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These search terms have been highlighted: probate tumblety's will list beneficiaries
Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Forums > Ripper Discussions > Suspects > Tumblety, Francis > Probate of Tumbelty's Will (1907) - List of beneficiaries
PDAView Full Version : Probate of Tumbelty's Will (1907) - List of beneficiaries
chris22nd August 2007, 01:05 PM
The following article gives a resumé of Dr. T's career and lists the beneficiaries of his will including a sister and nieces in the UK and US
Washington Post
16 April 1907
Big Estate of Dr. Tumilty Is Soon to Be Distributed.
Supposed Pauper, Who Once Lived Here, Left Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland $10,000 Each.
By the will of a supposed pauper, Dr. Francis T. Tumilty, who died in St. Louis in 1904, two distinguished Catholic prelates, Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland, are beneficiaries in the sum of $10,000 each. Owing to the death of Michael Fitzsimmons, one of the other contestants, the will will soon be soon probated.
Old Washingtonians remember Tumilty, who was one of the most picturesque of the many vagabonds who have at different times made this city their stamping ground. He started life as a newsboy in Rochester, and later entered the employ of a physician as an office boy, where he picked up a smattering of medical knowledge. For some years after he traveled about making much money as a doctor, but was regarded by members of his own profession as a quack. When he turned up in Washington he said that he held a commission as a colonel in the United States army, and that he was attached to the staff of Gen. McClellan.
He appeared everywhere and claimed to enjoy the friendship of many prominent government officials. His coat was well plastered with decorations, which he said had been bestowed upon him by European sovereigns, who were grateful for his services in the leading continental hospitals.
But the day of reckoning came, and Tumilty, unable to bear the storm of ridicule which was raised against him, fled to St. Louis.
He returned to Washington, however, in time to become associated in the public mind with the Lincoln conspirators. Herold, who was convicted on the charge of being a confederate of Booth in the assassination and was hanged, was said to have been Tumilty's valet, but this the "doctor" stoutly denied.
Once again the "doctor" was to come before the public in an unenviable light. This was at the time of the Whitechapel murders, twenty years ago, when Tumilty, because of his predilection for collecting female anatomical specimens, became an object of suspicion to the detectives of Scotland Yard. Sufficient evidence to justify his detention could not be secured and he was eventually released. An effort was made to arrest him on another charge, but he disappeared before this could be done and later reappeared on this side of the Atlantic.
From the extreme of ostentation, Tumilty passed to the extreme of *****rdliness, his habits and apparent necessity leading to the prevalent belief that he was a pauper. He was found dead in the grounds of a small hospital, where he had been a charity patient, and was supposed by the officials of the institution to be penniless. In reality his check was good for $130,000, and he possessed diamonds which, it is said, were valued at the time at $25,000. His entire estate amounted to about $200,000.
The beneficiaries of the will are:
Mrs. Thomas Brady of Liverpool, England, a niece;
Mrs. Jane Haynes, Vallejo, Cal., a sister;
Mrs. Patrick Barrett and Mary Fitzsimmons, of this city, nieces, $10,000:
Mark A. Blackburn, formerly coachman and valet to Dr. Tumilty, $5,000:
and Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland, $10,000 each, for charitable purposes.
chris22nd August 2007, 01:14 PM
Mrs. Thomas Brady
1901 census
Three women of this name:
39 Great Nelson, Liverpool
Thomas Brady aged 48 born Ireland - labourer
Jane Brady aged 40 born Ireland
5H 23 Court, Newsham Street, Liverpool
Thomas Brady aged 62 born Ireland - Dock labourer
Eliza Brady aged 64 borbn Liverpool
17 Whitley Street, Liverpool
Thomas Brady aged 27 born Cavan, Ireland - Dock labourer
Kate Brady aged 28 born Dublin, Ireland
If anyone has access to the 1900 US census, could they look for Tumblety's sister, Jane Haynes, in Vallejo?
Thanks guys
chris22nd August 2007, 01:26 PM
Here is the original article:
chrisg22nd August 2007, 02:46 PM
Hi Chris
Thanks for this. I recall from my previous work on Tumblety's wills that the relative was actually located in Widnes near Liverpool. Possibly she had lived in Liverpool earlier but by the time the will was probated she was living in Widnes.
