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  • Information

    I’m researching a couple of murders for my next book and came across two bits of information that might be of interest.

    In the first the killer stood behind his victim armed with a billhook. He slashed at the side of her neck and she fell to the ground. He then slashed again at her neck again as she lay on her side. The wounds were some five inches long and three and a half inches deep. The blows severed the carotid arteries and cut halfway through the spine.

    However the killer got no blood on him at all. He said later there was no need to wash his clothes!

    In the second case a little boy was murdered in 1881. The police wanted a record of the crime scene and commissioned the local surveyor to provide sketches of the area. The interesting thing was photographs of the area were taken by a commercial photographer who then sold them as souvenirs. You have to wonder why the police didn’t get photographs made instead of sketches.