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Jack the Ripper for Dummies

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  • Celesta
    Originally posted by sdreid View Post
    How about a PC Jack the Ripper for the Mentally Challenged or Special Needs Jack the Ripper?

    PC is not what I meant! I meant there was another series that was similar to the dummy series!

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  • caz
    Dr Eleanor T Smart

    Hi Sam,

    That one took me the longest to figure out, you bugger!

    Any idea what the R stands for (assuming it's a middle initial)?


    Caz the Dummy

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  • sdreid
    How about a PC Jack the Ripper for the Mentally Challenged or Special Needs Jack the Ripper?

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  • Celesta
    Originally posted by John Bennett View Post
    Thanks steje73, I agree, probably no point the experts having it except for book-shelf completism, but the point of a 'dummies' book is to demystify and simplify quite complex subjects, which JTR most certainly is!

    I'd love to have a bash at it but I can't find out the right publisher - different publishers deal with different subjects in the series, you see.


    Hi John,

    Would it have to be a dummies book per say? Isn't there another series that's like that, but has a different publisher than the dummies series?

    The idea came up because there was a thread about myths, didn't it? How many JTR myths are there? One I remember well, because 2 members corrected me on it, was the story that Kate Eddowes was arrested for being drunk and imitating a fire engine in the front of T. Cutbush's home. Apparently, there was only one reference to this and nothing prior to that reference. I got the story from Pat Cornwell's book. But it seems that there is nothing to support the story. This is the kind of myths that I was thinking that a dummies book would correct, esp. for the general public, who still envision the swirling black cape and Gladston bag.

    No one wants to nudge you in the wrong direction, John, and have you get stuck with a project that you can't sell, so it's good you're being cautious.

    Last edited by Celesta; 06-19-2008, 03:52 AM.

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  • Celesta
    Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
    It really annoys me when people keep referring to his victims as "horse" - most of them had little or no choice in what they became, and they must have had feelings too.

    ...just kidding

    And of course they were never expected to rein those were they?

    Lame, I know, Sam, but at least I tried.

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  • John Bennett
    Thanks steje73, I agree, probably no point the experts having it except for book-shelf completism, but the point of a 'dummies' book is to demystify and simplify quite complex subjects, which JTR most certainly is!

    I'd love to have a bash at it but I can't find out the right publisher - different publishers deal with different subjects in the series, you see.


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  • steje73
    I suspect that the majority of people on here would know a bit too much to buy one, but I also think that it would be a good idea as a primer for interested parties who don't. So yes, I reckon you should go for it too. After all, the person who comes up with the final proof to who Jack was might not yet be fully aware of how interested they might be in the subject.

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  • Paddy Goose
    Originally posted by John Bennett View Post
    Ho hum. As an idea, it doesn't seem to be going down too well
    Are you kidding me? John, that woud sell like hotcakes in the US. Beef it up and go for it, sir.


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  • jc007
    LOL very funny Sam, I got a chuckle out of that

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  • Sam Flynn
    Originally posted by jc007 View Post
    others have made money off of beating a dead horse
    It really annoys me when people keep referring to his victims as "horse" - most of them had little or no choice in what they became, and they must have had feelings too.

    ...just kidding

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  • John Bennett
    Ho hum.

    As an idea, it doesn't seem to be going down too well....

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  • jc007
    Problem with a JtR for dummies is that there are not alot of ascertained facts concerning the case, not even down to how many victims he had, even that is heavily debated. The only probably definate fact that no one would debate or argue with is there was a killer in 1888 killing prostitutes and was given the nickname Jack the Ripper, even where the Jack the Ripper name came from can be debated, yes i know rumour has it that a journalist came up with it etc etc etc, my point is its not a ascertained fact, very little is concerning the JtR case thus having a book like that you wouldn't get much into it, so you would have to add in certain so called myths or other possible beliefs to help people understand and make up their own minds regarding JtR and again there are a plethera of books like that, i have about 6 or so books about JtR and all are essential the same, i haven't been shocked by reading one book and finding out something that wasn't in another one, i should of learnt after buying the first few books. anyway my point is if people were interested in JtR there are already plenty of books concerning the case covering everything people need to know there are sites like this one and not to mention dvd documentarys a few of which i have also. Then again another useless book might not hurt, others have made money off of beating a dead horse, may as well keep beating it

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  • Robert
    Hi Christine

    Yes, but I think that particular one is from "Menagerie." Poor old Captain Pike.

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  • Sam Flynn
    Just for jolly

    Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
    May I commend "Jack the Priper"
    Or books by these famous scrambled Ripper authors:

    Enid Lips-Pugh
    Vesta S. Antwerp
    Gale B Pug
    Lorna Dud-Womble
    Randi Motif
    Vilma Shriner
    Dr Eleanor T Smart
    Walter Conical-Rip

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  • Christine
    Wait a second Robert...those Eggheads are associated with the "ancient entity who feeds on fear and especially hates women" theory. At least it's not the dumbest theory so far!

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