he was working ascertained that Hammond was in Seattle. Now, Hammond, be it understood, was the man who in the days of the Cleveland Street scandal in London was paid to "keep out of the way," for he had in his possession facts and letters incriminating all the soiled peerage of England. The letters he had in his possession he offered to sell to this reporter, who journeyed up into the Northwest to see him. It was a long and tedious negotiation. There was hobnobbing with this man and that; there were days of hard work and nights of harder dissipation. At last the reporter had secured all the letters,—-enough of them, at all events, to furnish forth an article of international importance for his paper. Then he was killed. How?

            Not even we who loved him and worked side by side with him know.

            But his dead body was tossed by the wind and wave, bandied from the shore to the shoals, bruised by the rocks and swollen by the sun. Well, that was the end of a police reporter.


            I'll use this as an excuse to post some stuff about Hammond's time in Seattle.

            The Philadelphia Record, March 6, 1890, Page 1


            The Former Keeper of That Scandalous London Resort Speaks Out

            Seattle, Wash., March 5.--Charles
            Hammond, keeper of the Cleveland
            House, London, with which the famous
            Cleveland street scandal was connected,
            has just been interviewed here. Hammond
            is now running a saloon in Seattle,
            in a respectable part of the town, but his
            neighbors think it will bear close watching.

            Hammond denied that he ever received
            any assistance from the British Government
            while in Belgium, or was aided in
            any way, by consulate or legation in
            Brussels, to leave that country.
            "Nobody," he continued, "ever molested me
            in Belgium. I would like also to deny the
            charges against me, made broadcast in
            the English and American papers. It
            has not only injured me financially, but
            has preyed on my health. I was in poor
            health in London, and was nearly blind.

            "Gentlemen who lived at my house on
            Cleveland street were at full liberty to do
            whatever that liked, and had their own
            latch-keys. I never inquired of my
            boarders their names or their business. I
            have just about made up my mind to go
            back to England and testify myself.

            "I am a descendant of French royalty,
            and am related to the late Emperor of
            France. It is time I denied some of the
            slanders against me, and I hope what I
            have told you will be largely circulated in
            my native country."

            Hammond said he had other statements
            more startling in effect, which he will
            confess in a short time.


            Sacramento Daily Record-Union, December 17, 1890, Page 1, Col 4


            Charles R Hammond on Trial for the Theft of a Sealskin Sacque.

            Seattle (Wash.), December 16th..-—Charles R.
            Hammond, who became notorious through his
            connection with the Cleveland-Street scandal in
            London, was on trial to-day on a charge of
            grand larceny, for stealing a sealskin sacque
            and gold watch from a woman who was drinking
            in his saloon here.

            Less than a year ago J.R.Todhunter attempted
            to get Hammond into British territory, there
            being a large reward offered for him in
            England, but he failed.

            In September last, Todhunter engaged
            himself as a barkeeper for Hammond, and during
            this time it is said he worked up the present
            case against him, and that it is a case of
            malicious prosecution.

            Oa the stand to-day Hammond admitted living
            at No. 19 Cleveland street, London, but
            refused to state his business. He stated that a
            large sum of money had been offered him to
            give information exposing English nobility, but
            he will never disclose the secret.


            The Morning Call. (San Francisco), December 18, 1890, Page 8, Column 2

            He Claims to Be ihe Victim of a Conspiracy of British Officials

            Seattle, Dec. 17.—-Charles R. Hammond
            of Cleveland - street (Loudon) fame was
            to-day convicted in the Superior
            Court of grand larceny. Recent developments
            in the case indicate that
            Hammond is the victim of a conspiracy, of
            which Alexander Todhunter is at the head.
            Todliunter is supposed to be an English detective,
            and failing to get Hammond on
            British soil, charged him with stealing
            a sealskin sack from Mrs. Augusta Simons.
            Hammond claims that there is $250,000
            at his disposal on deposit at the Bank of
            California and other banks, having been
            placed there by wealthy Englishmen as
            hush-money. Hammond has been in Seattle
            more than a year and has abundant
            means. He refuses to talk, but
            admits having threatened to return
            to London. He says parties there are trying
            to prevent his return, and in order to do
            so had Todhunter to trump up a charge
            against him. He expects to get a new trial
            and says he will return to London and take
            the consequence, but refuses to betray the
            men who patronized his Cleveland-street


            Sacramento Daily Record-Union, December 29, 1890, Page 1, Column 4


            New Light Thrown on the Trial of Hammond for Grand Larceny.

            Seattle, December 27th.—-Sensational
            developments in the Charles R. Hammond
            grand larceny case were brought out in the
            motion for a new trial in the Circuit Court
            to-day. Hammond was convicted of stealing
            a sealskin sacque and a gold watch belonging
            to Mrs. Simons. To-day an affidavit
            of ex-policeman Hanna was filed in Court
            in which Hanna states that Mrs. Simons
            called on him to search the house of a woman
            named Bohannon, whom she charged
            with stealing her sacque and watch.

            Another affidavit was filed in which a
            lodging-bouse keeper named Beadle swears
            that Simons, the husband of the woman
            who swore that Hammond had stolen her
            things, had been treating some of the
            Jurors in the Hammond case to drinks during
            the trial. It is claimed that the whole
            case is a conspiracy to get Hammond out
            of the way.

            Tbe man who worked up the case, and
            figured as prosecuting witness, is suspected
            of being an English detective in the employ
            of patrons of Hammond's Cleveland-street
            house in London, sent here to rid
            the country of Hammond.


            Sacramento Daily Record-Union, January 08, 1891, Page 1, Column 6

            HAMMOND'S PATRONS.

            Light on the Celebrated Cleveland-Street, London, Scandal.

            Seattle, January 7th.—-John Ames, aged 19,
            who was an inmate of Charles R. Hammond's
            notorious Cleveland street house, in London,
            and who escaped with Hammond to this country,
            to-day made a statement concerning the
            notorious place, and swore to its truth before
            James A. Hillyer, a Notary Public, in the presence
            of several witnesses.

            Hammond is under sentence of two years in
            the Penitentiary ior grand larceny, and the boy,
            who has heretofore been afraid to tell the
            story, because of Hammond's threats of pesonal [sic]
            violence, now tells it voluntarily.

            Young Ames was secretary for Hammond,
            and says he wrote many letters last year to
            English nobleman, demanding hush money.
            His sworn statement, in part, is as follows: "ln
            June. 1888, the Conway boy, nineteen years of
            age, told me of the existence of the house kept
            by Hammond on Cleveland street, London, and
            induced me to go there with him. As life was
            an easy one aud money was plenty, I remained
            there until June, I889, at which time the discovery
            of the nature of the house caused Hammond
            and myself to leave London. The house,
            I was told by Hammond, had been running between
            three or four years and during the year
            I was there about twenty men visited the house
            regularly. Many of these were introduced into
            the house under false names, and the names of
            some were never known either to Hammond or
            myself. Seven of the men I became personally
            acquainted with, and their names were the
            Earl of Euston, Lord Arthur somerset, Robert
            Jorvoice, the Queen s officer. Dr. Maitland,
            Percy Stafford, the capitalist, Hugh Waglin, the
            banker, and Captain Barbey, of the army."


            St. Paul Daily Globe, March 07, 1891, Page 1, Column 1

            Hot After Hammond

            An English Detective on the Cleveland Street Man's Trail

            Compromising Letters Affecting Nobility the Objects Sought

            Portland, Or., March 6.- — For some
            time past public curiosity here has
            been excited over probable developments
            in the Hammond case. An English
            detective named Partridge, who is
            in the employ of persons alleging to
            have been blackmailed by Hammond,
            has been on this coast looking up
            certain parties claimed to be accomplices
            of Hammond. It was recently published
            in a Seattle paper that Partridge
            had been located in Oakland, Cal., and
            an interview published to the effect
            that confederates have possession of
            certain compromising letters which
            he (Partridge) was detailed to secure at
            any price and at all hazards. Partridge
            followed his man to Australia, thence
            back to California, and finally located
            him there, it is supposed. A dicker was
            made and a compromise effected
            wherein the blackmailers were paid
            several thousand dollars for the letters
            in question. a number of which were from
            noted persons in England. While at
            San Francisco, Partridge met a man
            named Tyrrel, who introduced himself
            and stated he had been sent out from
            London to aid Partridge. He produced
            a photograph of a letter,by which means
            he said he identified him, and presented
            credentials and testimonials, and by
            these gained his confidence. Partridge
            explained to Tyrrel how matters stood,
            saying the affair had been compromised,
            but still he had hopes of getting a
            cinch on Hammond and his gang.
            While at Sacramento, or some Central
            California city, these papers, which were
            kept locked up in a tin box and zealously
            guarded, mysteriously disappeared one
            night along with the "slippery" Tyrrel,
            who was the only person who knew
            what the box contained. Partridge was
            in a hole., and in bad shape. He came
            North and notified a Tacoma detective
            agency, who have acted in cahoots from
            the start of his fix. A party answering
            to the description of Tyrtel was seen to
            leave Tacoma on March 4 for Portland.
            The Tacoma officer arrived here this
            morning in pursuit. So far, he has not
            found any clue of his man. The above
            facts were secured from him, as a
            reporter knew some of the few facts in the
            case, recognizing him. confronted him
            with them and got the story. He said
            that Partridge still lives in fear of the
            American press, and emphatically
            instructed him to keep the matter from
            being given further publicity, saying
            that American papers had already aired
            the case too much.


