With your permission, Keith, let’s return to Martin Howell’s interview with Barrett, and it will be clear that I was not misrepresenting him. I will put the most relevant sections in bold.
I apologize for the length of this post, but you really leave me no choice. MB= Barrett; MH=Howells
MB: O.K. so I phoned him up immediately and I said “come on Tony tell me the truth, what are you playing at?” Tony said “I’m not”. So I asked him I said who knows. He says “I’m telling yer the truth”. Now for several weeks later and I mean literally several weeks later I pressurised that man and I asked him question after question after question and Tony would never ever give me an answer.
MH: Has it ever crossed your mind why he would never give you an answer?
MB: Can we cut? Can we cut?
MB: At that stage I didn’t and what happened was I kept on looking throughout the library for Jack the Ripper, Jack the Ripper, Jack the Ripper. I was looking in all the books, Jack the Ripper, Jack the Ripper. Well the opening page of the diary has got ‘Whitechapel Liverpool Whitechapel London’, so I thought to myself “hang on a minute Mike stop,” but this is after many months – I emphasise many months. Stop looking at Jack the Ripper and start looking at Liverpool murders. Right and I got a book out by Richard Whittington Egan. Right, and in that book, its got quite a lot of short stories, short stories, just very small short stories – Springheel Jack and everything else what have you, and I come across Florence Maybrick, the murder, right, I think it was called Poison and Motive[?] if I’m not mistaken, and I come across that and then I come across that and I found Battlecrease House, which is very important – Battlecrease House. I suddenly realised Battlecrease House is in the diary. So consequently it had to be. So instead of looking for the Ripper I went all the way for James Maybrick, and this is what started to convince me. [NOTE THAT KEITH, MIKE IS SAYING HE GOT THE BOOK FROM THE LIBRARY]
MH: Did you ever show any of these books to Tony Devereux?
MB: No. Well Tony Devereux was dead.
MH: Yeah. It’s just that one of the daughters has apparently said that in fact she remembers that book Murder Mayhem and Mystery being lent to the younger daughter. Tony Devereux’s.
MB: Well which daughter? Sorry.
MH: The younger one. I don’t know the names. In other words that the book that you had which was your book. [NOTE IT KEITH: MARTIN IS NOW ACKNOWLEDGING THAT MIKE'S ACCOUNT IS FALSE]
MB: Are you trying to imply that Tony wrote it?
MH: No.
MB: Quite honestly, I don’t think that he had the capability of writing it. I’m not being disrespectful to a friend.
MH: No, you didn’t give the book to Tony Devereux to read when you were investigating it?
MB: Not to my knowledge. No.
Come now, Keith. I stand by my interpretation. It is clear that Martin Howells caught Barrett in an outright lie. Mike didn’t “got out a book” (from the library) he OWNED the book, and it had been in Devereux’s possession… And it was not “after” Devereux’s death, as Barret stated, it was before Devereux’s death. Howells clearly knows this, and knows he caught Barrett in a lie. I feel I am justified in suggesting that Martin was impressed by this fact—Mike Barrett’s obvious contradiction—because he kept quizzing Mike about it.
If this booklet was so “common” in Liverpool, and had no bearing on Mikes (cough) research, why is Mike going out of his way to lie about it—and seems momentarily stunned that Howells has caught him in a lie? Why are you so quick to dismiss this as a smoking gun?
It is also quite clear that Howells is aware that the book in question DID discuss the Maybrick case, otherwise his whole line of questioning would have been absurd. I never meant to imply that Howells was aware of Barret’s research notes at the time—you misread me and misstate me---but the fact remains that Barrett’s research notes DID specifically mention Tales of Liverpool, which is what I wanted to stress. I stress it because it is highly relevant and what I also think is relevant is that Barrett couldn’t reproduce the page number in his research notes—because by now that booklet was in the possession of Devereux’s daughter and had been since 1991. Why on earth you think I’m not acknowledging earlier in 1991 is anyone’s guess. What difference does that make? Devereux was alive!
Let me ask you, Keith. Do you believe Caroline Brown has been misleading these message boards by claiming or otherwise implying that Mike Barrett had a second copy of this book? Beyond Barrett’s lies, what is the source for this suggestion? Do you personally accept it without the least whiff of confirmation from anyone other than Mike, who was shown by your colleague Martin Howells to have already lied about it? Is this not an example of her treating her own “interpretation” (outright theory, rather!) as a fact we should accept?