This is what I said in the article "Jack the Ripper’s Liverpool" that appeared in Ripperologist 49 in September 2003: "He had a sister, Bridget Brady, who lived in nearby Widnes, east of Liverpool. Mrs. Brady was one of a number of relatives of Tumblety’s who received money under the terms of a will signed a month before his 28 May 1903 death in St. Louis."
Specifically, I believe Bridget Brady, whether sister or niece of Dr. Francis Tumblety, lived in Farnworth, Widnes.
All the best
chris22nd August 2007, 03:54 PM
Hi Chris
Many thanks for the info.
In the 1901 Census there are two women of the name of Bridget Brady listed living in the Parish of Farnworth, Lancashire.
These are:
47 Lee Street, Farnworth
Head: Thomas Campden aged 22 born Farnworth - Greengrocer
Servant: Bridget Brady (Unmarried) aged 36 born Ireland - Domestic servant
District Bolton Union Workhouse:
Pauper Inmate:
Bridget Brady (Widow) aged 63 born Ireland - Retired charwoman
On two grounds the first entry can be discounted:
1) In this case Brady is her maiden name, not her married name
2) If Tumblety were born circa 1833, a sister born in 1865 is not feasible. One born in 1838 (the 2nd entry) is feasible.
The Washington Post gives the sister's name as Mrs. Thomas Brady. If the pauper inmate listed in 1901 could be traced back to being married to a Thomas Brady before being widowed, this would strengthen the identification.
There is only one woman of the name of Bridget Brady in the 1891 census with the right year of birth (1838) and she was indeed married to a man named Thomas.
In 1891 they are listed as follows:
27 Bostock Street, Bootle, Lancashire
Head: Thomas Brady aged 59 born Manchester - Dock labourer
Wife: Bridget Brady aged 53 born Liverpool
This couple are listed in 1881 as follows:
5 Balliol Terrace, Bootle
Head: Thomas Brady aged 49 born Manchester - Labourer in docks
Wife: Bridget Brady aged 44 born Liverpool
The main objection, of course, is the place of birth in that the elderly pauper of 1901 is listed as born in Ireland, but Thomas's wife from 1881 and 1891 is listed as born in Liverpool.
chris22nd August 2007, 04:00 PM
Here is the covering sheet for 1901 for the Workhouse showing its location in Farnworth:
chrisg22nd August 2007, 04:10 PM
Hi Chris
If it is Tumblety's sister rather than niece we are looking for, I don't think Tumblety's sister would have been born in Liverpool. So the pauper inmate born in Ireland in 1838 appears more likely, her husband Thomas Brady (assuming that was her husband) having conceivably died by then.
apwolf22nd August 2007, 10:03 PM
Of course the name 'Haynes' will always get me going in this regard.
But no matter.
There is a Bridget Brady intimately involved in the Dublin murders of June 1883, Fenian matters... but at a meeting of the 'Irish Distressed Ladies Fund' in 1898 in London a song was presented with the title 'Bridget Brady', and I wondered whether this might be a reference.
cd22nd August 2007, 10:27 PM
I notice that the newspaper article states that "an effort was made to arrest him on another charge, but he disappeared before that could be done...."
I wonder if they are referring to the charge of gross indeceny and simply got their facts wrong or if they are alluding to a charge in connection with the murders that Scotland Yard wanted to make?
PerryMason22nd August 2007, 11:30 PM
Hi all,
I think the charges were for his large money caches around the states, alledgedly held to support Fenian interests. I believe there was a large amount listed as being held in San Francisco, which might explain the signature requests that Scotland Yard made regarding him from that city.
He was an anarchist in I think many ways, representing himself as a certified doctor...which he was not,.. although acceptable socially he was also misbehaving in less than genteel fashion with young men around the city, he was known to don uniforms he never wore officially, badges of honor that were never issued to him, he even was rumoured to have worn dark skin paint to disguise himself as an Indian Colonel I believe, ...accused of poisoning in Nova Scotia, accused on helping plan an assasination attempt, and he ammassed a fortune selling elixers and tonics....of which I have a few contemporary American Bottles of, a lot of nasty ingredients I can assure you.
And to think it all started out near a stream, as a child... where he sold pornography to passing boats.
I was struck how little money is mentioned here being doled out, I realize a lot for the time of his death, but not like what I was under the impression he had.