            The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, March 16, 1891, Page 5, Column 3

            He Denies the Authenticity of a Dispatch

            The following dispatch concerning Charles K.
            Hammond, of Cleveland street, London, notoriety,
            was received by the Chicago Tribune from
            Portland a few days ago:

            [... Partridge story]

            Hammond was seen by a POST-INTELLIGENCER
            reporter yesterday at the county Jail. He read
            the above clipping over carefully and then said:
            "There is no truth in this, whatever." Then
            he hesitated a moment and said, "I have no
            letters hid in a tin box. I have no letters where
            anyone can get them. Judging from the reading
            of that item I make up my mind that it was
            sent out from Seattle. I believe that it originated
            with a man who is now in this town, and
            who is partly to blame for my imprisonment."

            "Who is this man?"

            "I do not care about mentioning any names
            until I am clear of my present trouble. I have
            had offers to sell letters which have been
            reported to be in my possession, but I have none
            that I care to part with. A detective who
            claimed to be from San Francisco called to see
            me not long ago, and said he wished to work up
            my case. I was afraid of him and would have
            nothing to do with him. I have been deceived
            by every one I trusted, and will put my trust in
            no one hereafter.

            Hammond complained bitterly of his imprisonment,
            and said that the attorney whom he
            had engaged had done nothing for him, to speak
            of, but had fleeced him of all he had and then
            cast aside, He claimed that many people
            thought he had lots of money, and wishing to
            get some of it they had schemed to get him in
            prison, and once they succeeded, every man's
            hand was against him. Continuing his
            complaint, he aaid:

            "I am as innocent of the crime for which I am
            held and have been sentenced, as a new-born
            babe. I am a victim of numerous enemies. I
            am not perfect; I have my faults, so has everyone.
            but that is no reason why people should
            frown on me unjustly because I am down.

            "My money is now gone. At the time of my
            arrest I waa doing a good business-—making as
            much $6O a week. Now I am destitute and
            my family is without means. Up to a week ago
            I kept them, but between my attorneys, of whom
            I have had many, and the expenses of my
            family, I have nothing left and the county must
            take care of my wife and child. My wife lay on
            a bed of sickness all last week. Yesterday she
            recovered sufficiently to get up, and she came
            down to see me. She is afflicted with heart
            disease and can do nothing for herself, and what
            can my boy of 13 years do for her?

            "I am not a petty thief. I have my faults, but
            I never stole anything in all my life. I believe
            some one is tampering with my mail, for I am
            receiving no more letters. All I can say is that
            I am in sore straits."


            The Morning Call (San Francisco), May 18, 1891, Page 1, Column 8

            SAYS HE IS INNOCENT.

            A Letter Which May Prove That Hammond Is Not Guilty.

            Seattle, May 17.— Charles R. Hammond
            of Cleveland-street (London) notoriety, who
            is in jail here, serving a term of
            two years for grand larceny, wrote
            a letter to-day which, if the facts
            are as set forth by him, indicates
            that be is innocent, and that the charge of
            grand larceny was trumped up by English
            detectives to get him out of the way in order
            to prevent disclosures of doings at Hammond's
            house in London. Hammond wrote
            the letter to Beck, who is serving
            a sentence in the penitentiary, but it was
            intercepted by the jailer. Beck told another
            prisoner while in jail at Snohomish that he
            committed the larceny for which Hammond
            was convicted. In his letter Hammond
            makes an earnest appeal to Beck to speak
            out and reveal such facts concerning the
            case as he is in possession of.


            St. Paul Daily Globe, February 08, 1892, Page 6, Column 2

            Hammond Is Released

            Seattle, Wash., Feb. 7.—-Charles R.
            Hammond, of Cleveland street, London,
            notoriety, who has been in jail here on
            a charge of grand larceny for over a
            year, has been pardoned by Gov. Ferry.
            Hammond was sentenced in December,
            1890, to two years in the penitentiary.
            Since then it has been proven tha the [sic; that he]
            was not guilty and that the charge was
            a trumped-up one.



            • Hammond and the "odd deaths" list from the Dreyfus Affair

              I have only heard of the death of Major Hubert Henri as an odd demise connected with the 1894 French treason scandal, although the death of President Felix Faure is of some interest (of a prurient type).

              Henri, on the counter-espionage staff, was responsible for creating the forged "Bordereau" used to frame Dreyfus, and later began forging other material as well. But in 1898 the scandal was beginning to come apart, and Henri's forgeries became known. Although I don't like anti-Semites myself (being Jewish) I have always felt a little sorry for the Major. His personal racism aside, Henri actually thought he was acting in the best interest of France and that the heads of the General Staff (who apparently quietly knew what he was doing) let him make a public confession to the newly appointed Minister of War with two of the generals in attendance). Instead of making some plea to be gentle with Henri, the generals washed their hands of him.
              The new Minister of War had the Major taken to a prison cell for further questioning and for future trial (the Minister believed Henri was part of a far larger conspiracy - of German spies in the military, but one that included Dreyfus (whom the Minister felt the German paid traitors were leaving as the sole traitor in the event). Henri was taken to the prison, and had a bad night of it (jailors said they heard him crying). The next day or so he was found having signed a written confession and having been hanged. Officially it was reported as a suicide, though Dreyfus' supporters (like Reinach) felt it was too coincidental. Rumors that Major Henri was murdered in prison by his co-forging conspirators have lasted (actually) to the present day. The famous novelist and pro-Nazi collaborator Louis-Fernand Celine mentions the death of Henri in his autobiographical novel "North" and says, slyly, "or was he helped?" to add his two cents into the story.

              As for Felix Faure (d. 1899, officially in the Elysee Palace in Paris), the official cause of death was either heart attack or attack of apoplexy. But word soon spread (which in this case is apparently true) that he had been struck down while "in the saddle" in bed with his mistress. This was unfortunate (and a little comic - a similar type of end occurred for the likes of Attila the Hun on his honeymoon to a far younger new wife, actor John Garfield while under pressures from the Hollywood blacklist in 1951, and former Governor and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller in 1983. In the latter situation, the revelation of Rocky's death were worsened when they were revealed on the day of his funeral at St. John the Devine's Cathedral in Manhattan: his friend, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger - who did not know the actual circumstances said at one point in his eulogy, "I wish I had gone like Rocky", meaning quickly, not meaning enjoying himself).

              What made the Faure situation really bad did not become known in 1899 but a decade later in 1909, when the mistress, Madame Margarite Steinheil, the wife of a society painter, survived an attack in her home that left her husband and mother dead from the "burglars". The investigation of the Surete concentrated it's attention on Madame Steinheil instead of her story, and she ended up the chief suspect and defendant in a trial in 1911. She was acquitted. However, the earlier death of Faure was recalled, and many suspected Steinheil did something (aside from giving vast satisfaction and happiness to a far older man) to le President.

              Later there was a death in the Dreyfus Case that remains a mystery. In 1902 Emile Zola was asphyxiated by a defective chimney flue in his home while at work on a new novel. Zola died but his wife barely survived the build-up of carbon monoxide gas. Later it was claimed that the chimney sweep who cleaned and repaired the flue boasted he stuffed it so that such an accident could befall Zola, whose essay in 1896 "J'Accuse" reopened public attention to the innocence of Dreyfus.



              • I found a bit of corroboration for 3 of the names on the Dreyfus list.

                New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10854, 10 September 1898, Page 2

                A FRENCH MYSTERY.

                death of M. Chaulin-Serviniere

                mention of Major D'Attel

                West Coast Times , Issue 11372, 18 August 1899, Page 2

                THE PRISONER IN FRANCE.

                A DETECTIVE'S DEATH



                • Originally posted by TradeName View Post
                  I found a bit of corroboration for 3 of the names on the Dreyfus list.

                  New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXV, Issue 10854, 10 September 1898, Page 2

                  A FRENCH MYSTERY.

                  death of M. Chaulin-Serviniere

                  mention of Major D'Attel

                  West Coast Times , Issue 11372, 18 August 1899, Page 2

                  THE PRISONER IN FRANCE.

                  A DETECTIVE'S DEATH

                  I will have to check these. The explanation given for the first death actually sounds plausible.



                  • Here's a variant version of the paragraph about Guenee with a bit more detail.

                    Otago Daily Times, Issue 11507, 21 August 1899, Page 5

                    THE DREYFUS CASE.


                    Guenee, the private inquiry agent who helped tD seal the fate of Dreyfus, died the other day. After tho evidencel he gave before the Court of Cassation, was published he lost his occupation as a secret service agent of low degree. "I had occasion," says the Paris correspondent of the Daily News," to see Guenee in 1880. What amazed me was the proofs he gave me of the good terms he then stood on with the heads of the Russian Government and with some Russian diplomatists here. I have often thought of this when I heard that it was a Russian diplomatist who first set the Dreyfus affair going. He went to Russia to confer with members of tho third department on international steps to bo taken against the Nihilists. Gueuee corresponded direct with the Grand Duke Constantine. M. Lepere, a Minister of the Interior, told me that he caused their letters to bo examined in tho Cabinet Noir to see what game Guenee was playing. It is incredible that such an uneducated, vulgar fellow could have taken in any one who had experience of life. Colonel Picquart at once took his measure, and ceased to employ him, but Henry, Gonse, and De Boisdeffre continued their confidence. It was true that one Dreyfus used to gamble in clubs that Guenee frequented as a secret'police agent, but he was not Captain Dreyfus. Guenee pretended to believe that they were identical. The unhappy man dreaded the idea of appearing before the Rennes court-martial. His state of mind on this subject brought on cerebral congestion, from which, weakened as ho was by other complaints, there was no recovery.


                    I wonder if there is any possibility that Conan Doyle had any of these cases in mind when he wrote the story of Cadogan West, "found dead" on the Underground.

