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Mr Galloway's blotchy faced man

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  • Mr Galloway's blotchy faced man

    16th Nov 1888 – Evening News reports that Mr Galloway (a clerk) witnessed a man resembling Mr’s Cox’s blotchy faced/carroty moustache man. Galloway followed the man up Whitechapel road and Commercial Street. The man looked like a villain and seemed to be aware he was being followed by Galloway so kept crossing the road and trying to avoid people. I think he did this 6 times. When they entered Thrawl Street, the blotchy man saw a policeman and was startled by the cop’s appearance. Galloway informed the constable and said he looks like the description provided by Mary Ann Cox. The constable declined to arrest him because he was looking for a man of a very difference appearance

    A day later on 17th Nov the police claim as reported in Evening News that the man Mr Galloway saw is a respectable citizen and that he was acting in “concert with them in his mysterious movements”.

    Anyone shed any light on what was meant by in concert with them in his mysterious movements?
    I assumed he was a plain clothes detective but then why act startled and keep crossing the road to avoid people.