My best regards all.
aspallek23rd August 2007, 02:47 AM
I'll have to do some checking since I live here in St. Louis. I did not realize that he was "found dead" on the grounds of the hospital as opposed to dying in his bed. He died at St. John's Mercy Hospital which was then in the city but has now moved out to the suburbs -- and a large and prestigious hospital it is today. St. John's was founded in 1871 as a women's and children's 25-bed hospital. I also have never heard it said before that he was presumed to be penniless. I do remember looking up an article from a St. Louis newspaper at the time of his death, which was reported as that of a well-known citizen as I recall.
I'll try to do some looking in local newspapers and such.
From the St. John's Mercy website:
Brief History of St. John's Mercy Medical Center
The Sisters of Mercy were founded as a Religious Congregation by Catherine McAuley in Dublin, Ireland, in 1831. Members aided sick and wounded English soldiers on the Turkish border during the Crimean War.
In 1871, the Sisters of Mercy converted a classroom at St. Bridget's School (724 N. 23rd) in St. Louis into a 25-bed infirmary for women and children. Two years later the facility became a general hospital — St. John’s Hospital.
In 1910, the Sisters secured a loan to construct a 200-bed facility at Euclid and Parkview overlooking Forest Park. Even after expanding to 357 beds, adding OB, pediatrics and 24-hour emergency services, the need for beds and services continued.
In 1963, St. John's Mercy moved to its current location at Conway and Ballas. In less than two years it was treating more than 71,000 patients annually, delivering 4,400 babies, and handling 47,000 outpatient and 17,000 emergency room cases. The burn center at St. John's Mercy (started in 1967) has become the largest of its kind in the state, treating children and adults from a two-state area.
To better describe the services and care available, St. John's Mercy Hospital became St. John's Mercy Medical Center on February 4, 1971. More recently, the Medical Center has embarked upon a long-term master facility plan that has already given rise to two new floors in the main hospital building, providing 66 private rooms for new mothers and two full-term nurseries. The David C. Pratt Cancer Center was opened in 2003, bringing the Medical Center's extensive oncology services together in one location. In 2006, the St. John's Mercy Heart Hospital became the region's first hospital dedicated to heart and vascular care.
And true to its beginnings, St. John's Mercy is still known for its care for mothers and babies. The Medical Center's 100-bed OB service, including a 27-bed neonatal intensive care unit, is recognized as a leader in the St. Louis area.
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These search terms have been highlighted: probate tumblety's will list beneficiaries
Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Forums > Ripper Discussions > Suspects > Tumblety, Francis > Probate of Tumbelty's Will (1907) - List of beneficiaries
PDAView Full Version : Probate of Tumbelty's Will (1907) - List of beneficiaries
chris22nd August 2007, 01:05 PM
The following article gives a resumé of Dr. T's career and lists the beneficiaries of his will including a sister and nieces in the UK and US
Washington Post
16 April 1907
Big Estate of Dr. Tumilty Is Soon to Be Distributed.
Supposed Pauper, Who Once Lived Here, Left Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland $10,000 Each.
By the will of a supposed pauper, Dr. Francis T. Tumilty, who died in St. Louis in 1904, two distinguished Catholic prelates, Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland, are beneficiaries in the sum of $10,000 each. Owing to the death of Michael Fitzsimmons, one of the other contestants, the will will soon be soon probated.
Old Washingtonians remember Tumilty, who was one of the most picturesque of the many vagabonds who have at different times made this city their stamping ground. He started life as a newsboy in Rochester, and later entered the employ of a physician as an office boy, where he picked up a smattering of medical knowledge. For some years after he traveled about making much money as a doctor, but was regarded by members of his own profession as a quack. When he turned up in Washington he said that he held a commission as a colonel in the United States army, and that he was attached to the staff of Gen. McClellan.
He appeared everywhere and claimed to enjoy the friendship of many prominent government officials. His coat was well plastered with decorations, which he said had been bestowed upon him by European sovereigns, who were grateful for his services in the leading continental hospitals.
But the day of reckoning came, and Tumilty, unable to bear the storm of ridicule which was raised against him, fled to St. Louis.
He returned to Washington, however, in time to become associated in the public mind with the Lincoln conspirators. Herold, who was convicted on the charge of being a confederate of Booth in the assassination and was hanged, was said to have been Tumilty's valet, but this the "doctor" stoutly denied.