                    The Strand Magazine, Volume 36, December, 1908, Pages 689-705

                    Reminiscences of Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
                    (From the 'Diaries of his friend—John H. Watson, MD.)
                    By ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE.

                    The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans


                    • Originally posted by TradeName View Post
                      Here's a variant version of the paragraph about Guenee with a bit more detail.

                      Otago Daily Times, Issue 11507, 21 August 1899, Page 5

                      I wonder if there is any possibility that Conan Doyle had any of these cases in mind when he wrote the story of Cadogan West, "found dead" on the Underground.

                      The Strand Magazine, Volume 36, December, 1908, Pages 689-705

                      Reminiscences of Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
                      (From the 'Diaries of his friend—John H. Watson, MD.)
                      By ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE.

                      The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans
                      Hi TradeName,

                      Conan Doyle is one of those figures who always amazes me. He had a brain, like Mycroft's in the story, that stored tons of different information and linked them.

                      "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans" is just such an example.

                      He may very well have been thinking of Poinsot and the other French railway victims, but there was a more recent case involved. "Bruce-Partington" was written and published in 1908. If you are familiar with the story, Cadogan West is supposed to have been killed from a train accident, though of an odd nature, and then Mycroft that he may have been involved with the stealing of missing plans for a vital part of a new, revolutionary submarine designed by one Bruce-Partington (or by two men with the names of Bruce and Partington, as it is never really explained). Holmes in his investigation finds that West was killed because he saw who was the guilty party, and he's murdered by the agent of a foreign power to silence him before the scheme can be completed. Holmes, of course, catches the foreign agent and the actual traitor.

                      I said "traitor" so memories of the Dreyfus Affair could have been in Doyle's mind - although there it was information (a pamphlet) about a new cannon.

                      In 1905 a young woman named Mary Money was killed in a railway accident similar to the Cadogan West situation, and it is this incident that is the current model for what Doyle was thinking of. You see, as the death of Miss Money was investigate it became more clear that it was not an accident but murder - that she had been attacked in her railway carriage and fell off the train (either pushed, or fell trying to flee by hanging onto the outside of the train). The murder was never solved, but in 1912 Mary Money's brother killed his wife and two children and seriously injured a second "wife" before committing suicide. It was wondered afterwards if he actually knew more about the murder of his sister than the police learned at the time of her death in 1905. However, in 1908, Conan Doyle would not have known about that later set of tragedies.

                      At the same time, British society had a crime scandal of it's own in 1908 - the theft of the Irish Crown Jewel/Regalia from Dublin Castle. This crime too was never solved, probably due to the fact that it became apparent to Scotland Yard that the people involved (including a member of the Royal Family) may have been involved together in a homosexual circle involving the jewelry's care. One of those involved was Frank Shackleton, a man of dubious business and social ethics, but one who had a unique society card: he was the younger brother of Sir Ernest Shackleton, the great Antarctic explorer, who only a year earlier (1907) returned having discovered the Beardsmore Glacier, and the route to the South Pole (the one that Scott and his doomed party followed in 1911-12). Shackleton was a wiser man than Robert Scott, and while he and his party got to 97 miles of the Pole he decided to turn back and live with his companions than die of starvation racing back from the Pole.

                      In the story, the submarine plans are used in replacement for the stolen jewels, and it turns out that the man in charge of the department where the plans were kept, Sir James Walters, has died of shame for their theft. Later it turns out Sir James' death is for a different type of shame - his brother, Colonel Valentine Walters is the actual traitor. Holmes finds this out and forces Walters to assist in capturing the foreign operative.

                      Now for a little additional twisting, "a la Conan Doyle". Whenever he uses actual cases in his stories' backgrounds there are wheels within wheels from his vast knowledge. Remember that the story's setting on a train (or urban railway) is due to the death of Miss Money in 1905. But there have been other crimes on trains. One, in 1875, rocked the Royal Family too. Prince Albert Victor ("Bertie", the future King Edward VII) had friends too, one of whom was Colonel Valentine Baker, brother of the notable African explorer (and discoverer of Lake Albert in Africa), Sir Samuel Baker. Colonel Baker had a distinguished military career, and it was expected he'd go further - but it did not turn out to be that way. He was in a railway train with a young woman, and apparently (we still aren't quite sure) physically assaulted her (for rape?) but was caught. It destroyed his career in England, and his relationship with the Prince of Wales. Baker did do what his wiser older brother did - he went to Africa and became the head of the Egyptian Army for the Khedive. Unfortunately, in 1883 (on his watch) the massacre of Hicks Pasha's large army by the Mahdi's forces in the Sudan began the events leading to Gordon's death at Khartoum and the long road to the Battle of Omdurman in 1898. By that time Valentine Baker was dead (in 1887).

                      Conan Doyle has twisted together the death of Mary Money, the Irish Crown Jewels Mystery and the involvement of a younger brother of a famous Polar Explorer, the 1875 scandal involving an attack on a young woman in a train by the younger brother of a famous African explorer, and created the story about the submarine plans. It is a remarkable feet, and I can only say I have seen other similar actions by Conan Doyle in other stories about Holmes. In a way they rang familiar bells to the Victorian/Edwardian public's memories, and help make the stories all the more real.



                      • Interesting, Jeff. J. Churton Collins, who went on that tour of the JtR sites with Conan Doyle, wrote a piece on the Mary Money case in which he seems to imply that a particular person was the murderer.

                        Life and Memoirs of John Churton Collins (London: John Lane,1912), Pages 198-203, link
                        written and compiled by his son L. C. Collins

                        [from Churton Collins' memoirs]

                        Yesterday, Wednesday, April [1905], I went
                        round all the scenes and sites of the Whitechapel
                        Murders (the nine, as well as where the trunk was
                        found) with Conan Doyle, Laurie, Ingleby Oddie,
                        & Dr Crosse of Norwich. Dr Gordon Browne was
                        our escort and two detectives also escorted us. In
                        addition to these sites we visited Petticoat Lane,
                        the Jews' fowl-slaughtering houses, a Dosshouse,
                        and the like places. Dr Gordon Browne, who was
                        concerned in all of them, seeing most of the corpses
                        just after they were murdered, conducting post-
                        mortems, etc., told me these particulars: . . .

                        He was inclined to think that he (the murderer)
                        was or had been a medical student, as he un-
                        doubtedly had a knowledge of human anatomy,
                        but that he was also a butcher, as the mutilations
                        slashing the nose, etc., were butchers' cuts.

                        There was absolutely no foundation, in his
                        opinion, for the theory that he was a homicidal
                        maniac doctor, whose body was found in the
                        Thames, tho' that is the theory at Scotland Yard,
                        because (1) the last murder, possibly the last two
                        murders, were committed after the body was
                        found, he was strongly of opinion that the last
                        two were Ripper murders; (2) the murderer was
                        never seen near enough for any trustworthy
                        identification, and Dr G. Browne was absolutely of
                        opinion that they still remain an unsolved mystery.
                        He thought the murderer suffered from a sort of
                        homicidal satyriasis that it was sexual perversion.
                        The trunk found in Finbury St. in September 1889
                        which he inspected, had the same incision as was
                        characteristic of the Ripper murders, but it may
                        have been an imitation, and it may have been one
                        of the dynasty of murders he could not say.
                        Conan Doyle seemed very much interested, particu-
                        larly in the Petticoat Lane part of the expedition,
                        and laughed when I said " Caliban would have
                        turned up his nose at this." We also saw the
                        house where the Myers were murdered by the man
                        who was executed when Fowler & Milsom were.
                        The inscription about the Jews, " The Jewes are
                        the men that will not be blamed for nothing," was
                        probably genuine, as a portion of the Apron
                        covered with blood, etc., on which the fiend had
                        wiped his hands after the Mitre Square murder was
                        found on the ground just beneath it.

                        [back to L.C. Collins:]

                        Perhaps his most active investigations were
                        concerned with that affair which horrified the
                        country in September 1905, and which is known
                        as the Merstham Tunnel Mystery. It will be
                        remembered that Miss Mary Money was found
                        dead in Merstham Tunnel, with every indication
                        of having been murdered, by being thrown out
                        of a railway carriage, after having been gagged
                        with a muffler, which had been forced into her
                        mouth. A careful and close scrutiny of the
                        evidence and other particulars elicited from him
                        an article with an analysis of the crime, and with
                        a criticism on the methods employed in dealing
                        with it, particularly dwelling on the scant en-
                        couragement shown to witnesses to come forward,
                        and the trying and unnecessary ordeals they are
                        obliged to undergo. The article was published
                        in the National Review, Dec. 1905.

                        It is interesting in connection with this case
                        to note, that his final independent investigations
                        morally convinced him of the perpetrator's identity,
                        a conviction which was shared by Scotland Yard.
                        Though the mystery is still unsolved, and though
                        an arrest has never been made, it is perhaps like
                        many other mysteries, not so much a case in which
                        Scotland Yard is completely baffled as to the
                        miscreant's identity, as baffled in their attempts
                        to obtain legally admissible evidence sufficient to
                        bring the crime home to the guilty person.

                        In 1903 he helped to found a certain club,
                        which was called "Our Society" but known as
                        "The Murder Club." Here we are treading on
                        delicate ground, for the Club is still in existence,
                        is most exclusive, and its secrets as well as its
                        aims and scope, are jealously guarded by its
                        members. I am therefore bound down not to
                        disclose any information which I may possess.

