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Donald Trump

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  • sdreid
    Hillary lost because (in addition to the fact she was slovenly and/or incapable) what was in the emails. Who hacked the emails, and it could have been any of a number including disgruntled Democrats, is immaterial.
    Last edited by sdreid; 12-15-2016, 01:10 PM.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Steadmund Brand View Post
    Actually....Hillary spoke out against Putin...several times, and intelligence has confirmed that part of this was a direct attack on Clinton by Putin for revenge.....Kerry and Obama have called out Russia repeatedly over the last 2 years....for some reason, Trump supporters ignore that fact......our ambassador to Russia WAS KICKED OUT AND BANNED FROM RUSSIA AS A to claim the administration did nothing just to go ong with the Trump narrative is just flat out wrong.....and yes this is different....we can have problems with people over their policy but this....this is VERY DIFFERENT..this is Russia interfering with the United States....not a policy disagreement...but a direct yes....this is different....I am the one who said lets give Trump a chance, and took the high ground....but....if what the CIA says is true....well it is a risk we dare not take

    Steadmund Brand
    Cmon Steadman

    "spoke out against" ? "called out" ? wow, I bet the Russians were shaking in there boots.
    And that's the problem-talk talk talk, no action.

    the hacking of the white house IT is not a "direct invasion"? its not "Russia interfering with the US"? I would say its a lot worse actually. The WHITE HOUSE! where was the investigation and outrage then? and How about Russia walking all over us in Syria? They sure were scared. Obama backed down after his big talk like the do nothing puss that he is.

    and oh yeah while were at it lets just give one of our worst enemies and largest sponsor of terrorism in the world a few billion dollars. and do it in secret so nobody can see what fools we are. literally paying them extortion money.

    Oh and this is the same CIA that the FBI disagrees with? You mean the CIA that is apparently making the claim but wont answer Congress questions about it and refuses to show up at hearings? they need a shake up anyway.

    Its all just more political BS, your watching too much CNN.

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  • Steadmund Brand
    Actually....Hillary spoke out against Putin...several times, and intelligence has confirmed that part of this was a direct attack on Clinton by Putin for revenge.....Kerry and Obama have called out Russia repeatedly over the last 2 years....for some reason, Trump supporters ignore that fact......our ambassador to Russia WAS KICKED OUT AND BANNED FROM RUSSIA AS A to claim the administration did nothing just to go ong with the Trump narrative is just flat out wrong.....and yes this is different....we can have problems with people over their policy but this....this is VERY DIFFERENT..this is Russia interfering with the United States....not a policy disagreement...but a direct yes....this is different....I am the one who said lets give Trump a chance, and took the high ground....but....if what the CIA says is true....well it is a risk we dare not take

    Steadmund Brand

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by John G View Post
    US intelligence services have determined that Putin attempted to subvert the American Presidential election, using cyberattacks and propaganda tools to undermine Trump's Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Moreover, Russian hackers appear to have delved into US computers holding voter registration records and actual vote-counting machines.

    And what is Trump's response to this outrageous hostile act by the Kremlin? Instead of demanding action against Russia he turns on America's own intelligence community, arguing that they are trying to undermine his victory!

    Of course, it's rumoured that Trump's businesses are being bankrolled by Russia-the reason why he still refuses to publish his tax returns?-so that might explain a few things.

    Nonetheless, as The Times points out in its lead article on Tuesday, "The president's first responsibility, however, is to the democratic process in America, not to the master of the Kremlin. Allowing Mr Putin to run amock in cyberspace, to undermine American citizens trust in their institutions, would be a reckless dereliction of his mandate." (The Times, December, 13, 2016)

    This is absolutely correct. America needs a president who will stand up for the interests of the American people; not Putin's stooge.

    I would note that Trump hasn't yet been elected president: the Electoral College vote takes place on December 19, and there are petitions urging the Electors to make a more suitable. Nonetheless, at this stage, it's possibly a bit of a long shot, however desirable that result might be!
    arrrhggg!!! "Putins Stooge"!?! I'm going to put a bullet in my head right now.

    where was all the outrage when Russia hacked into the white House computers? THE ******* WHITE HOUSE?!?

    Or when they waltzed into Syria and started helping the tyrant slaughter his own people?

    HUH where!!???? Where was Obama then? where was Hillary? what a load of crap.

    We need a new relationship with those *******s and I don't care if its under the guise of friendship or not. what the **** did Obama or the current administration do? right not a god dam thing.

    Time for a change. we need a change.

    and I like the fact that Trump is questioning a lot of things, including our IC. a lot of things need to be shaken up.
    Last edited by Abby Normal; 12-15-2016, 08:40 AM.

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  • John G
    Now even a respected Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham, says that the Russians hacked his email account and states that he believes they also hacked into the Democratic National Committee. He accused the Russians of "destabilizing democracy all over the world."

    Surely America needs a president who will stand up for democracy, and denounce the activities of Putin and his clique.

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