Once again the "doctor" was to come before the public in an unenviable light. This was at the time of the Whitechapel murders, twenty years ago, when Tumilty, because of his predilection for collecting female anatomical specimens, became an object of suspicion to the detectives of Scotland Yard. Sufficient evidence to justify his detention could not be secured and he was eventually released. An effort was made to arrest him on another charge, but he disappeared before this could be done and later reappeared on this side of the Atlantic.
From the extreme of ostentation, Tumilty passed to the extreme of *****rdliness, his habits and apparent necessity leading to the prevalent belief that he was a pauper. He was found dead in the grounds of a small hospital, where he had been a charity patient, and was supposed by the officials of the institution to be penniless. In reality his check was good for $130,000, and he possessed diamonds which, it is said, were valued at the time at $25,000. His entire estate amounted to about $200,000.
The beneficiaries of the will are:
Mrs. Thomas Brady of Liverpool, England, a niece;
Mrs. Jane Haynes, Vallejo, Cal., a sister;
Mrs. Patrick Barrett and Mary Fitzsimmons, of this city, nieces, $10,000:
Mark A. Blackburn, formerly coachman and valet to Dr. Tumilty, $5,000:
and Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland, $10,000 each, for charitable purposes.
chris22nd August 2007, 01:14 PM
Mrs. Thomas Brady
1901 census
Three women of this name:
39 Great Nelson, Liverpool
Thomas Brady aged 48 born Ireland - labourer
Jane Brady aged 40 born Ireland
5H 23 Court, Newsham Street, Liverpool
Thomas Brady aged 62 born Ireland - Dock labourer
Eliza Brady aged 64 borbn Liverpool
17 Whitley Street, Liverpool
Thomas Brady aged 27 born Cavan, Ireland - Dock labourer
Kate Brady aged 28 born Dublin, Ireland
If anyone has access to the 1900 US census, could they look for Tumblety's sister, Jane Haynes, in Vallejo?
Thanks guys
chris22nd August 2007, 01:26 PM
Here is the original article:
chrisg22nd August 2007, 02:46 PM
Hi Chris
Thanks for this. I recall from my previous work on Tumblety's wills that the relative was actually located in Widnes near Liverpool. Possibly she had lived in Liverpool earlier but by the time the will was probated she was living in Widnes.
This is what I said in the article "Jack the Ripper’s Liverpool" that appeared in Ripperologist 49 in September 2003: "He had a sister, Bridget Brady, who lived in nearby Widnes, east of Liverpool. Mrs. Brady was one of a number of relatives of Tumblety’s who received money under the terms of a will signed a month before his 28 May 1903 death in St. Louis."
Specifically, I believe Bridget Brady, whether sister or niece of Dr. Francis Tumblety, lived in Farnworth, Widnes.
All the best
chris22nd August 2007, 03:54 PM
Hi Chris
Many thanks for the info.
In the 1901 Census there are two women of the name of Bridget Brady listed living in the Parish of Farnworth, Lancashire.
These are:
47 Lee Street, Farnworth
Head: Thomas Campden aged 22 born Farnworth - Greengrocer
Servant: Bridget Brady (Unmarried) aged 36 born Ireland - Domestic servant
District Bolton Union Workhouse:
Pauper Inmate:
Bridget Brady (Widow) aged 63 born Ireland - Retired charwoman
On two grounds the first entry can be discounted:
1) In this case Brady is her maiden name, not her married name
2) If Tumblety were born circa 1833, a sister born in 1865 is not feasible. One born in 1838 (the 2nd entry) is feasible.
The Washington Post gives the sister's name as Mrs. Thomas Brady. If the pauper inmate listed in 1901 could be traced back to being married to a Thomas Brady before being widowed, this would strengthen the identification.
There is only one woman of the name of Bridget Brady in the 1891 census with the right year of birth (1838) and she was indeed married to a man named Thomas.
In 1891 they are listed as follows:
27 Bostock Street, Bootle, Lancashire
Head: Thomas Brady aged 59 born Manchester - Dock labourer
Wife: Bridget Brady aged 53 born Liverpool
This couple are listed in 1881 as follows:
5 Balliol Terrace, Bootle
Head: Thomas Brady aged 49 born Manchester - Labourer in docks
Wife: Bridget Brady aged 44 born Liverpool
The main objection, of course, is the place of birth in that the elderly pauper of 1901 is listed as born in Ireland, but Thomas's wife from 1881 and 1891 is listed as born in Liverpool.
chris22nd August 2007, 04:00 PM
Here is the covering sheet for 1901 for the Workhouse showing its location in Farnworth:
chrisg22nd August 2007, 04:10 PM
Hi Chris
If it is Tumblety's sister rather than niece we are looking for, I don't think Tumblety's sister would have been born in Liverpool. So the pauper inmate born in Ireland in 1838 appears more likely, her husband Thomas Brady (assuming that was her husband) having conceivably died by then.
apwolf22nd August 2007, 10:03 PM
Of course the name 'Haynes' will always get me going in this regard.