                        I am indebted to the courtesy of the Hon.
                        Secretary of the Club, Mr Arthur Lambton, for
                        the following exclusive and only information
                        to be obtained concerning it:

                        One of the chief interests of the Professor
                        in his later years was a certain dining club which
                        he had helped to found. This club consisted of
                        men who were keenly interested in the study
                        of criminology (a word by the way he detested).
                        From starting with five other members, Dr
                        Herbert Crosse, and Messrs S. Ingleby Oddie, J. B.
                        Atlay, H. B. Irving, and A. Lambton, it became
                        so successful that within two or three years the
                        waiting list had assumed alarming proportions.
                        The aim of this society was ludicrously mis-
                        represented by a journalist who had never been
                        present at any of its gatherings, and his paragraphs
                        were widely copied in the Press. As for obvious
                        reasons strictest secrecy was the cardinal principle
                        of the club no details can be supplied, but it
                        is violating no confidence to say that Professor
                        Churton Collins was the mainstay as he was
                        the life and soul of the meetings. Here his
                        marvellous memory, his power of dramatic
                        narration, and his desperate earnestness found
                        full scope, and his rare social gifts made him always
                        the centre of entranced listeners when the con-
                        versation wandered as wander it would into
                        paths divergent from the main object of the club.
                        Some of the firmest friendships contracted during
                        his latter years were formed at the dinner table
                        of " Our Society." And any member was always
                        a most welcome and fortunate guest in his house.
                        He was ever the most hospitable of men.

                        Other members of this Club include Sir A. Conan
                        Doyle, Mr E. W. Hornung, Mr Laurence Irving, Mr
                        William Le Queux, Mr A. E. W. Mason, Mr Max
                        Pemberton, and Mr George R. Sims.


                        The National Review, Volume 46, December, 1905, Pages 656-671

                        by J. Churton Collins

                        In the ghastly and appalling crime which has sent a thrill of horror through the whole country, we have another illustration of the perfect impunity with which these atrocities can be perpetrated almost before our eyes, in the very teeth of probable detection and without any particular precautions on the part of the criminal. All, indeed, that such miscreants need are audacity, cunning, and nerve ; for the rest they can trust to their rights as citizens, to the law, and to the temper of their fellow-countrymen. Unless the evidence almost establishes their guilt and justifies their arrest they cannot even be properly cross-questioned, they have absolute immunity from being submitted to anything which would elicit, directly or indirectly, what might compromise them. With respect to the law, its whole machinery seems to have been expressly designed to afford the suspected every loophole for escape and for throwing every obstacle in the way of those who would bring him to account. The utmost laxity is allowed to statements which tend to the exculpation of the suspected person, perjury itself being winked at, but nothing can be more stringent than the conditions imposed on the expression of anything which may throw light on his possible guilt. Every one knows how often in these cases the scale is turned by some apparently trifling incident, or piece of evidence which cross-examination or voluntary deposition may elicit or afford. But such cross-examination is unallowable: from such voluntary deposition the suspected person is warned to refrain, and it will be at his, or her peril, that any deponent proffers information derogatory to the character of any one not under arrest. Even when conviction is possible it cannot be obtained by the slightest deviation from the ordinary methods. It is notorious that the perpetrator of one of the most brutal murders which occurred some years ago is now at large, Simply because it was forbidden to present him, in the slight disguise assumed by him at the time of his crime, to witnesses, who only needed to see him again in that disguise, positively to identify him. I am not calling in question the wisdom and equity of a refusal to assist justice artificially, I am only citing this as an instance of the nice scrupulousness of our criminal legislation. But it is not his rights and the law only which shield the perpetrator of serious crimes, and particularly the murderer. In the temper of his countrymen he has every protection.

                        The history of these cases is always the same. Anything which causes a sensation is welcome, the more atrocious the outrage the keener is general curiosity. For a few days the newspapers and the public are in a fever, the crisis arriving at the first inquest, to be exacerbated at each adjournment. A hubbub of distorted truth, pure fictions, and conflicting opinions and theories excite and entertain the public, and perplex all who have reason to be seriously interested. Sensational newspapers, driving a roaring trade, push their investigations into every nook and cranny of inquiry, and, publishing everything, practically take the case out of the hands of its responsible investigators and involve it in inextricable labyrinths of fact and fiction. Meanwhile all or most of the efforts of the police being practically stultified and the criminal fully informed of every step which is being taken, the whole thing gradually resolves itself into jangle and muddle. The only things which cannot get a hearing, or at least make any impression, are the facts which are of real significance. The only people who will not volunteer information are those who, by a few words of explanation, could materially assist inquiry by preventing it following false scents. The one thing which in this country is regarded by every citizen with superstitious reverence, and guarded with jealous vigilance, is the machinery of the law; the one thing of which every one seems to be frightened, and which no one will assist, is the furtherance of justice. Nor are these the only circumstances favourable to the serious criminal. The sensation excited by his act scarcely survives the verdict; in a few days it has been superseded by some other; in a few weeks it is all but forgotten; in a month or two it has passed quietly, like so many of its predecessors, into oblivion. Scotland Yard may indeed have a longer memory, but even there the present has much stronger claims than the past.

                        But in addition to these impediments in the way of the efficient discharge of what is surely the chief duty of our police,—-the protection of life by the detection and punishment of the highest crime known to the law,—-there are serious defects, inherent in the very constitution of our present system of criminal investigation, to which it is the object of this paper to direct, with all the emphasis possible, serious attention. For, indeed, it is high time to do so, and an opportune occasion. Nothing, in truth, could illustrate more strikingly these defects than the history of the recent deplorable event at Merstham,a crime which, as I purpose to show, has been most imperfectly and incompetently investigated, and which, unless public attention is again directed to it, will, in all probability, be allowed fruitlessly to go the way of so many others.

                        If, owing simply to indifference or mismanagement, it is allowed to swell the list of crimes on which no light can be thrown, every English citizen will have just reason for surprise, and indignant surprise; and, unless much more has been done than, to all appearance, has been done, equal reason to doubt the competence, if not of English detectives, of their methods and system. Let it be remembered that this case brings to a climax a long series of failures, in which success may certainly have been sheer impossibility, and where, consequently, no blame can fairly be attached to any one; but the record is an astounding one. To go no further than the last fifteen years. Passing by the Whitechapel murders, which, including the “Ripper” murders and those not classed by experts under that category, number nine, most of which were perpetrated within a few yards of public thoroughfares and within a stone's throw of local police stations, we find, with two or three exceptions, in the metropolitan area alone no fewer than seventeen of these ghastly trophies of criminal impunity. They may be briefly specified.

                        On February 14,1890, one Amelia ]effs,was found murdeed in an empty house in the Portway,opposite West Ham Park. On May 14 of the same year, a woman named Waknell, at a house in Water Lane, Brixton. In June, 1902, an unidentified dismembered body was found in Salamanca Place, Lambeth, near the Albert Embankment. In May, 1903, Sarah Dinah Noel was shot in her kitchen; and in December of the same year, Kate Dungay was murdered at Lambridge House Farm, Henley-on-Thames. In April, 1894, John Robert Wells was murdered on Barnes Common; in December, Martin, the night watchman at the Café Royal in Regent Street. In I897 there were no less than six of these murders: Miss Camp, in a South-Western train between Putney and Wandsworth, in February; Mrs. Saunders, at Caterham Street, Peckham, and an unidentified man found naked and bound with ropes in the Thames, near Wapping, in September, William james Barret, a boy, at Upton Park; Emma Johnson at Windsor, and Mrs. T. Smith also at Windsor. In 1898 there were three: in January, Thomas Webb, a dairyman, murdered at East Finchley; in August, Mrs. Tyler, at Kidbrook Park Road, Blackheath ; in December, Mary ]ane Voller, a poor child, at Barking. In all we have no fewer than twenty-six of these atrocities, swelling, if we go back another dozen years, a still more formidable list, in all of which the police have had to confess themselves entirely baffled.

                        Is the present atrocity to go the same way? Is the activity of the police to flag, as suddenly as the subsidence of the hysterical excitement of the press and the public, the moment the verdict put the closure on the daily budgets of sensational details. Unhappily this is too often the case, and the consequence is that investigation either ceases, or is pursued languidly, just when it ought to become most energetic. Let us devoutly hope that so ill a precedent will not be followed now, for it is no trifle which is at stake. The police have an opportunity of retrieving what is worth retrieving, the scandal of most derogatory failure.

                        No one who has carefully reviewed the evidence in the present case could doubt that if it is properly sifted and weighed it would be found to furnish clues any one of which might lead to important results. At present, if I am rightly informed, investigation has taken an entirely false direction, in consequence of the acceptance, in authorative quarters, of the theory that suicide and not murder is the solution of the mystery. This, to begin with, is demonstrably untenable, the evidence is absolutely conclusive against such an hypothesis. Let us review the facts.