To my knowledge, Barrett only told two versions of how he came to have RWE’S book; one that he ‘got out’ the book…implying the library. The other (whose source I do not know—I’m assuming it is something that Mike told Shirley Harrison) is that Mike saw and/or purchased a second copy of the book in a bookstore. This is the version Caroline Brown keeps referring to, without citing a source. If Mike purchased this second copy, where was it when he searched his house for it at the direction of the Fraud Unit?
The only PROVEABLE fact is that Barrtt OWNED the book at least as far back as 1991 and that it had been in Devereux’s possession. I have a guess as to why Brown would want to accept unproven tales instead of the documented version…because Barrett’s ownership of the same book he mentions in his research notes and the fact that this book was in Devereux’s possession suggests the two men did indeed discussed Maybrick Diary before Dodd’s floorboards were ever lifted. At the very least, Barrett had been aware of RWE'S book at least as far back as 1991, and was able to pass on some of the information into his research notes, without still owning a copy of it.
This is a fascinating statement, Keith. You admit ignorance of my source and in the next breath warn Scott against my alleged ignorance of the source materials!
Here is my source for Paul Feldman accepting Devereux’s temporary ownership of Tales of Liverpool as ‘convincing circumstantial evidence.’ The source for it is no more obscure than page 175 of Felman’s book, and I am surprised that you are unaware of it.

I suppose you will attempt to state that I am ‘misleading’ everyone by misstating Feldman. But am I? How could Devereux’s temporary ownership of this booklet prove that Devereux was “aware of the diary’s existence” if he wasn’t aware that the booklet contained two chapters on the Maybrick case, and wasn’t further aware that the Diary’s supposed author was identifiable as James Maybrick? So it seems, Keith, that Feldman came to the same conclusion that I did! And how can Devereux have been both aware of the diary and be “part of the story” if the Diary wasn’t unearthed until seven months after his death? Let’s face it; this is a problem for your theory—or should I say Caz Brown’s theory—which is why I suspect you are challenging it so vigorously.
Keith, I address this to you, but the following is from Caroline Brown, emphasis added.
I find this a strange statement, Keith. You have called me misleading. Are you prepared to say Caz Brown’s statement is not misleading? Caz earlier wrote that the Maybrick chapters were “tucked away” (her phrase!) in the back of the booklet.
But, Keith, the booklet was only 64 pages in length!! Fully 1/6th of the chapters dealt with Maybrick, and Barrett specifically mentions this booklet on numerous occasions. And when Liverpool Mike G. shows up on these boards, Caroline argues vigorously that Maybrick was hardly known in Liverpool, yet now she seems to be implying that this “very popular book” with two chapters on the Maybrick case, were a dime a dozen, and thus of no great concern being found in Mike and Tony’s possession. It seems like an obvious enough contradiction. Are you suggesting, Keith, that Feldman was wrong and Devereux and Mike had discussed, not Maybrick, but Lock Ah, the Gentle Chinaman from one of the earlier chapters?
And why does Caz use the statement with “no distinguishing features,” in describing Barrett’s booklet, Keith? Is this misleading or not? Is she attempting to leave the impression that it was not Mike’s booklet after all? Even though Devereux’s daughters identified it as such and were able to produce the booklet to the police? And does she---or you-- have evidence that Feldman is wrong when he wrote that Barrett’s name was written in the front? Is it not “misleading” to leave out that detail, unconfirmed as it might be?
I’ve taken the time to respond, Keith, and as you accused me of dishonestly, I would hope you would be fair-minded enough to respond to these questions.
Finally, are you speaking on behalf of Martin Howells? Do you mean to imply that I am utterly wrong and that he wouldn’t be impressed by the fact that Devereux had Mike’s booklet mentioning the Maybrick case? Are you implying that he has accepted the “Battlecrease” provenance and would look past this salient fact as of no great importance?
I do regret suggesting that Caz posts from a lunatic asylum, but some of her logic is beyond strange, and if you don’t think she dishes out as good as she receives you haven’t been reading these boards very closely over the past twenty years. She even has a cheerleader—Tom Mitchell—who constantly praises her caustic, accusatory, and (in my opinion) evasive messages. I think in the future it would be wise for you to address me directly and not post through the medium of Caroline Brown or some other third party. That is, if you wish to continue this conversation.
