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The Oldest "Dry Spell" Curse is Lifted

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  • Ginger
    Late to the party, but yeah. I wore my Cubs hat that my mom bought me in 1978 at Wrigley Field. I never imagined I'd see this day!

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  • Robert
    Until last season (2015-2016) Leicester City had never won the Football League championship, even though they'd been trying since the reign of Queen Victoria :

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  • GUT
    Originally posted by Mayerling View Post
    Hi GUT,

    What are the teams that regularly win these championship? Manchester, for example?

    Manchester aren't in the County championship. They're in the premiere league, to be honest I'm not sure.

    We had a big drought break here, with Western Bulldogs breaking a 62 year drought in the AFL and Cronulla winning the NRL for the first time since they entered the comp in 1967 (so their 50th season).

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  • Mayerling
    Originally posted by GUT View Post
    Somerset have not yet won the English County Championship since they were admitted to the competition in 1891. Gloucestershire have not won the Championship since it was constituted in 1890, but won three unofficial "Champion County" titles in the 1870s, the last in 1874.
    Hi GUT,

    What are the teams that regularly win these championship? Manchester, for example?


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  • GUT
    And of course there are the Brisbane Lions who are just starting what looks like millennium drought

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  • GUT
    Somerset have not yet won the English County Championship since they were admitted to the competition in 1891. Gloucestershire have not won the Championship since it was constituted in 1890, but won three unofficial "Champion County" titles in the 1870s, the last in 1874.

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  • GUT
    But what of those teams who have NEVER won their competition.

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  • Steadmund Brand
    another way to put it in perspective, the last time the Cubs won the World Series was the year Henry Ford introduced the Model T..... and there were only 46 stars on the US flag.... amazing to think about

    Steadmund Brand

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  • Mayerling
    started a topic The Oldest "Dry Spell" Curse is Lifted

    The Oldest "Dry Spell" Curse is Lifted

    Interesting, but while sports scandals or soccer or other sports subjects are discussed here, no thread was put up regarding possibly the best fought World Series of the last twenty or thirty years - the seven game battle of the "cursed" Chicago Cubs and "cursed" Cleveland Indians, which ended in the tenth extra inning with a score of 8 to seven in favor of the Cubs. This put a kaibosh on the Cubbies' curse of 108 years without winning the Worlds Series. Put another way, the 1908 series (famous in Baseball lore for the classic outfield of "Tinker to Taylor to Chance") was won by Chicago when Theodore Roosevelt was still President. They had to wait to the end of the Presidency of Barack Obama to win again (Cleveland won last in 1948, when Harry Truman was President)*. While one can imagine the disappointment in Cleveland, and sympathize with it, one feels a bit jubilant for the "Second City" ("Windy City", "Chi.") and its' happy citizens. Many hearty congratulations.

    [*Another way to think of it: In 1908 it was only twenty years after the Whitechapel Murders, and more of the documentation and evidence was still in existence - not quite the case in 2016.]