                        Mary Sophia Money, an unmarried young woman, twenty-one years of age, belonging to a respectable family, was employed as book-keeper at the dairy, and in the service of, Messrs. Bridger, 245, Lavender Hill, Battersea. By the testimony of her intimate daily companion and colleague, who had known her for sixteen months, and who had for a few days shared the same bedroom with her, of her two brothers, and of others who were familiarly acquainted with her, she was a bright, contented and happy girl, prosperous, for she had money in the bank, and “without a care." She had two suitors, and though she had not made up her mind, was looking forward to marriage. In character she was prudent, reserved, and composed, and a remarkably good business woman. On Sunday, September 24th last, she was with her companion and colleague, Miss Hone, from 1 o’clock pm. till “close on seven." During the afternoon she was, for a long time, consulting a railway timetable, and though “she sate [sic] by herself and was unusually quiet," was “as bright as ever." About 7 o'clock she left the house saying she “was going for a little walk and would not be long." When she left she was very lightly clad, in black voile with silk lining, wearing no jacket, round her neck a white scarf of fine silk gauze, 3 feet broad and 8 1/2 feet long; in her hand she carried a small black knitted purse which, by its bulged appearance, “seemed to be full," and it was wrapped up in a small white handkerchief. lt appeared afterwards that she had left her latchkey behind, a thing she had never done before, as, when she went out, she always took it with her. "About 7 o’clock" she called at a sweet-shop, 2, Station Approach, Clapham Junction, kept by a Miss Frances Golding, a young woman well-known to her, as she used often to call there on Sundays and Wednesdays. She bought six pennyworth of chocolates in a small white cardboard box; she was in very good spirits, joking about the chocolates, and she stayed gossiping from 5 to 7 minutes, saying that “she was going to Victoria." At 7.21, or rather just after, a ticket-collector at Clapham Junction Station, Edward Packer, saw a young woman whom he knew well by sight, as he had often seen her before, standing near the book-stall on No. 6 platform. Thinking she may have been going to Kingston, and should, therefore, have been on No. 3, he asked her where she was going, and she said to Victoria. On being shown her photograph afterwards, be instantly recognised her. One need have no hesitation in including Packer's evidence among the facts of the case, for his memory for faces is proverbial among his colleagues at Clapham. No one could doubt his evidence, and he is absolutely positive about the identity of the portrait and the young woman seen by him. His surprise at seeing the face he knew so well when Miss Money confronted him, for, when he spoke to her she was standing with her back to him, prevented him taking notice of her dress.

                        From this moment, so far as is at present certainly known, she was never seen alive. At a quarter to eleven on the same night, William Peacock, a sub-inspector in the service of the S.E.C. and D. Railway entered the Merstham tunnel on that railway, and when he had proceeded 400 yards from the Merstham end he found the dead, and terribly mutilated, body of a woman lying between the outside rail,—the head being close to the rail but not on it,—-and the wall on the down side, with the head towards Merstham. On the wall of the tunnel he noticed “a mark 8 feet high, like a graze, and it looked to me as if something had hit the wall and bounded along. . . . I noticed no blood on the wall. The top of the mark was about the height of the window of the carriage." About 11.10, Police-constable Carr proceeded, with two other constables, into the tunnel, where :—

                        1 saw the body of a woman lying. I noticed the marks on the wall as if a person had come out ofa carriage and hit the wall. The mark on the wall was a foot wide. I found a Silk scarf, a portion was jammed in the top of the head and the mouth. I pulled out ten or twelve inches from the mouth. It was jammed lightly in the mouth . . . The difficulty in getting the scarf out of the mouth was perhaps due to it being hung up behind the teeth, and not due to it being jammed in the mouth. I am quite sure I pulled out ten or twelve inches. The scarf was right in the mouth beyond the teeth.*

                        [Note:] *By the courtesy of the Coroner l have had access to the Depositions, from which I have drawn for all my facts except those elicited by cross-examination.

                        This evidence was supplemented by Police-constable Burt, who saw “eight to ten inches of a scarf taken from the mouth of the deceased."

                        Before going on to the other evidence given at the inquest, it may be well to settle by what trains, and by what trains only, the deceased must have been conveyed into the tunnel. On that night four trains passed through: two South-Eastern trains, the 8.48 and the 9.33 from Charing Cross and London Bridge, calling at East Croydon; two London, Brighton and South Coast trains, one leaving Victoria at 8 o'clock, and arriving at Redhill at 8.58, another leaving Victoria at 9.10, and arriving at Redhill at 9.59. By one of those trains the deceased must have travelled.

                        It would be impossible, and, it is not necessary, to review all the evidence given at the inquest and its adjournments. I will, therefore, deal only with that which throws light on the possibility of (a) the death being the result of accident; (b) suicide; (c) murder; (d) in support of the theory presently to be suggested.

                        And first, how did she leave the carriage? Through the open carriage door or through the window? The first was a physical impossibility. The evidence of Police-Superintendent Amos Warren, who was employed to take exact measurements, proves this:

                        The height of carriage door from floor to window-sill is 31 inches, the total width of the door is 27 inches. The space between the tunnel wall and carriage door is 20 inches at top and 25 at bottom. This only permitted the door being opened about 11 inches. There is only a space of 8 inches at the spot where the body was found for the door to open. I think it is impossible that a body could be got through.

                        Assuming either that Miss Money or her assailant opened the door, the draught of the wind in the tunnel would have blown it violently back, and had it even grazed the wall, as a hair's-breadth eight inches would have necessitated, the door would either have been smashed to pieces or injured in such a way that it could have been easily identified afterwards. But all the evidence combines to show that she was either thrown, or threw herself, headfirst or backwards, through the window. First come the marks on the tunnel wall—-for which see the evidence of Peacock and Carr, supplemented by that of Dr. Willcox, who observes of the gloves on the hands of the deceased: “There is not a thick coating of soot which would have been the case had the tunnel wall been wiped by the hands. . . . I am of opinion that the first mark on the tunnel was caused by the trunk of the body." Where that mark was, as well as its characteristics, we have already seen. What, therefore, we are not only justified in deducing from this but compelled to deduce, is, that the unfortunate woman either flung herself head-first or backwards Out of the window, or—-and the balance of probability inclines to this—-that some one flung her backwards out of it, as she would scarcely have been likely to throw herself backwards. That she went out backwards was the decided opinion of Dr. Willcox, who, on being asked whether it was his opinion that deceased left the train backwards, replied “Yes.”

                        And now for the light which the evidence throws on other points. The medical evidence points conclusively to murder. Let us take first Dr. Halkeyt Crickett's:

                        There was a bruise on the upper part of the left arm and inside the forearm. Also a bruise on front part of upper part of right arm, and also another bruise on the inner side of forearm. Several bruises on right hand and wrists as if done by her being gripped. . . . There was a reddish mark on the right side of the lower lip close to the mouth. These injuries are consistent with something having been pushed into the mouth.

                        Equally emphatic is the evidence of Dr. Willcox, the expert from the Home Office. After describing the frightful mutilation caused partly by the collision and rebound from the walls of the tunnel and partly by the train and its wheels, he proceeds:

                        There were three very distinct bruises around the mouth. The bruises were small, about half-an-inch in diameter, slightly raised on the surface and pale red in colour. One was on the upper lip a little to the right of the middle line (in front of right canine tooth). One was close to the angle of the mouth on the right side. One was on the under lip to the right of the middle line, this was distinct but less pronounced than the corresponding bruise on the upper lip.

                        After describing other bruises which may have been caused by the fall from the train, he continues:

                        I attach great importance to the slight but distinct bruises of a pale red or bluish colour present on the right arm and hand, also to the broken nail on the right forefinger; to the bruise under the right clavicle; to the scratches on the right shoulder and the bruise below, and also to the bruises round the month. These have not the appearance of being produced by a fall from the train. They are such as might have been caused by firm pressure, e.g. the grip of the fingers in a struggle with some person, or received as injuries in self-defence in a struggle. They were probably produced a very short time before death. It is significant that the above injuries should be present on the right hand and arm and around the mouth, while the bruises of this character are absent from the left hand and arm. it is usual to find more bruising on the right side in cases of a struggle, where the right hand is used in self~defence.

                        To one fact revealed by Dr. Willcox's autopsy, particular attention may be at once directed; its significance will be apparent presently. In the stomach were detected pieces of boiled potatoes, also muscle fibres which would be derived from flesh in the food, leading to the probability that a meal had been taken within three hours of death. To the evidence also given by a signalman at the Purley Oaks signal-box much importance, for the same reason, attaches. As the 9.13 train from London Bridge, travelling at about thirty miles an hour, passed his box, he noticed that a man and woman appeared to be struggling in a first~class compartment,

                        the man standing up and trying to force the woman on the seat. The woman was at the side of the compartment near the signal, not near the communication cord. The woman was about five feet four or five, stoutly built. I think she had on a black dress, I think the hat was black. She appeared to be wearing something white, which was hanging down from the back of her hat. The man had on a bowler hat and was broad.

                        There is one part of the conduct of this case to which no exception can be taken,and that is the inquiry into the deceased woman's relations with male friends known to be on terms of intimacy with her. Two came forward and proffered evidence: Mr. Henry Bellchambers, an old lover, who had given her an engagement ring, and Mr. Arthur Bridger, a married man, who was the manager of the dairy in which she was employed. On the day of her death Mr. Bellchambers was at Berkhampstead with a friend, but Mr. Arthur Bridger was with her at the dairy till half-past two. Naturally, therefore, he was somewhat closely questioned. Asked to give an account of his movements on that day, he said that about 2.30 he went home, dined, finished his dinner about 3.45, smoked and chatted with his wife, then lay on the bed till 6.45 or 7, and after tea. went for a stroll with his wife on the road by the side of Clapham Common. Returning home abOut half-past nine, he did not leave the house again that night, and went to bed about 10.30. As he had been absolutely alone with his wife since his return home at noon, they having no children, and there being no servant or visitor in the house, and as in the course of their evening stroll they had met no one whom they knew, it was not possible, even had it been needed, for this witness to call any other testimony to his presence at home, at the time Miss Money met her death, than the testimony of Mrs. Bridger. Her deposition was simple and conclusive: “I am the wife of Mr. Arthur Bridger. My husband was with me from a quarter to three on the 24th of September for the whole day." Mr. Bridger’s replies to questions as to his relations with the deceased woman were equally satisfactory, though for obvious reasons they could not be corroborated. On this point he was cross-examined, presumably on account of certain statements made by Miss Money's brother, Mr. George Money. It may be interesting and, indeed, fair to Mr. Bridger, with whose position any fair-minded person must sympathise, to cite this part of the cross-examination at length. Mr. George Money having stated that his sister had told him, on one of her visits to his house at Watford, that on one occasion Mr. Bridger had come to Waterloo with her, and subsequently to Euston, and that on another occasion she had gone with him and one of her brothers to a theatre, Mr. Bridger replied that there was not a word of truth in any of these assertions.

