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Inside Bucks Row: An interview with Steve Blomer

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by TheCuriousCat View Post

    Wow. When I implied your comment was irrelevant you told me to read the thread only to finally confirm that... it was irrelevant. What a waste of time.
    Nope. It was relevant to the criticism leveled at the podcast - there were errors in it. When somebody who extensively goes into trying to explain a development in which PC.s and a section sergeant are involved, it does not invoke faith if that somebody speaks about the sections sergeants beat.

    Whether you consider that a waste of time is of no consequence to me.

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  • TheCuriousCat
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post

    I told you to read the entire thread in order for you to take in all that had been said. I did not say that the Kirby matter was one where speaking of him having a beat proved either that Lechmere was guilty or innocent. The point I was making was that there were errors in the podcast, and speaking about the Section Sergeants "beat" was one of those errors since Section Sergeants never had any beats. I did not say that it was important as such - that is your invention - I said it was wrong.

    The criticism led to extensive bad blood and now that we have sorted it, you want me to bring it up back again. That is why I said I would rather not do it.
    Wow. When I implied your comment was irrelevant you told me to read the thread only to finally confirm that... it was irrelevant. What a waste of time.

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post

    well I thought my wording of my second possibility left open that he lied on purpose to quickly get passed Mizen (either because he was innocent and just wanted to get to work quickly or that he was guilty and wanted to not be questioned/searched!)

    but yes, a guilty lech is an option for him lying to mizen
    Relax, I was just pulling your leg. I know that the option was hidden in there. But I do think that it must be mentioned, since it is what the whole matter is about.

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by TheCuriousCat View Post

    I'm not sure if you can tell, but I am bending over backwards to give you a fair opportunity to make your point.

    I HAVE made my point, and I did so before you started bending.

    If you don't make use of opportunities like this, you really can't complain if you get dismissed in the future.

    Well, we can't have that, can we? The very thought of somebody dismissing me out here of course makes my blood run cold. it would be such a rare thing.

    I've read the entire thread twice now. I don't see any post by you explaining why it is important. Can you give me the post number?
    I told you to read the entire thread in order for you to take in all that had been said. I did not say that the Kirby matter was one where speaking of him having a beat proved either that Lechmere was guilty or innocent. The point I was making was that there were errors in the podcast, and speaking about the Section Sergeants "beat" was one of those errors since Section Sergeants never had any beats. I did not say that it was important as such - that is your invention - I said it was wrong.

    The criticism led to extensive bad blood and now that we have sorted it, you want me to bring it up back again. That is why I said I would rather not do it.

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  • Abby Normal
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post

    I was actually asking Abby, who left out the true reason...
    well I thought my wording of my second possibility left open that he lied on purpose to quickly get passed Mizen (either because he was innocent and just wanted to get to work quickly or that he was guilty and wanted to not be questioned/searched!)

    but yes, a guilty lech is an option for him lying to mizen

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  • TheCuriousCat
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post

    If you read the entire thread, you will have your answer. I'm done with the subject for now.

    I'm not sure if you can tell, but I am bending over backwards to give you a fair opportunity to make your point. If you don't make use of opportunities like this, you really can't complain if you get dismissed in the future. I've read the entire thread twice now. I don't see any post by you explaining why it is important. Can you give me the post number?

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by TheCuriousCat View Post
    I just wanted to say that I was delighted by this podcast because I was one of those people who saw the documentary and thought it had finally been cracked. I mean, after all, he was seen hunched over the body, he suspiciously lied to Mizen, and he tried to keep Paul from talking. That all sounds very damning... I also got the distinct impression that all this information was lifted straight from the inquiry.

    It was useful to learn that, at best, everything I took away from the documentary was debatable, and mostly it was just wrong.

    Reading the debate here, I'm confused by the nature of some of the criticism. Whether the Sgt. was on a round, a beat, a walk, a route, a trajectory, a perambulation, a path, a way, a jog, a saunter, or a poke about, the fact remains that we don't know where he was at the time. That's the impression I got from the podcast, that's the impression I got now. Does it cast any light on what happened that night? Does a round make it more likely that Lechmere was the killer?

    Hi Cat, no it makes it no more probable, the beat/route "debate" is not material to the murder

    Jonathan was simply asking me if we have any idea where Kirby was. Apart from his being according to his own testimony in Bucks Row at close to 3.15, all I have found is that he was probably back at the station by the time Mizen arrived for the ambulance .
    I have no idea about the rest of his movements.
    Jonathan on one occasion, I believe, used the term beat, rather than route.
    Apparently that was meant to mislead people, I have to say in an not sure how it would.

    That is what the debate centres around.

    Last edited by Elamarna; 08-08-2019, 05:16 PM.

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post

    I was actually asking Abby, who left out the true reason...
    Well no harm in saying it's included


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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

    It's included in the book,
    I give 5 possible explanations for the apparent discrepancy.
    While i favour one, just as you do, I say it's for the reader to decide which they prefer

    I was actually asking Abby, who left out the true reason...

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by TheCuriousCat View Post

    If you think the beat/round distinction is important to understanding what happened that night, I would be more than happy to hear it.
    If you read the entire thread, you will have your answer. I'm done with the subject for now.

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post

    What happened to the very real possibility that Lechmere lied in order to fool the police after having killed Nichols...?

    It's included in the book,
    I give 5 possible explanations for the apparent discrepancy.
    While i favour one, just as you do, I say it's for the reader to decide which they prefer


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  • TheCuriousCat
    Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post

    I'd say "promenade", but then I'm pretentious
    Darn it! I knew I missed a good one!

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  • TheCuriousCat
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post

    I could take you up on that.

    Then again, I could resist the temptation.
    If you think the beat/round distinction is important to understanding what happened that night, I would be more than happy to hear it.

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  • Sam Flynn
    Originally posted by TheCuriousCat View Post
    Whether the Sgt. was on a round, a beat, a walk, a route, a trajectory, a perambulation, a path, a way, a jog, a saunter, or a poke about...
    I'd say "promenade", but then I'm pretentious

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by jmenges View Post
    Thanks Fish.
    You're welcome to come on the show at any time.

    Thanks, but you really should invite Edward instead...

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