In his memoirs Walter Dew wrote
In another thread on the GSG the prevalence of such Graffiti was discussed at some length.
This gives rise to 2 questions:
1. Did Dew's comment support the proposition that graffiti [in chalk] was common in the area at the time AND
2. Dd the name originate with "Dear Boss", as I had always thought, or did the author of that missive adopt it from common Graffiti?
The name originated from the messages chalked on the walls, and the many letters received by the police and others bearing this terrifying signature.
This gives rise to 2 questions:
1. Did Dew's comment support the proposition that graffiti [in chalk] was common in the area at the time AND
2. Dd the name originate with "Dear Boss", as I had always thought, or did the author of that missive adopt it from common Graffiti?