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Lucy Letby: killer or coincidence?

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  • Lucy Letby: killer or coincidence?

    This piece in the Guardian was rather thought provoking:

    Could Lucy Letby be innocent? After following the trial (not all that closely) I was pretty much convinced of her guilt but after reading this, there does seem to be some inconstancies. This, despite the fact she has lost a series of appeals (I believe?).

    Probably opening up a can of worms here and don't want to go down some crazy conspiracy route here but be interested to hear thoughts from people that have been following it more closely?

    Could her conviction be a massive mistake?
    Best wishes,


  • #2
    I believe she was found guilty of another murder last week...


    • #3
      Letby is a clinical psychopath.

      She lacks the neurological capacity to feel empathy and her thoughts and actions are based on indifference and absense of emotion.

      I wouldn't be surprised if there were other babies that she murdered and it's likely that the number of victims has been understated; as is commonplace with other psychopaths.

      She is a walking advert for bringing back Capital Punishment.

      "Great minds, don't think alike"


      • #4
        Psychobabble is a poor substitute for evidence.

        The point of The Guardian article was to highlight how medical evidence in this case is being contested by a fair number of persons qualified and experienced in the field. The statistical evidence has also been questioned on several grounds.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cobalt View Post
          Psychobabble is a poor substitute for evidence.

          The point of The Guardian article was to highlight how medical evidence in this case is being contested by a fair number of persons qualified and experienced in the field. The statistical evidence has also been questioned on several grounds.

          Being experienced and qualified in any given field is subjective and based on opinion through previous observations and experience.

          There are many senior consultants in the medical field who are knowledgeable and yet are useless at taking a standardised blood test that a nurse could do without issue, ergo, sometimes having the perceived knowledge of a particular subject is no substitute for practical application.

          But I take your point regarding the evidence.

          The implementation of psychobabble has its advantages though because without it, we miss the bigger picture.

          In the initial footage of the first time Letby was arrested, her guilt was apparent within the first 30 seconds.

          But perhaps the liberalists will have their day and find her not guilty; the same kind of individuals who sit on parole board panels and grant freedom to a man who then goes on to rape and murder someone; all because he had been a good boy and had shown he had been rehabilitated.

          Lack of evidence should never be mistaken for innocence.

          "Great minds, don't think alike"


          • #6
            Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post
            Letby is a clinical psychopath.

            She lacks the neurological capacity to feel empathy and her thoughts and actions are based on indifference and absense of emotion.

            This is a misconception about empathy. It's not that psychopaths do not have any empathy. It is that they do not have it "switched on" by default. The scary thing is they can actually switch it on if a situation requires them to use it to their advantage in some way.

            Empathy is a crucial human ability, because of its importance to prosocial behavior, and for moral development. A deficit in empathic abilities, especially a...

            Author of 'Jack the Ripper: Threads' out now on Amazon > UK | USA | CA | AUS


            • #7
              It's made the Telegraph also.
              Experts question evidence after former nurse found guilty of ‘cynical campaign of child murder’


              • #8
                Psychobabble is the sort of stuff David Wilson comes up with to sell books and raise his profile. Not so long back he was prepared to stake his reputation on Peter Tobin being Bible John. Which should mean that Wilson now has no reputation left to stake since that link has been discounted by forensic evidence. Except Wilson and the rest of the criminologists will be along offering their opinions on the next high profile case. They affect some kind of empirical, scientific inquiry but when they get it wrong, produce their Get out of Jail card: 'They (usually psychopaths) don't think along rational lines like we do.'

                Even lower than psychobabble is the newly invented 'science' of Body Language. The one that can detect Lucy Letby's guilt within 30 seconds of being arrested and may in future be used to spare us the expense of criminal trials. I would be interested to see the reaction of a Body Language expert when police force their way into his property, charge him with murder as he is being filmed, handcuff him, then take him outside to a police van through a phalanx of photographers.


                • #9
                  The reason why some are questioning the idea that Letby could be innocent, is because they like the intrigue and mystery of it all.

                  I can understand that because we all like a good mystery, otherwise we wouldn't be on this site.

                  It is sometimes perfectly okay to admit that the right person has been caught and that there is no mystery or hidden agenda behind any of it.

                  Its a bit like if it was proven tomorrow who Jack the Ripper was conclusively and definitively, at least half would feel cheated, wouldn't accept it, and would be overwhelmingly disappointed.

                  That tells you all you need to know about the human condition.

                  I much prefer the idea of finding the truth and then putting it to bed in order to move on to the next case.

                  There's no gain or glory to be found from trying to make excuses or defend a woman like Letby, who is clearly and absolutely guilty of her crimes.

                  It may irritate some who feel that everyone is innocent, but that doesn't change the fact that Letby is an evil piece of work who deserves to be punished for her crimes.

                  Psychobabble and Body language aside, she's still guilty regardless of how its painted.

                  Wrap a turd in chocolate and batter and then fry it...and it will still taste and smell like s**t.

                  That's the bizarre reasoning behind trying to make pathetic excuses for Letby's innocence.

                  Last edited by The Rookie Detective; 07-11-2024, 01:38 PM.
                  "Great minds, don't think alike"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by The Rookie Detective View Post
                    Psychobabble and Body language aside, she's still guilty regardless of how its painted.
                    I do not know enough about the case to make an informed comment either way. I was surprised by the lack of 'physical evidence' in the case so just wondering why do YOU consider her to be guilty, like I said I've not a horse in the race but would love to hear your opinion on it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post

                      I do not know enough about the case to make an informed comment either way. I was surprised by the lack of 'physical evidence' in the case so just wondering why do YOU consider her to be guilty, like I said I've not a horse in the race but would love to hear your opinion on it.
                      Same here. No horse in this race either. When the original case was in the news it kind of passed me by. I just assumed that there must have been a case iron case against her with lots of physical evidence etc. But after reading the article does seem like there is more to it.

                      I imagine that because this is such an emotive case it will be very difficult for many people to see her as anything but guilty.
                      Best wishes,



                      • #12
                        There is an interesting two page discussion of the Lucy Letby case in the latest edition of Private Eye.
                        It basically raises concerns that certain aspects of the prosecution case.

                        Specifically that Private Eye " was contacted by a number of experts who believe the science and statistics presented in court were incomplete and flawed and that the case against Letby was not proven beyond reasonable doubt."

                        Watch this space!


                        • #13
                          Could turn into quite something here. I was surprised to hear that the court of appeal refused to listen to an expert witness because he was not part of the original trial. Something that sounds rather bizarre?
                          Best wishes,



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Losmandris View Post
                            Could turn into quite something here. I was surprised to hear that the court of appeal refused to listen to an expert witness because he was not part of the original trial. Something that sounds rather bizarre?
                            Circling the wagons perhaps Los?


                            • #15
                              I've read a few more bits and pieces and to be honest I'm on the fence with this one, like I said no horse in the race but something seems off here and I think in the future we can see a Barry George going on here as in her being released. Something stinks for sure...