                        " Have you on any occasion taken the deceased to the theatre?"—-"No, never.” “You did not accompany her with a brother at any time?”-—“No.” “Have you ever taken her out at all?”-—“No, never.” “Have you ever had any conversation with her about taking a new business and making her backkeeper?"—“ No.” “Do you know anything about her movements in the evenings?”-—“No.” “Have you ever seen her going out with any one?"-— “No. I saw her the day she was at Windsor. I passed her on my bicycle but did not speak to her." . . . “It has been stated that on September 17 deceased was going to Windsor, and that you went with her to Clapham Junction, took a second-class ticket for her, and were going to meet her on her return."—-“No, that is not true. I saw her in the office but I did not leave till an hour after her." . . . “ On the 24th, the day the deceased was found in the tunnel, were you wearing a moustache?"-—“ No, I never wore a moustache in my life." “Do you deny taking Miss Money to Euston in a cab? "—-“ Yes, absolutely.”

                        With equal precision and emphasis Mr. Bridger denied that he had ever made Miss Money presents.

                        “Have you made the deceased any present.”—“ No, never in my life.” “If it is stated that you gave her a scarf or the hat-pins she was wearing, would that be incorrect?”—-“ Quite incorrect."

                        On this point, as well as on the theatre incident, Mrs. Arthur Bridger was equally emphatic.

                        "Do you know that your husband has made anypresents to the deceased?"—- “I am sure he has not made presents to any one. If he made any presents I should get them. I am sure he has not been to the theatre with Miss Money. Whenever he went he took me."

                        Indeed nothing can be clearer than that by the best of testimony Mr. Arthur Bridger must be a model husband. And another statement of Mrs. Bridger's deserves very particular record and emphasis; let all husbands who fall short of being models hear it, and, in Mr. Sapsea's phrase, “retire with a blush." “ Has your husband ever been up in London and come back late?"—-“NEVER.”

                        It may be added that Mr. Bridger’s explanation of the deceased woman's remarkably minute but inexact knowledge of his money affairs must have been obtained by her prying privately into the account books in the oflice.

                        Where certainty is impossible probability can be our only guide, and it is not diflicult to construct the probable history of this crime. By the general consent of most competent deponents Miss Money was a bright and lively, but remarkably reserved, young woman, resenting all inquiries as to what she had been doing or where she had been when she went out in her leisure hours, and not taking even her daily and nightly companion into her confidence. On the afternoon of the day of her death she is “sitting apart, unusually quiet," busily consulting a railway time-table as the evening approached, for, before, she had been reading a novel. As she had been living for some fifteen months close to Clapham junction, and must therefore have been perfectly acquainted with the frequent train service to Victoria, she could hardly have been consulting it for information about those trains. At or near seven o'clock, when it was getting dark, she says that she is “going for a little walk and would not be long." She is very lightly clad, but most attractively dressed, and she does what she has never done before, she leaves her latch-key behind. For this one of three reasons may plausibly be assigned: either it was her intention to return very shortly; or, not intending to return till late, she wished to refer to it as proof that but for some accident she would have returned shortly: or, lastly, it was through inadvertency, very natural if her mind was preoccupied with the consciousness that she was going to have some interview on which much depended or which might involve serious results; and the fact that during the afternoon she was unusually quiet perhaps inclines the scale in favour of this last explanation. As no telegram or letter is in evidence probability points to the fact that, if she was going to meet any one, the meeting had been arranged by word of mouth. Calling at the sweet-shop, where some communication which did not come out in evidence may, possibly, have been awaiting her—-for at such places arrangements are commonly made for the reception of such communications—-she tells her friend there that she is going to Victoria. At or just after 7.21 she is seen at Clapham junction. The problem now is to trace the trains which would convey her to Merstham Tunnel, and among these the train to which probability points most. The first train leaving Clapham Junction for Victoria after 7.21, the time she was seen there, is the 7.32, the next after that the 7.48. She would have no reason for loitering about Clapham ]unction till 7.48, and she most probably therefore travelled by the 7.32. This would bring her to Victoria in about ten minutes. The first train leaving Victoria for Redhill and passing through Merstham Tunnel is the 8 o'clock, arriving at Redhill at 8.58. She plainly did not travel by this train, for two pieces of evidence are conclusive against this, the fact that the body was still warm when it was found, and the evidence of the food in the stomach. The next train leaving Victoria for Merstham is the 9.10, catching the 9.13 from London Bridge at East Croydon, and this is the train to which all the evidence points. And here we must pause to deal with one of the most important points in the case. The evidence afforded by the contents of the stomach shows that the deceased must have had a meal of which potatoes and meat formed a part, about three hours before death took place. Now, assuming that she travelled by the train to which all the evidence points, namely, the 9.10 from Victoria, which is the same as the 9.13 from London Bridge, she died at 9.50. As she dined at home shortly after 2.30 on chicken, potatoes and vegetable marrow, this places it beyond doubt that she must have had a substantial meal after leaving Clapham ]unction. And thus is afforded one of the most important clues in the case. It is, of course, possible that she may have left Victoria in a street-conveyance, by the Underground Railway, or by the train leaving Victoria for London Bridge at 8.15 and bringing her there at 8.49. In any case, whether she left by the 9.13 from London Bridge, or by the 9.10 from Victoria, she would have had ample time for such a meal. It follows, then, that important evidence may be obtained from the restaurants in the neighbourhood of either of these localities. She, as well as her assailant, whom it is an outrage on all probability to suppose was a stranger to her, probably knew that by meeting at Victoria or London Bridge at or about 8 o'clock at the one place, or 8.49 at the other, they would have ample time for a comfortable meal. By taking the 9-10 frm the one place, or the 9.13 from the other, they would have nineteen minutes uninterrupted run from South Croydon.

                        And now let us see how important evidence pieces in with this. If the man travelling with Miss Money meditated any serious assault he would naturally proceed to it immediately after the train, beginning its nineteen minutes’ run to Redhill, left South Croydon. And this is what the signalman at Purley Oaks box no doubt saw. The greatest importance attaches to this witness's evidence, which the Deputy-Coroner received with something very like a sneer, observing that he seems to have seen a great deal in a very short time, and on which other expert authorities also have cast discredit. That the man could plainly see from his box what he asserts he did see in a lighted carriage passing it at thirty miles an hour is certain, as any one standing in that box and seeing a train pass can prove for himself. This witness was indeed probably too cautious in assertion, it would be possible to discern minuter details than he has specified, and no one with competent knowledge could for one moment doubt the truth of what he said. Next we have the evidence of the guard, Barton, which may or may not throw light on the identity of Miss Money and her companion. His deposition, neither in its details nor in the way in which it was tendered, inspires much confidence in his accuracy, and he may quite well have confounded these particular travellers with others. It was to the effect that at East Croydon he was talking to a man on the platform outside a first-class carriage, number 508, attached to the 9.13 train from London Bridge.

                        At East Croydon I opened the door of a leading compartment of a first-class carriage. I noticed aman and a woman get into the next compartment to the one I opened. I noticed the woman was in dark clothes wiih a long muslin-looking thing hanging down the body. I thought she was plump, but not a stout woman. I noticed the man had a long face and thin chin. I should say he was about 5 feet 8 inches. I noticed them again at South Croydon, the girl was close to the man; ihe arm-rest had been pulled up. He looked to be a fairly powerful man. It occurred to me that they were not first-class passengers, and that they had taktn tickets for a certain purpose. At Redhill I did not notice whether the compartment was empty or not, but at Hayward’s Heath it was empty. There were a few people who left the train at Redhill from the back. I am under the impression that the man I saw at Redhill came from the first-class coach [by this the Witness meant, as he afterwards explained, the man whom he had seen at East and South Croydon.] The man whom I saw with the woman had a moustache.

                        Unfortunately this witness did not notice whether the woman whom he had seen at East and South Croydon was still in the train. What surely ought to be cleared up here is whether the carriage in which Barton saw the suspicious couple at East and South Croydon was the same carriage, or holding some such position in the composition of the train, as the carriage in which the signalman saw the struggle, and surely it ought not to be difficult to ascertain the identity of the couple if they were not Miss Money and her companion. It is surely their duty privately at least to come forward.

                        The motives for what took place in Merstham Tunnel can only be matter for speculation. What led to the terrible death of the poor girl may have been the insanity of baffled passion, or alarm and rage at threatened exposure, or apprehension that some violence which had caused insensibility had caused death, and the consequent swift determination to obviate the necessity for having to answer for what would at least have entailed social ruin by flinging the body out of the window and so to destroy all traces of any personal association with what had occurred. It is not unlikely that the murderer had from the first disguised his identity—-and that with the poor girl's privity—-to prevent the scandal which would have resulted from recognition on the part of acquaintances. Some slight facial alteration would have effectively accomplished this.

