In the most recent HoL offering regarding why did Jack The Ripper start murdering we are given loads of 'expert' opinions from Doctor of psychology Ed Stow
He goes through various reasons why X Y or Z might have started the series of killings. Of course this quickly turns from being about all suspects to just one in particular... amazingly enough.
We are told that Holmgren believes the inspiration behind the Ripper murders lie in the anatomical Venus waxworks of the day. Of course this is mentioned in Cutting Point.
Although the above quote states 2s the flyer for admission states 1s. I presume the 2s was viewing with an included lecture. My question is would Charles Cross be willing to pay nearly a days rent to view this spectacle and if so would he even be allowed in as a lower class East ender carman? The advert clearly states 'Gentlemen' and of course was in the more affluent West End of London. The show was held for 22 years from Cross being 2 years old until he was 24.

I really find it highly unlikely that Cross would pay to attend, travel across London to attend or even be allowed in to the showing. Ideas?
(The other huge faux pas in the video was Stow claiming Cross as the killer could not escape west of the murder site as he knew he would bump into PC Neil or PC81GER hence he had to stay and 'bluff it out.' The unfortunate thing for Stow is a couple of minutes later Cross and Paul did manage to 'escape' Bucks Row without seeing another soul till they encountered PC Mizen at the end of Hanbury Street. These HoL videos are great the more he puts out the more he ties himself up in knots.)

We are told that Holmgren believes the inspiration behind the Ripper murders lie in the anatomical Venus waxworks of the day. Of course this is mentioned in Cutting Point.
DR. KAHN’S GRAND ANATOMICAL MUSEUM, 315 Oxford Street, is now OPEN from 10 o’clock in the morning till 10 o’clock at night. Popular Lectures, explanatory of the Structure and Functions of the Human Body, and illustrated by models, will be delivered daily by an English medical gentleman, at the following hours, viz., 11,1,3,5,7, and 9 o’clock – Admission 2s.
I really find it highly unlikely that Cross would pay to attend, travel across London to attend or even be allowed in to the showing. Ideas?
(The other huge faux pas in the video was Stow claiming Cross as the killer could not escape west of the murder site as he knew he would bump into PC Neil or PC81GER hence he had to stay and 'bluff it out.' The unfortunate thing for Stow is a couple of minutes later Cross and Paul did manage to 'escape' Bucks Row without seeing another soul till they encountered PC Mizen at the end of Hanbury Street. These HoL videos are great the more he puts out the more he ties himself up in knots.)