With your permission, Keith, let’s return to Martin Howell’s interview with Barrett, and it will be clear that I was not misrepresenting him. I will put the most relevant sections in bold.
I apologize for the length of this post, but you really leave me no choice. MB= Barrett; MH=Howells
MB: O.K. so I phoned him up immediately and I said “come on Tony tell me the truth, what are you playing at?” Tony said “I’m not”. So I asked him I said who knows. He says “I’m telling yer the truth”. Now for several weeks later and I mean literally several weeks later I pressurised that man and I asked him question after question after question and Tony would never ever give me an answer.
MH: Has it ever crossed your mind why he would never give you an answer?
MB: Can we cut? Can we cut?
MB: At that stage I didn’t and what happened was I kept on looking throughout the library for Jack the Ripper, Jack the Ripper, Jack the Ripper. I was looking in all the books, Jack the Ripper, Jack the Ripper. Well the opening page of the diary has got ‘Whitechapel Liverpool Whitechapel London’, so I thought to myself “hang on a minute Mike stop,” but this is after many months – I emphasise many months. Stop looking at Jack the Ripper and start looking at Liverpool murders. Right and I got a book out by Richard Whittington Egan. Right, and in that book, its got quite a lot of short stories, short stories, just very small short stories – Springheel Jack and everything else what have you, and I come across Florence Maybrick, the murder, right, I think it was called Poison and Motive[?] if I’m not mistaken, and I come across that and then I come across that and I found Battlecrease House, which is very important – Battlecrease House. I suddenly realised Battlecrease House is in the diary. So consequently it had to be. So instead of looking for the Ripper I went all the way for James Maybrick, and this is what started to convince me. [NOTE THAT KEITH, MIKE IS SAYING HE GOT THE BOOK FROM THE LIBRARY]
MH: Did you ever show any of these books to Tony Devereux?
MB: No. Well Tony Devereux was dead.
MH: Yeah. It’s just that one of the daughters has apparently said that in fact she remembers that book Murder Mayhem and Mystery being lent to the younger daughter. Tony Devereux’s.
MB: Well which daughter? Sorry.
MH: The younger one. I don’t know the names. In other words that the book that you had which was your book. [NOTE IT KEITH: MARTIN IS NOW ACKNOWLEDGING THAT MIKE'S ACCOUNT IS FALSE]
MB: Are you trying to imply that Tony wrote it?
MH: No.
MB: Quite honestly, I don’t think that he had the capability of writing it. I’m not being disrespectful to a friend.
MH: No, you didn’t give the book to Tony Devereux to read when you were investigating it?
MB: Not to my knowledge. No.
Come now, Keith. I stand by my interpretation. It is clear that Martin Howells caught Barrett in an outright lie. Mike didn’t “got out a book” (from the library) he OWNED the book, and it had been in Devereux’s possession… And it was not “after” Devereux’s death, as Barret stated, it was before Devereux’s death. Howells clearly knows this, and knows he caught Barrett in a lie. I feel I am justified in suggesting that Martin was impressed by this fact—Mike Barrett’s obvious contradiction—because he kept quizzing Mike about it.
If this booklet was so “common” in Liverpool, and had no bearing on Mikes (cough) research, why is Mike going out of his way to lie about it—and seems momentarily stunned that Howells has caught him in a lie? Why are you so quick to dismiss this as a smoking gun?
It is also quite clear that Howells is aware that the book in question DID discuss the Maybrick case, otherwise his whole line of questioning would have been absurd. I never meant to imply that Howells was aware of Barret’s research notes at the time—you misread me and misstate me---but the fact remains that Barrett’s research notes DID specifically mention Tales of Liverpool, which is what I wanted to stress. I stress it because it is highly relevant and what I also think is relevant is that Barrett couldn’t reproduce the page number in his research notes—because by now that booklet was in the possession of Devereux’s daughter and had been since 1991. Why on earth you think I’m not acknowledging earlier in 1991 is anyone’s guess. What difference does that make? Devereux was alive!