But no matter.
There is a Bridget Brady intimately involved in the Dublin murders of June 1883, Fenian matters... but at a meeting of the 'Irish Distressed Ladies Fund' in 1898 in London a song was presented with the title 'Bridget Brady', and I wondered whether this might be a reference.
cd22nd August 2007, 10:27 PM
I notice that the newspaper article states that "an effort was made to arrest him on another charge, but he disappeared before that could be done...."
I wonder if they are referring to the charge of gross indeceny and simply got their facts wrong or if they are alluding to a charge in connection with the murders that Scotland Yard wanted to make?
PerryMason22nd August 2007, 11:30 PM
Hi all,
I think the charges were for his large money caches around the states, alledgedly held to support Fenian interests. I believe there was a large amount listed as being held in San Francisco, which might explain the signature requests that Scotland Yard made regarding him from that city.
He was an anarchist in I think many ways, representing himself as a certified doctor...which he was not,.. although acceptable socially he was also misbehaving in less than genteel fashion with young men around the city, he was known to don uniforms he never wore officially, badges of honor that were never issued to him, he even was rumoured to have worn dark skin paint to disguise himself as an Indian Colonel I believe, ...accused of poisoning in Nova Scotia, accused on helping plan an assasination attempt, and he ammassed a fortune selling elixers and tonics....of which I have a few contemporary American Bottles of, a lot of nasty ingredients I can assure you.

I was struck how little money is mentioned here being doled out, I realize a lot for the time of his death, but not like what I was under the impression he had.
My best regards all.
aspallek23rd August 2007, 02:47 AM
I'll have to do some checking since I live here in St. Louis. I did not realize that he was "found dead" on the grounds of the hospital as opposed to dying in his bed. He died at St. John's Mercy Hospital which was then in the city but has now moved out to the suburbs -- and a large and prestigious hospital it is today. St. John's was founded in 1871 as a women's and children's 25-bed hospital. I also have never heard it said before that he was presumed to be penniless. I do remember looking up an article from a St. Louis newspaper at the time of his death, which was reported as that of a well-known citizen as I recall.
I'll try to do some looking in local newspapers and such.
From the St. John's Mercy website:
Brief History of St. John's Mercy Medical Center
The Sisters of Mercy were founded as a Religious Congregation by Catherine McAuley in Dublin, Ireland, in 1831. Members aided sick and wounded English soldiers on the Turkish border during the Crimean War.
In 1871, the Sisters of Mercy converted a classroom at St. Bridget's School (724 N. 23rd) in St. Louis into a 25-bed infirmary for women and children. Two years later the facility became a general hospital — St. John’s Hospital.
In 1910, the Sisters secured a loan to construct a 200-bed facility at Euclid and Parkview overlooking Forest Park. Even after expanding to 357 beds, adding OB, pediatrics and 24-hour emergency services, the need for beds and services continued.
In 1963, St. John's Mercy moved to its current location at Conway and Ballas. In less than two years it was treating more than 71,000 patients annually, delivering 4,400 babies, and handling 47,000 outpatient and 17,000 emergency room cases. The burn center at St. John's Mercy (started in 1967) has become the largest of its kind in the state, treating children and adults from a two-state area.
To better describe the services and care available, St. John's Mercy Hospital became St. John's Mercy Medical Center on February 4, 1971. More recently, the Medical Center has embarked upon a long-term master facility plan that has already given rise to two new floors in the main hospital building, providing 66 private rooms for new mothers and two full-term nurseries. The David C. Pratt Cancer Center was opened in 2003, bringing the Medical Center's extensive oncology services together in one location. In 2006, the St. John's Mercy Heart Hospital became the region's first hospital dedicated to heart and vascular care.
And true to its beginnings, St. John's Mercy is still known for its care for mothers and babies. The Medical Center's 100-bed OB service, including a 27-bed neonatal intensive care unit, is recognized as a leader in the St. Louis area.
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