Originally posted by David Orsam
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In the absence of conclusive proof to any scenario the balance of probabilities points heavily to him being in custody the night MJK was killed.
All you have done is thrown into the mix an assortment of scenarios, with not one piece of anything relative to Tumblety to support any of them
On a final note if you look at the whole page of the court calendar a document, which is paramount to these arguments, things should become clearer. You can see that there are a number of other defendants shown on that sheet with various entries relating to bail against there names.
Walter Wright (on bail)
Jane Levy (bailed at police court)
Arthur Cotleee (bailed at police court)
Francis Tumblety (bailed Nov 16th)
Henry Ginger bailed Nov 16th
Now to me, and I hope to everyone else who has sided with you, that suggests that he was not bailed as you suggest at the police court on Nov 7th if he had been I would have expected the entry in the court calendar relating to him to show that in line with the other entries. Or are you going to say the court made a clerical error in omitting that important fact, a fact you desperately need to prop up one of your scenarios.
I cannot post the entry because my copy is very poor but for the benefit of others perhaps you would be so kind so others can see what I am referring to.
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