Let me ask you, Keith. Do you believe Caroline Brown has been misleading these message boards by claiming or otherwise implying that Mike Barrett had a second copy of this book? Beyond Barrett’s lies, what is the source for this suggestion? Do you personally accept it without the least whiff of confirmation from anyone other than Mike, who was shown by your colleague Martin Howells to have already lied about it? Is this not an example of her treating her own “interpretation” (outright theory, rather!) as a fact we should accept?
To my knowledge, Barrett only told two versions of how he came to have RWE’S book; one that he ‘got out’ the book…implying the library. The other (whose source I do not know—I’m assuming it is something that Mike told Shirley Harrison) is that Mike saw and/or purchased a second copy of the book in a bookstore. This is the version Caroline Brown keeps referring to, without citing a source. If Mike purchased this second copy, where was it when he searched his house for it at the direction of the Fraud Unit?
The only PROVEABLE fact is that Barrtt OWNED the book at least as far back as 1991 and that it had been in Devereux’s possession. I have a guess as to why Brown would want to accept unproven tales instead of the documented version…because Barrett’s ownership of the same book he mentions in his research notes and the fact that this book was in Devereux’s possession suggests the two men did indeed discussed Maybrick Diary before Dodd’s floorboards were ever lifted. At the very least, Barrett had been aware of RWE'S book at least as far back as 1991, and was able to pass on some of the information into his research notes, without still owning a copy of it.
Originally posted by caz
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Here is my source for Paul Feldman accepting Devereux’s temporary ownership of Tales of Liverpool as ‘convincing circumstantial evidence.’ The source for it is no more obscure than page 175 of Felman’s book, and I am surprised that you are unaware of it.
I suppose you will attempt to state that I am ‘misleading’ everyone by misstating Feldman. But am I? How could Devereux’s temporary ownership of this booklet prove that Devereux was “aware of the diary’s existence” if he wasn’t aware that the booklet contained two chapters on the Maybrick case, and wasn’t further aware that the Diary’s supposed author was identifiable as James Maybrick? So it seems, Keith, that Feldman came to the same conclusion that I did! And how can Devereux have been both aware of the diary and be “part of the story” if the Diary wasn’t unearthed until seven months after his death? Let’s face it; this is a problem for your theory—or should I say Caz Brown’s theory—which is why I suspect you are challenging it so vigorously.
Keith, I address this to you, but the following is from Caroline Brown, emphasis added.
Originally posted by caz
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But, Keith, the booklet was only 64 pages in length!! Fully 1/6th of the chapters dealt with Maybrick, and Barrett specifically mentions this booklet on numerous occasions. And when Liverpool Mike G. shows up on these boards, Caroline argues vigorously that Maybrick was hardly known in Liverpool, yet now she seems to be implying that this “very popular book” with two chapters on the Maybrick case, were a dime a dozen, and thus of no great concern being found in Mike and Tony’s possession. It seems like an obvious enough contradiction. Are you suggesting, Keith, that Feldman was wrong and Devereux and Mike had discussed, not Maybrick, but Lock Ah, the Gentle Chinaman from one of the earlier chapters?
And why does Caz use the statement with “no distinguishing features,” in describing Barrett’s booklet, Keith? Is this misleading or not? Is she attempting to leave the impression that it was not Mike’s booklet after all? Even though Devereux’s daughters identified it as such and were able to produce the booklet to the police? And does she---or you-- have evidence that Feldman is wrong when he wrote that Barrett’s name was written in the front? Is it not “misleading” to leave out that detail, unconfirmed as it might be?
I’ve taken the time to respond, Keith, and as you accused me of dishonestly, I would hope you would be fair-minded enough to respond to these questions.
Finally, are you speaking on behalf of Martin Howells? Do you mean to imply that I am utterly wrong and that he wouldn’t be impressed by the fact that Devereux had Mike’s booklet mentioning the Maybrick case? Are you implying that he has accepted the “Battlecrease” provenance and would look past this salient fact as of no great importance?
I do regret suggesting that Caz posts from a lunatic asylum, but some of her logic is beyond strange, and if you don’t think she dishes out as good as she receives you haven’t been reading these boards very closely over the past twenty years. She even has a cheerleader—Tom Mitchell—who constantly praises her caustic, accusatory, and (in my opinion) evasive messages. I think in the future it would be wise for you to address me directly and not post through the medium of Caroline Brown or some other third party. That is, if you wish to continue this conversation.