Finding Jack the Ripper
I stumbled on this program recently, a rebroadcast from 2019 of a series called "What on Earth" which usually looks at satellite images of apparent oddities on Earth. These generally have archaeogical or natural explanations.
The episode "Finding Jack the Ripper" focused on an American gentleman named Guy English, a crime profiler specializing in historic serial murders. He used satellite photos of London's East End, as well as historic images and on-the-ground investigation with a Ripper expert named John Bennett.
English's angle seems to be geographic profiling, which I've heard a little about, but don't know very much. He identified Jack as a marader type killer, murdering within a safe known area to his home neighborhood. Starting with the known murder sites of the Five, he established a Kill area, separted by a Buffer zone, then looked at addresses of known suspects. He narrowed the field to 7 possibles within his data, then found the center of the area led to the dwelliing of Nathan Kamisky (aka David Cohen), the violent man who ended up in Colney Hatch.
Very interesting program. Did anyone catch this? Any thoughts?
I stumbled on this program recently, a rebroadcast from 2019 of a series called "What on Earth" which usually looks at satellite images of apparent oddities on Earth. These generally have archaeogical or natural explanations.
The episode "Finding Jack the Ripper" focused on an American gentleman named Guy English, a crime profiler specializing in historic serial murders. He used satellite photos of London's East End, as well as historic images and on-the-ground investigation with a Ripper expert named John Bennett.
English's angle seems to be geographic profiling, which I've heard a little about, but don't know very much. He identified Jack as a marader type killer, murdering within a safe known area to his home neighborhood. Starting with the known murder sites of the Five, he established a Kill area, separted by a Buffer zone, then looked at addresses of known suspects. He narrowed the field to 7 possibles within his data, then found the center of the area led to the dwelliing of Nathan Kamisky (aka David Cohen), the violent man who ended up in Colney Hatch.
Very interesting program. Did anyone catch this? Any thoughts?