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Any updates, or opinions on this witness.

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  • Any updates, or opinions on this witness.

    Author Stephen Senise, has recently fuelled interest in the witness George Hutchinson . It was very much debated around 2009, and not a lot since.
    Have any of you got strong opinions on who this witness was, and his involvement in the case.?
    Regards Richard.

  • #2
    Hutchinson is nothing more than a statement and a police press release , not a sworn witness .
    At least the others of importance that never made the stand have press interviews .... Schwartz. ..packer
    You can lead a horse to water.....


    • #3
      Hutchinson is a horse that has been beaten to death, reincarnated and then beaten to death again. My personal view is that the more suspicion falls upon Hutch for his behavior then the greater the stupidity level rises for the police for failing to see it (if that was the case). Since I don't think they were complete and total idiots, I think they investigated him as best they could. "As best they could" being the key phrase here. Is it possible that he fooled them or that they missed something? Absolutely. But apparently they cleared him and I think that is the best we are going to do with regard to Hutchinson. Take it for what you think it is worth.



      • #4
        I know Hutchinson has been described as a man of military appearance, but are there any other viable descriptions of him ? IE Height, age etc


        • #5
          Hutchinson is one of the better witness-cum-suspects.
          - He claimed to know the victim (some believe MJK’s overkill suggests intimacy/familiarity)
          - He loitered at the crime-scene
          - He only came forward after the inquest
          - He came up with an overly detailed foreign suspect (racial motive? GSG?)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Darryl Kenyon View Post
            I know Hutchinson has been described as a man of military appearance, but are there any other viable descriptions of him ? IE Height, age etc
            short, not tall, stout. according to sarah lewis waiting man, corroborated by hutch himself.

            age around 23-24? I believe at the time.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Harry D View Post
              Hutchinson is one of the better witness-cum-suspects.
              - He claimed to know the victim (some believe MJK’s overkill suggests intimacy/familiarity)
              - He loitered at the crime-scene
              - He only came forward after the inquest
              - He came up with an overly detailed foreign suspect (racial motive? GSG?)

              his description of a jewish suspect is the only evidence that mentions a jew other than the GSG, and shout of Lipski. possible connection.

              he lived around the corner.

              he changed his story significantly, the second version, placing himself right outside kellys door, clearly indicating he knew exactly where her home was. something entirely missing from the first statement.

              he engaged in stalking behavior with Kelly and has no alibi.
              Last edited by Abby Normal; 06-04-2018, 08:46 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                Hutchinson is a horse that has been beaten to death, reincarnated and then beaten to death again. My personal view is that the more suspicion falls upon Hutch for his behavior then the greater the stupidity level rises for the police for failing to see it (if that was the case). Since I don't think they were complete and total idiots, I think they investigated him as best they could. "As best they could" being the key phrase here. Is it possible that he fooled them or that they missed something? Absolutely. But apparently they cleared him and I think that is the best we are going to do with regard to Hutchinson. Take it for what you think it is worth.

                HI CD
                no the police weren't idiots. Seems Abberline might have initial suspicion of him with his term "interrogated". but came to beleive him almost immediately it seems.

                I think the police just didnt have the experience with serial murders, suspects that proactively insert themselves into the case, and investigation in general.

                I think in todays world they would take a much larger and prolonged interest in him.

                and I take exception to "horse beaten to death" attitude. clearly Stephens excellent research that lead to(the new find) Aussie George isnt beating any dead horses.

                more research on viable suspects is always needed and a good thing.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by packers stem View Post
                  Hutchinson is nothing more than a statement and a police press release , not a sworn witness .
                  At least the others of importance that never made the stand have press interviews .... Schwartz. ..packer
                  I keep seeing you make statements like this. what are you talking about?
                  he gave the press his story.

                  and the only reason he isn't a sworn witness is because he conveniently missed the inquest!

                  but he does have a SIGNED statement to police.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

                    but he does have a SIGNED statement to police.
                    ... to toppy things off.


                    • #11
                      Hi Abby
                      Thanks for the reply. I know most people feel that Sarah Lewis saw Hutchinson, but I am not so sure.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Darryl Kenyon View Post
                        Hi Abby
                        Thanks for the reply. I know most people feel that Sarah Lewis saw Hutchinson, but I am not so sure.
                        If you are making this assumption based on her description of the man provided at the inquest, then you may need to review the press coverage of her inquest testimony. Some details appear in the press that were not recorded by the court.

                        Lewis also stated:
                        "In Dorset-street I saw a man with a wideawake on stopping on the opposite side of the pavement. The man was alone, and was not talking to anyone. He was tall and "a stout looking man." He had dark clothes on. A young man went along with a young woman. The man, I noticed, was looking up the court, as though he was waiting for someone."
                        Morning Advertiser, 13 Nov.

                        Here is some more detail, which as it happens corroborates some of Hutchinson's story.
                        "I saw a man in a wideawake hat standing. He was not tall, but a stout-looking man. He was looking up the court as if he was waiting for some one. I also saw a man and a woman who had no hat on and were the worse for drink pass up the court."
                        Daily News, 13 Nov.

                        Some more minor points of corroboration.
                        "The man was looking up the court; he seemed to be waiting or looking for some one. Further on there was a man and woman - the later being in drink. There was nobody in the court."
                        Daily Telegraph, 13 Nov.

                        If you recall, Hutchinson claimed to be following a man & woman in Dorset St. The woman was not drunk but spreeish.
                        Hutch stood looking up the court.
                        Hutch said that Astrachan & Kelly walked up the court.
                        Astrachan & Kelly entered Kelly's room so did not stand in the court for any length of time.
                        All these points are confirmed by Lewis in the quotes I provided.
                        So, as you can see there can be little doubt that Lewis witnessed the same people and events described by Hutchinson.
                        Regards, Jon S.


                        • #13
                          "I think the police just didnt have the experience with serial murders, suspects that proactively insert themselves into the case, and investigation in general."

                          Hello Abby,

                          Maybe not but they were aware that he admitted to knowing the victim and was the last person to be seen with her. That alone should have made them highly suspicious of him. Then throw in the fact that he waited until after the inquest to come forward. I just can't see how an unfamiliarity with serial killers would somehow trump basic police procedures.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                            Hutchinson is one of the better witness-cum-suspects.
                            - He claimed to know the victim (some believe MJK’s overkill suggests intimacy/familiarity)
                            - He loitered at the crime-scene
                            - He only came forward after the inquest
                            - He came up with an overly detailed foreign suspect (racial motive? GSG?)
                            Hello Harry,

                            But the question is would all of this have been completely lost on the police or do you think it would have aroused their suspicion?



                            • #15
                              - I think we need to bear in mind that loitering was not an offense.
                              With nowhere to live, and before tv's & radio, and after the pubs had shut. What else is a guy to do?
                              He was watching someone he knew because, in his own words, she did not normally associate with that type of person. Though, he admitted, the man did not look threatening.

                              - The weekend press were reporting the murder was believed to have been committed after 9:00 am Friday morning. That is what most people believed, so what was the significance of him seeing her around 2:00-3:00 the same morning, six to seven hours before she was believed murdered?

                              - The description he gave may have been embellished, but the man was seen by Lewis, so he did exist.

                              I suspect the police would contact Sarah Lewis once they received Hutchinson's story, just to confirm his story.
                              Police today would look for confirmation, so why not then?
                              Regards, Jon S.