                        To sum up. The evidence places it beyond all doubt that this is not a case of suicide, but a case of murder, or it may be of manslaughter. Probability in a high degree warrants us in assuming that when Miss Money left her home she left it to keep an appointment already arranged, not by any communication in writing but by word of mouth; that she took some meal after leaving Clapham junction either at or near Victoria or at or near London Bridge; that a journey to Redhill by train was or had been arranged, that she and the man with whom she had an assignation might be alone together; that this particular journey was chosen because the man knew that there was a clear run of nineteen minutes between South Croydon and Redhill, and that there was a convenient return train that night from Redhill to Clapham junction, namely the 10.42; that for prudential reasons the man had from the first adopted some elementary disguise; that immediately after leaving South Croydon, before Purley Oaks signal-box was reached, he proceeded to take liberties with her; that she indignantly resisted him and struggled with him; that not long after entering Merstham Tunnel he threw or dropped her already insensible or half-insensible out of the window of the train; for what reason can only be conjectured, but can be plausibly conjectured; it might have been under circumstances which would reduce his crime to manslaughter, or which at least did not involve the crime of deliberate murder.

                        Whether the miscreant responsible for this affair will, like so many of his predecessors, add to the illustrations of the impunity with which such things can be done in England remains to be seen. But one thing is certain, the whole history of this case points not only to some serious deficiency in our methods of criminal investigation, both as it concerns the conduct of inquests and as it concerns the detective police, but to culpable indifference and laxity on the part of those who could, either as ordinary citizens, or as having official authority, assist justice. Had a crime analogous to this been committed on the Continent, its perpetrator could scarcely have escaped detection. It is inconceivable that Miss Money's murderer could have been any other than some man who was, and probably had long been, on intimate terms with her. It is inconceivable that the occasion on which she met her death was the only occasion on which she had been accompanied by him, and that there are not many persons who have seen them together.

                        in Germany or in France the names of these people, as'well as all the information gathered from them, would, within a month, have been in the note-books of the detectives. Again, it is all but certain that Miss Money, presumably with the man who travelled by train with her, must have taken the food, the remains of which was discovered in her body, at some restaurant. How would any attempt to obtain evidence so important fare? A detective would probably present himself with a couple of photographs which might or might not be such as would make identification easy. Assuming for a moment that they did, that the manager and one or two of his waiters, after glancing at them, knew perfectly well that those whom they represented were among their customers that night—-what inducement have they to come forward and assist justice? In a few hours the information would be in capitals on every newspaper placard in London and throughout England. A notoriety, anything but conducive in the long run to successful business, would attach itself to the place. The sort of customers who form an important factor in the clientele of such an establishment would probably quit it for some other retreat where they would be less open to observation. The manager, probably a foreigner, would know perfectly well that he would be exposed to all the inconveniences and, in the case of busy business people, ruinous loss of time to which those who come forward to assist justice are in this country exposed. If we consider what a service like this involves, we can scarcely wonder that a man, to whom time means what it often does mean, hesitates before committing himself. He has first to attend the inquest, with its possibly repeated adjournments, irrespective of distance; he has next to attend the magistrate’s court, with the risk again of adjournments; he has next to appear before the Grand ]ury; and, lastly, before the Petty jury at the Assizes. To suppose that an average restaurant proprietor, manager, or waiter would, after taking all these things into consideration, voluntarily come forward to support a criminal charge against one of his customers, is to suppose what is scarcely in human nature. The only chance of any such assistance from them would be its communication, in the strictest privacy, as evidence purely collateral and auxiliary, as the “indirection which finds directions out.” But the establishment of such relations between those who could assist and those who require assistance, the custom of this country makes impossible. And what applies to these possible witnesses applies to others, as some who have investigated this case know well. It would be interesting to learn why Miss Lane, whose acquaintance with the deceased had been most intimate, was not called, and why certain other witnesses who were called were not more closely questioned.

                        To the conduct of the inquest no serious exception could, on the whole, be taken, and one wishes to speak with all respect of the coroner; but what preceded that inquiry, as well as certain incidents in the progress of it, were not calculated to assist investigation. Nothing could be more reprehensible than the action of the constable, Carr, in dragging the scarf out of the mouth of the deceased, thus destroying a most important piece of evidence, and nothing more surprising than that he should not have been severely reprimanded for it. But amazing to relate, no comment whatever was made on it. Of a part with this was the fact that no medical man was called to inspect the body until three o'clock in the afternoon of the day following its discovery. But more to be regretted than anything is that the investigation of so serious a case should, in its earliest and most critical stage, have been entrusted wholly to provincial hands, and that eight days should have been suffered to elapse before assistance from London should have been enlisted. Surely it would be a most salutary regulation if it were provided that the moment a discovery indicating the probability of murder is made, Scotland Yard should at once be communicated with, and expert assistance immediately secured. It was surely an error of judgment on the part of the coroner to cast discredit on the evidence of a most competent and important witness, the signalman Yarnley, to sum up with so decided a bias in favour of the theory of suicide, thus practically ignoring the evidence of the two doctors, and, acquiescing too readily in Superintendent Brice's confession of impotence, prematurely to close the inquiry, when further adjournment was at least justified.

                        In conclusion, the chief defects of our system of criminal investigation, defects mainly responsible for the appalling list of unconvicted murderers, are the publicity of all its proceedings, the hard conditions imposed on those who could assist inquiry, the inadequacy, and frequently the incompetence, of the officials to whom at the earlier and most critical stages the conduct of these cases is entrusted, and above all the immunity of reasonably suspected persons from liability to such tests and scrutiny as they are submitted to on the Continent.



                        • A lot of meat on the plate this time:

                          First, I was curious about that tour of Whitechapel and who were on it. The ones I recognized were Arthur Conan Doyle, John Churton Collins, Coroner S. Ingleby Oddie, Dr. Herbert Crosse of Norwich, but I don't know "Laurie" and "Dr. Gordon Browne", who sounds like a local man in the East End.

                          Second. There was a list of names associated with "Our Society" [the exclusive "Murder Club" in London that meets at least once a year - in November by the way] The list gave these names as members (in the article you placed above):

                          1) Collins
                          2) Arthur Lambton (a minor criminal historian whom I once cited in a small "Ripper article) who was illegitimate, and crusaded to improve the legal rights of illegitimate offspring. He was a friend of Arthur Conan Doyle.
                          3) Dr. Herbert Crosse (it was my having a tiny pamphlet on "Our Society that I learned his first name).
                          4) Ingleby Oddie
                          5) H. B. Irving (Henry B. Irving, the son of Sir Henry Irving the actor) - he was an actor himself, and a criminal historian as well.
                          6) J. B. Atlay - a criminal historian known for a book on famous criminal trials.
                          7) Conan Doyle
                          8) E. W. Hornung (Doyle's brother-in-law, and creator of the character "Raffles")
                          9) Laurence Irving (I believe this is Henry B. Irving's younger brother, a better regarded actor, who - tragically enough - drowned with his wife in May 1914 in the sinking of the Empress of Ireland in the St. Laurence River).
                          10) William Le Queux - popular sensational novelist of the first three decades of the 20th Century. You may recall his spreading the rumor that the Ripper was an agent sent to London to disgrace Scotland Yard by the Tsarist Okhrana in 1888.
                          11) A.E.W. Mason - popular adventure writer in period 1890 - 1925 or so.
                          12) George R. Sims - newspaper reporter, dramatist, and person who somehow helped spread the Melville Macnaughten theory about Druitt in a way calculated by Macnaughten (in one recent theory) to confuse people trying to find out who the unnamed suspect (in 1905) was.
                          13) Arthur Diosy - the member who believed "Black Magic" was involved in the basis for the murders.

                          I read the two items through about twice - but I see problems regarding some of Collins overly enthusiastic rationales. In his article about police incompetence in Britain as opposed to French police competence (which overlooks how many times the French police messed up investigations too), he lists fifteen or so cases going back to the Whitechapel Murders that he felt were horribly botched. He obviously counts to much on grand jury or coroner court findings that are emphatically solid. I once wrote a full essay on the West Ham murders, and looked into that of Amelia Jeffs in 1890. Nobody was formerly charged in the case - score one half point for Collins. What he ignored was the police narrowed the chain of suspects to a trio of men (grandfather, father, son) who were connected to the newly built house that the body of Ms Jeffs was found in. The father figure was a well-to-do local building contractor, and his father (the grandfather) was his "night watchman" and his son was known to have been acquainted with Ms Jeffs. All three basically clammed up or said they could not remember details of the crime's night, so that the inquest ended with an "open verdict". But everyone who read or watched it realized that the police had found the guilty party in one of those three "gentlemen" even if they could not prove it. I suspect afterwards they were is a social hell in West Ham for the rest of their lives. That, by the way, is not a legal punishment, but it is a punishment.

                          He also mentions the Elizabeth Camps' train murder of 1897, and while also unsolved it did show the police really trying to find the killer, but not being able to get conclusive proof against one of four possible suspects.

                          Collins was an enthusiast (just read that article on the Mersham Tunnel killing - he seems to shout in it after awhile). This was a known problem he had in his career as a pedagogue regarding English literature - especially Elizabethan literature. When a book was published by the writer Edmund Gosse about the subject, Collins did not critique it but ripped into it with such hostility that many people questioned Collins' sanity.

                          This temper problem or unbalance may explain why, despite his considerable gifts, Collins never got the ultimate recognition by the leaders of the intellectual community (like those of Oxford and Cambridge University) he always hungered for. They did not care about his actual findings and scholarship due to his obnoxious personality.

                          Having said all that I have to tell you that his article on Mary Sophia Money's murder was informative regarding certain details about it. I knew she had one brother - the one who in 1911 would go bonkers completely and kill his children by one "wife" and that "wife" and shoot his other wife, wounding her, then set fire to their home - how he got both wives into one home I can't imagine - before killing himself. Now I learn there were two brothers. This is news to me. Also the names of the two men Mary had some relations with were given to me.

