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I think I have found him.

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  • Richard,

    Have to say I am coming to the same conclusion.
    First thing was it could upset the grandson, then it was mentioned that it was something to do with how the evidence was obtained, then the question of funding was mentioned, now they can't say anything because the data is out of their control. either they have evidence or they don't.

    I was concerned that perhaps I was wrong to say they were close to teasing, hence my reply to Amanda; but it seems others feel even stronger




    • guys I just got off the phone. 'b' is not amused. Please take it off these boards.


      • .


        • Originally posted by Panderoona View Post
          guys I just got off the phone. 'b' is not amused. Please take it off these boards.
          I take it you'll not be the individual who has the job of proof reading the finished article?


          • Originally posted by Amanda View Post
            Dear Elamarna,

            As a co-member of the grampton project, I must jump in to defend Pinkmoon.
            I am sure he didn't mean to tease, but rather to reassure that there are genuine researchers working hard to answer questions.

            I do feel that old pinky may be putting his neck on the line by giving a date for the release of our facts but please rest assured that he will be reprimanded with the utmost severity for doing so, as the success of our work is dependent upon many factors out of our control.
            Yes I hear it's going to "blow the case out of the water". Ahem...yes. Sounds to me as if some of the genuine researchers are being led up the garden path. It's not the first time this has occured, and it will not be the last.


            • I just wonder why, given most of posts from the group appear to be directed to each other generally saying shut up, they don't just PM each other?


              • it's almost like they want to keep bringing the idea they have a theory they must not talk about, into the open.


                • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
                  I just wonder why, given most of posts from the group appear to be directed to each other generally saying shut up, they don't just PM each other?
                  Agree. It seems they are in a contest with Pierre as to who can be more cryptic.
                  Either that or grampton/Pierre solution is one giant conspiracy to ruse us all?
                  Or some kind of social/psychological experiment?

                  Or just perhaps they are separate and totally sincere and will reveal their theories and suspects once they have all their ducks in a row?

                  Howver, if they are both sincere, it seems to me that with what we know so far,Pierre's theory will be in the category of crack pot and the grampton solution will be along the lines of posters Prosectors theory/book-with a kernel of truth and a modicum of possibility, but will just be another ripper theory with a kernel of truth and a modicum of possibility, to throw on the pile.

                  I find this new way of ripper research rather frustrating however. The Big Tease method. LOL.


                  • BULL$H!T


                    • Pierre

                      What is the purpose of your thread? If you've got a theory share it. If you haven't then maybe you should have started this thread in the pub talk section.

                      As many have suggested it appears to be vanity, and I agree


                      • Originally posted by Amanda View Post
                        Dear Elamarna,

                        As a co-member of the grampton project, I must jump in to defend Pinkmoon.
                        I am sure he didn't mean to tease, but rather to reassure that there are genuine researchers working hard to answer questions.

                        I do feel that old pinky may be putting his neck on the line by giving a date for the release of our facts but please rest assured that he will be reprimanded with the utmost severity for doing so, as the success of our work is dependent upon many factors out of our control.
                        Lest we not digress into a vast wasteland of Pierrism Amanda, perhaps just leave your pet project and enthusiasm for the release date of your theory. Most people here are working hard to answer assume your work is harder or more valid is presumptuous and smacks of self promotion. What ever answers you and your team come up with are no better or worse than anyones unless the presentation of some undeniable proof is part of your "groups" plan.


                        • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

                          Have to say I am coming to the same conclusion.
                          First thing was it could upset the grandson, then it was mentioned that it was something to do with how the evidence was obtained, then the question of funding was mentioned, now they can't say anything because the data is out of their control. either they have evidence or they don't.

                          I was concerned that perhaps I was wrong to say they were close to teasing, hence my reply to Amanda; but it seems others feel even stronger



                          Those are all problems that I donīt have.

                          Regards Pierre


                          • Originally posted by Pierre View Post

                            Those are all problems that I donīt have.
                            Really? That's interesting because I distinctly recall you telling us that if you revealed the identity of your suspect then evidence might be destroyed.

                            In fact, I can cite the exact post. It was #771 in this thread. You said:

                            "The reasons I canīt reveal my theory before my work is finished are two: it might destroy evidence - and there is the ethical aspect of accusing innocent people."

                            When I asked you how this evidence would be destroyed, you said in #790:

                            "I wish I could tell you where this evidence is being held but I canīt."

                            Yet when Amanda says that "the data is out of their control" you tell us that this is a problem you "don't have".

                            There is a contradiction here isn't there? Either the data is in your control, and being held by you, so that there is no risk of destruction or it is out of your control and risks being destroyed.

                            Are you lying to us Pierre?


                            • David loves me.

                              I see he is here, spending his time on writing to me although I have put him on the ignore list. And David is the only one on this list.


                              • Proud to be on Pierre's Hit List

                                Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                                I see he is here, spending his time on writing to me although I have put him on the ignore list. And David is the only one on this list.
                                And I see that, despite pretending to ignore me, you are still reading my posts but avoiding actually replying to them.

                                BTW, my posts are not necessarily written to you, Pierre, they are usually written for a wider audience. One that you have so far failed to convince of anything as far as I can see.