                          But Collins may have touched to closely to sensitive matters in this article. He certainly made a strong case for homicide. But he was unaware (in 1905) of what was going on here.

                          For one thing there is a resemblance (besides in place and victim) between the murders of Camp and Money. Both were women killed (by different means) on trains, and in both cases there was a chance the killer had a mustache (a removable one, that is). Eight years separate the two crimes - did anyone ever think of linking them?

                          Secondly Collins' demise in September 1908 was an odd one. He was attracted to the recent "Luard" Tragedy in Kent, and was visiting Ightham to look at the bungalow where Caroline Luard was killed on August 24, 1908). He was on a medication that supposedly could cause him to get drowsy, and apparently fell into a large puddle and drowned. Now accidents do happen, but boy this one is certainly odd. Still the inquest at his death held it was a misadventure with medication that did this.

                          I bring that up because of an odd secondary chain of events here. Recent scholarship on the murder of Caroline Luard has looked at a future convicted killer as her murderer: one John Alexander Dickman. Dickman, who had a murky career as a bookie, but may have been involved in a variety of crimes, was suspected of killing a moneylender named Herman Cohen in 1909 (another unsolved case) and then finally being caught in killing one John Nisbet, a clerk and currier of wages, on a train in the north of England near Morpeth. That was on March 18, 1910. Tried in a case that still bothers many commentators (guilt is provable beyond a shadow of a doubt, but so close that it merits comparison to the later case of wife murder against William Herbert Wallace in 1931). This time there was no reprieve, and it has been suggested that the Judge, prosecutor, and Home Secretary (Winston Churchill) knew the evidence against Dickman was weak, but ignored it because they knew he killed Mrs. Luard - who was a friend of theirs' as was her husband, Major General Charles Luard, who committed suicide a month after the murder because of the pressure of losing his wife and of being blamed in a poison pen campaign against him.

                          If Dickman did kill Mrs. Luard, and was thus partially to blame for her husband's suicide, and the money lender Cohen, and Nisbet - if we accept these could he have been guilty of earlier killings? Like one or two on a train, but involving women, especially that of Miss Money. If so, and if he was aware of Collins' deep interest in that crime, and now saw him investigatin (in the fall of 1908) Mrs. Luard's death, isn't it just possible a killer like Dickman would have decided he had to silence Collins too. That accident just looks too convenient to be true.

                          So instead of being responsible for one, two, or three murders, Dickman may have at least two others on his side of the balance sheet: Mary Money and John Churton Collins. I won't stretch it back to Elizabeth Camp, though it is tempting to do so.

                          To be balanced I should add this. In the teens to the 1940s there was a leading economist in Britain who was frequently used by the government and associated with the Fabian socialists: Sir Leo Chiozzy Money. Originally from Italy he changed his name in Britain, and made a success for himself. But twice he had legal problems regarding ladies on trains, and the second time (around 1933) led to serious legal repercussions. I have sometimes wondered if there was any possible connection between him and Mary Money and her family as well.



                          • Originally posted by TradeName View Post
                            Interesting, Jeff. J. Churton Collins, who went on that tour of the JtR sites with Conan Doyle, wrote a piece on the Mary Money case in which he seems to imply that a particular person was the murderer.

                            Life and Memoirs of John Churton Collins (London: John Lane,1912), Pages 198-203, link
                            written and compiled by his son L. C. Collins

                            [from Churton Collins' memoirs]

                            Yesterday, Wednesday, April [1905],
                            We also saw the
                            house where the Myers were murdered by the man
                            who was executed when Fowler & Milsom were.
                            I forgot to mention what this is referring to. In 1896 there had been a prominent burglary murder case called "The Muswell Hill Murder". It is a classic "cut-throat" homicide because there are two burglars (Henry Fowler and Albert Milsom) who are involved in the killing of a retired, elderly engineer named Henry Smith who lived in a house at Muswell Hill in the London area, and who turned on each other when on trial.

                            Smith was supposed to have a great deal of cash in his house, and was afraid of burglars so had set up a gun-trap against them. This was located by the burglars and unset. They entered the house, found and bound up the elderly Smith (probably threatened him) and then while Fowler searched the house for the loot, Milsom watched Smith. Exactly what happened has never been cleared up but Smith was killed, and as two sets of knives were near the body both men were legally equally guilty. Fowler was a remarkably strong individual, and somehow while I can see him threatening the old man I am inclined to think the weakling Milsom was more likely to go to far in hurting Smith - as a way of shoring up his own self-esteem. Anyway the two were hiding from the police for weeks (the police tracing them through a toy lamp that was found at the scene, belonging to Milsom's nephew, which was used as a flashlight). They were tracked down to a traveling circus, and (despite a ferocious fight by Fowler) subdued by the constables. Milsom decided to confess and blame the crime on Fowler, but he failed to approach the police with some offer to assist in return for reducing the punishment for himself to prison. Fowler, of course, denied his involvement. During the trial, there was a break in the courtroom procedures, and both men were in the same defendant's box. Fowler (who had stood up to stretch) demonstrated his fury and attacked Milsom (a really unique event in the history of the Old Bailey, where the trial was held). He almost killed him when a number of police came and dragged them apart, and then dragged Fowler out of court. At the end of the trial Fowler returned to hear the verdict, and started laughing when the jury returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree for both defendants. While a flustered Milsom sputtered about a non-existant deal, Fowler mimicked him. Then, before the death sentence was passed, the Justice asked if there was anything either could say. Fowler said he wanted to confess to a pair of burglaries he committed that two other men were in prison for. This was checked out, but it turned out that Fowler had lied in court about this and was just trying to help two friends in jail. However, I have always held that it was another proof that Henry Fowler had a better side, and actually stood up for his friends, and one more reason to believe he was not the one who hurt and killed Henry Smith. Milsom seems more likely. However both were jointly sentenced to death.

                            It was a busy 1896 season for the Old Bailey. Another exciting burglary murder occurred at the time, as well as the trial of the notorious baby farmer murderer Amelia Dyer. But it is the burglary murder that is important as it is referred to here. An elderly Jewish man and his HOUSEKEEPER (not wife as the quote implies) were murdered in Whitechapel in this burglary. The Jewish man was a Mr. John Goodman LEVY (not "MYER") and the housekeeper Sarah Gale. Apparently the noise of the attack in the house drew a large crowd, led by Mr. Levy's relative - a Mrs. Lawson who had been invited to dinner - and this brought the police there. They broke in the door and found both Levy and Mrs. Gale dead and realized from noise on the second floor the killer was still inside. Both ran in and found the killer had fled to the roof. One of the constables was Frederick Wensley, later to be among the fabled "Big Four" in the early 20th Century at Scotland Yard. Wensley followed the killer to the roof and fought with him before restraining him until help came. The killer was an ex-convict named William Seaman, who had heard that Mr. Levy was rich (there is some suspicions he was involved in receiving stolen goods, but this was never made fully certain).
                            Seaman was tried, convicted and sentenced to be hanged too.

                            Supposedly, at the execution of the three men (a rarity - it was rare to execute more than two people at one time, and more usual to execute one only), the authorities and executioner decided to separate Milsom and Fowler by placing Seaman in the middle. Seaman had been deeply interested in the trial of the Muswell Hill Burglars, probably to see how the court was going to react, and read accounts in the newspapers. When the three were put on the scaffold, Milsom went first, then Seaman, and Fowler was brought out, and supposedly Fowler growled, "Is Milsom here?" and looked around Seaman and saw Milsom. Fowler said he was satisfied. Here we now enter legendary execution stories. Seaman looking on either side of him is reported to have said, "First time I've ever been a bloody peace-maker!". Just before the bags were placed over the heads of the men they were asked if they had anything further to say. Fowler - possibly amused by Seaman's statement, smiled and said, "First time I've ever been a bloody penitent!!" A moment later the trap was sprung. It is curious that in the situation one burglar murdered two people and two were tried and convicted of murdering one. Same number of victims and perpetrators.

                            As for Mrs. Dyer, the authorities decided not to make it a foursome (a super rarity) for the executioner. Instead she was taken for a ride in a prison van during the execution so she would not be aware of what happened, and returned to the prison, where she would be hanged by herself the next day.

                            Last edited by Mayerling; 10-25-2015, 04:45 AM.


                            • ^ Jeff, I thought Sir Leo Money's big case, (before 1933 when he pestered a spinster on a train when it was going through a tunnel) was the Irene Savidge affair. That occurred in Hyde Park, when police pounced on both of them getting close and personal

                              . They were acquitted due to Sir Leo's status in the community but Irene accused the police of innuendo and improper questioning after Scotland Yard later conducted an internal inquiry on the arrest!


                              • Originally posted by Rosella View Post
                                ^ Jeff, I thought Sir Leo Money's big case, (before 1933 when he pestered a spinster on a train when it was going through a tunnel) was the Irene Savidge affair. That occurred in Hyde Park, when police pounced on both of them getting close and personal

                                . They were acquitted due to Sir Leo's status in the community but Irene accused the police of innuendo and improper questioning after Scotland Yard later conducted an internal inquiry on the arrest!
                                That was the first case (it was not on a train like the second one), but that first case is like the matter that wrecked the reputation of Sir Basil Thompson, the Scotland Yard official who was also involved in a "peculiar" situation in Hyde Park, but with a prostitute (he claimed it was innocent, that he was there next to her to hear a speech by a left wing agitator, but he acted stupidly with the police). Thompson's Case was about the same time - but later after I wrote the article I was told that Hyde Park got a reputation at the time as too good a spot to pick up prostitutes, and that many other upper class types were caught in the same situation as Thompson (and Money) were.

